What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander by dinkydow

Chapter Five

Walter hung up the phone and picked up General O'Neill's schedule book with a weary sigh of resignation. The moment his CO had disappeared out of sight with the Infirmary as his goal, the Air Force Sergeant had started making some mental computations. He'd had the suspicion then that the visit wouldn't go well, and judging from the fact that the General was now a patient there, it hadn't.

'Face it, Walter, when it comes to whatever happens to the members of SG-1, past and present, there were bound to be complications. It's as if Murphy's Law was written with that particular group of four humans in mind. Wait, make that three humans and one Jaffa. Although he's the size of a human mountain and just as strong, he does look like a human being.'

From their very first mission, the gray-haired technician had been watching SG-1 walk through the Stargate, and their luck or lack of it never ceased to amaze him. It was his personal opinion that the key ingredient that had kept them all alive, more or less, for eight years was their leader, the now General Jack O'Neill.

Walter hadn't been sure if he'd like O'Neill at first, as reckless, dimwitted, and full of himself as he seemed at first glance. However, over the years he'd learned that beneath the mask of the uncaring gung-ho military mind beat the heart and soul of a man who truly cared about his team, that his oft spoken slogan of "We don't leave our people behind" was much more than just words to him. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, he knew these words were indelibly seared into his CO's soul, put there by his own grim experiences.

Sometimes it paid to be the anonymous Gate Tech because it made you virtually invisible. This was a definite plus when things got hairy because it allowed you to observe first-hand how your superiors dealt with the pressures and perks that went with command.

As the anonymous Gate Guy, he'd seen the General at his best . . . and worst. He still remembered how he'd changed into a violent Neanderthal caveman type and tried to beat the living crap out of Dr. Jackson when they'd all ended up infected by that virus in their first year of operation.

From his perch in the Control Room, he'd also watched O'Neill suffer through hours of hanging impaled to the wall of the Gate Room, as everyone there raced against time to save him from death and their planet from annihilation. Colonel O'Neill had sobbed in agony then, but in Walter's opinion, that had only made the man more human, more approachable as the 2IC of the SGC.

When Walter witnessed the General facing down his former captor Ba'al, he'd wanted to cheer. Instead, he'd had to settle for renewing a vow to do everything within his power to ensure that this courageous man who'd long ago won a lowly Air Force Sergeant's respect would do well in his new position as Commander of the SGC. So it was a given that when Colonel Reynolds had requested a show of support from the personnel of the SGC, that he'd be there in the front row giving his leader the absolute best salute that he possibly could.

Sergeant Walter Harriman checked over the General's schedule and did some mental juggling. Most of the items could wait to be addressed in a couple of days. His immediate chore was organizing the meeting that was to take place in about half an hour. Dr. Brightman, Dr. Mackenzie, and Kay had requested that it take place in the Briefing Room. The topic up for discussion was the situation and treatment of General O'Neill and Colonel Carter.

He frowned in thought. As the acting 2IC, Colonel Reynolds needed to be there. Since it involved members of their team, it wouldn't hurt to have Teal'c and Dr. Jackson there too, not that he could've kept them away even if he tried. However, since they'd accompanied both General O'Neill and Colonel Carter when they'd been rescued from the Replicators, a case could be made that they might have some vital intel that could shed some light into what the heck was going on inside the two Officer's heads.

With the half hour he had prior to the meeting, he would have just enough time to make copies of the mission report from the rescue and contact all the parties that needed to be present. Walter turned to the phone and began making the arrangements.


Kay Dow slid her keycard in the slot and opened her door, trying to ignore the way her hands shook. Just a few more seconds and she could let it all out, she promised herself. She had about half an hour before the meeting in the Briefing Room, but there was something she had to do first, something that wouldn't be put off much longer.

Flicking the lights on in her office, she closed the door resolutely and leaned against it for a moment. Then she forced her trembling legs to carry her to the chair in the corner with its waiting box of tissues.

