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Author's Note: I wrote this last Christmas for the members of the Jackfic Yahoo! Group of which I'm one. This version is nearly identical to what they saw, I've changed a word here and there, one would be hard pressed to find them. I guess taking a month to write it makes changing it unnecessary; though the style is a bit strange, it seems to work. It's a shame not to share it further, my little List Family has had it exclusively for ten months, it was posted last Christmas Eve. I intend to do another this year, so I thought if I posted this I could focus better on a new one.

Just Imagine
A Christmas Card -- 2004
From Me to You

Just imagine you have received a card from someone you hadn't expected. From someone that has crafted a seasonal greeting, by hand, with loving care -- just for you.

Feel the card in your fingers; experience the tearing open of the envelope. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Excellent!

Now use that warmed up imagination, add in the following words and create, in your mind's eye, the image waiting inside that envelope.

Now slip the card out...

Towering evergreens cast long blue shadows over the sparkling moon-bright snow. So still was the air that not a bough stirred. Silence was absolute as no creature was willing to brave the chill air; all were snug in dens, sleeping away the harsh winter night. Stars like near, bright beacons, hid among the treetops and attempted to outshine the full winter moon. That orb appeared to always be dodging ahead, leading towards something.

Crunch. Squeak. Crunch

Two silhouettes ghost along the snow, between the trees.

Squeak. Squeak. Crunch. Thud!

"For crying out loud, Daniel. Pick up your feet!"

"Easy for you to say, you can see where you're going!"

"Here, give 'em to me, and take off that muffler. It's foggin' 'em up ya know."

"We've been walking forever, and you're not even supposed to leave the cabin. Teal'c isn't going to be happy about this."

"Teal'c will understand. It's a... it's a... well, a meaning-of-life thing and he knows more than most about that."

"Jack... are you sure you're not cold? Why aren't you wearing that heavy-weather coat of yours?"

"Because Danny, unlike yours, mine is florescent pink, kinda clashes with all of the beauty out here don't ya think! Besides I feel like a damn target in it."

"But, Sam..."

"Carter is gonna hav'ta find another way to keep track of me; and what she doesn't know won't hurt me."

"You think Teal'c isn't going to let on we're gone? And, YOU should be afraid of Sam, she'll call Janet."

"Not worried... ah, let's shake a leg. I have a feeling it's not far now."

"Oh, I can see. Thanks... Hey! What's that?"

"Come on!"

Both trudged through the crusty knee-deep snow, one chasing after the other, headed for a soft glow in the distance.

Bursting out from between two dark forest giants, the friends stop, before them lies an unexpected open expanse.

Sometime in the past, a storm toppled an aged tree and in its fall opened a corridor to the horizon, where the cold brilliant stars now shown, an aisle opened to the heavens, blocked by two other fallen giants creating a small roundish, protected space. This nave, ripped by the violence of nature into the close ranks of trees, now radiated an ethereal beauty, its ugliness hidden by a pure snow. A ring of fire scarred green warriors stood the perimeter, their reddish-brown columns burnished in the glow of an unspoken greeting. At the heart of this sacred space stood a central tree, a mere babe among ancients. And from this tree emanated such a warm light, that all it touched felt an awakening of an inner protectiveness, joining human and tree in a common goal.

"Danny, do ya see it?"

"Yes, it's like something from a Christmas legend."

Then... you do see it?"

"Of course, I do, why wouldn't I?"

" 'Cause up to just now, only three others have even seen it."


"My grandfather, myself and... Charlie."


"I don't know. I've brought maybe a half-dozen this far. Sara thought I was drunk."

"You don't...?"

"No, I don't believe. Not in Santa Claus, or God, maybe not even in a higher being, life long ago beat that nonsense from me. But this, it's never changed. Every year at this time, in this place, there is a new tree. I can't explain it and I don't want to -- Danny, I don't NEED to."

As the younger looked with compassion at the older, the small tree centered in the circular expanse of crystalline light seemed to pulse with a warm emotion.

"Holy Hannah!"

Swinging around the two man are confronted by two others, who stood shock still and stared at the small tree, transfixed in wonder at something neither expected.

"Carter, Teal'c! How did you find us?"

"O'Neill, we followed a glow through the forest."

"Sir, it's... it's... I don't have words for it."

"Indeed, nor do I."

"Jack, they both can see it."

The new arrivals moved closer to the friends, to stand united as all chosen families should. For even unsaid, they were family. The large dark-skinned man stood at the back of the silver-haired one, while the woman and young man draped a woolen blanket around his shoulders before joining him in gazing at the small miraculous tree. Each lost in thoughts of the others.

As for the tree, with each inch closer the four came to one another, its glow built until it was blinding to behold, filling the clearing with warmth, and a feeling of love.

Peace, a blazing star flashed an arc across the black velvet sky, briefly illuminating the tableau below in colors of glad hope. Four sets of eyes followed its passage and each vowed to deliver its message.

The Beginning!

I do hope indeed that you have a wonderful holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

DWARF #63 - stealth
Melting back into the forest in search of a certain star.