Sinking down into its comfort, she bent with her face propped by her hands as the tears began to flow down her cheeks unchecked. As her chest heaved, the sobs shook her entire body as she relived the previous hours. Reaching blindly, she grabbed a couple of tissues in one hand and blew her nose loudly. Tears cascaded down her face and dripped off her chin as she moaned, the sound of it echoing in the confines of her closed office.

Her body shuddered as sobs continued to wrack her slender frame and thoughts ricocheted helter-skelter through her reeling and spent mind.

'So much pain there, too much for me to handle at once. I wanted to take it all away and I couldn't, it just kept getting worse. Both of them could've died. Did I make it worse?'

She wrapped her arms around her chest and rocked back and forth in the chair as she considered the question. Meanwhile the tears dripped off her chin and onto her arms.

'No, Kay, don't answer that question, not right now. You're in no shape to answer it objectively. You know you aren't.'

Her lower lip trembled and she wiped her dripping nose with a tissue and then wadded it in her fist. 'But what if I did make it worse?'

She shook her head angrily and bit her lip. 'Hush, girl. Later you can gather all the information and let the experts decide. Give yourself a fricking break and recognize that you're probably making a mountain out of a molehill and basing all your thoughts on emotions run wild. After all, you should realize by now that you can't think clearly when you're like this, so just wait till later. Just feel, don't try to think, you know your mind isn't capable of doing that right now anyway. So just let it all out.'

This was something she'd grown to expect and . . . accept about herself and her own personal reactions to stress. During a crisis, she would stay cool as a cucumber, no matter how long it took to bring it to some sort of resolution. Later, after it was all over, she'd sometimes fall apart and had learned through experience to find someplace private where she could shake and bawl her eyes out for a while. Once she'd done that, she'd be okay and ready to lock and load once again.

Even during that awful riot, she'd been able to stay relatively calm, considering the circumstances. She'd only lost it after they'd raped her, and then only for a short time. Just long enough to get her through the remaining hours until their rescue. Later, when she was safe in her hospital bed, she'd broken down and cried for what seemed like forever, leaving her feeling dry and lifeless as a withered twig in the desert.

The memory alone was still enough to make her body shudder, but due to some timely therapy, it no longer paralyzed her. She could gain strength from the realization that she'd survived, that the ones who'd attacked her had NOT won. They had paid for their crime, were safely locked away, and wouldn't be getting out anytime soon, not alive anyway.

Josh had been there with her then, holding her and comforting her. She knew that he couldn't be with her now though. This was something she had to get through on her own.

Initially she'd tried doing this with others around, her fellow professionals or even Josh. That hadn't worked very well though, because they were uncomfortable with her tears and felt a need to 'fix' her.

Her pleas that she would be fine and didn't need to be 'fixed' had fallen on deaf ears, so after a while, she'd learned that the best thing she could do was accept that this was something that she had to do, that trying to hold it in only made it worse. Her solution had been to do what was best for her own mental health, but the end result benefited everyone who depended on her.

She'd picked this very office with this particular situation in mind when being shown around. It was large enough to suit her needs as a therapist, had an adjoining bathroom, and was private enough so that it could become her own hidey-hole when she needed a place to let it all hang out.

Today was just such a time, she knew she badly needed the catharsis if she were to attend the upcoming meeting and be the professional she'd been hired to be. She took a deep cleansing breath as her body and mind calmed. The adrenaline that had kept her going all through the crisis with her two patients in the Infirmary was being purged from her bloodstream, leaving her feeling weak and tired.

Blowing her nose once again, she reached for a clean tissue to dry her face of all tears. As she did so, her eyes fell on the donuts from earlier in the day.

By now, her body would need something to replenish the calories she'd already burned while dealing with the emergency. In the past, Kay had been told that she was one of those people with a high metabolic rate and needed to eat small high calorie snacks throughout the day to keep her weight on.

Those donuts would be just what she needed. The pastries and a Coke would accompany her to the meeting. Chances were good that the others there would appreciate a little something to pick up their spirits too. The Lord knew it had been a trying day for everyone, and it was only noon.

Briefly she considered calling her husband, Josh, to let him know she was okay. By now he would've heard about the incident in the Infirmary and her part in it. It was best if she let him know herself that she was okay and that she might be late coming home, if she made it home at all.

Taking a bite of her glazed donut, she stood and walked over to her desk, noticing that she was no longer shaking and her hands were steady. She sighed with relief that the tremors were gone, that she was well on her way to reclaiming control of her body and emotions.

Kay took another breath, picked up the phone and dialed his extension. After a few rings, someone picked up at the other end. "I'd like to speak to Josh Dow, please."


Samantha Carter moaned in her sleep as her mind searched for the link that had to be there, the connection she'd relied upon to keep them both alive. Her arms thrashed and unbeknownst to her, pushed urgently against the side rails on the bed, put there as an incentive to keep her in the bed, or at least slow her down if she tried getting out again before she was released to do so. When she sensed him, she relaxed, certain in the knowledge that her Jack was close by.

With him there, she was safe once again and knew that he would protect her from whatever came their way. With the combination of her brains and his strategic know-how, they were unbeatable. Her body quieted and no longer fought the side rails as she fell into a deep, healing sleep. One arm pushed through an opening between the rails, stretched toward the man in the bed beside her in a seeming invitation for a more concrete connection.


Jack moaned low in his sleep as his dreams took a turned dark and evil. He sucked in his breath with a hiss as his eyes flickered, making the heart monitor's tone skip a beat and then settle to a more rapid pace. His fingers plucked weakly at the crisp sheet covering his chest.

'Jack backed against the railing of his rooftop observatory as he sought to escape the clutches of the 'almost but not quite Sam'. He knew with a certainty that it wasn't her, had known it the moment she stepped onto the floor of his safe haven.'

'When she'd revealed who, no WHAT she was, he'd been horrified. That meant that Sam's evil twin had stuck its hand inside his head. What was worse was that IT seemed bent on raping him.'

'It wasn't enough that IT'd already sullied his safe haven by choosing this particular place to stage ITs seduction from hell. That tinker toy model gone wrong had not only raped his mind, but was planning to have its way with his body as well.'

'Well, that was so not going to happen if he had any say in the matter. He was so not into doing it with some sort of New Age Bride of Frankenstein wanna be. When the seemingly solid and reassuring railing edging the observatory at his back changed into something more hard and unyielding, he hissed, gulping in air as the emptiness above the railing morphed into a wall made up of a regular pattern of metallic blocks.'

'Seeing him trapped with nowhere to retreat, Sam's evil twin swaggered seductively toward him, moving with the grace and promise that he'd always dreamed of seeing. As his eyes flicked to the right and left, automatically searching for a nonexistent exit, IT laughed, low in its throat and the hard blue eyes seemed to grow colder.'

' "See something you like, Jack?" ITs lips curved into a smile as artificial lips were slowly and sensuously licked. "Would you like to know what you're missing? I could show you. I assure you that I'm anatomically correct in all aspects and fully functional." IT smiled and stepped forward, molding its body against his, lightly tracing one finger along his jaw line in a parody of intimacy.'

'"Nope." Jack growled a warning. "Stay away from me, you Techno-Bitch."'

'The automaton shook its head and stroked his cheek. "Afraid I can't do that."'

'Jack flinched away and stared horrified as replicator restraints grew and snugged over his arms and legs. He struggled to move them, but couldn't. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as the Bug version of Sam caressed his arm and then moved to his chest, stopping just long enough to rip the buttons off his flannel shirt, leaving his chest bare and exposed.'

' "Oh, I like what I see, Jack." IT purred, running appreciative hands over his torso.'

'Jack's skin crawled, as he struggled to move away from her touch that sickened him. "It's the crunches."'

'He opened his eyes and stared into dead ones. His glare seemingly had no effect on the artificial life form before him, other than to make IT smile with delight. "Come on, Jack. I can show you what you've been missing." ITs head cocked to one side and the chin stuck out in a gesture so familiar that it seemed somehow obscene when a mere copy demonstrated it.'

'ITs hand slid behind his neck and cradled the back of his head as mechanical lips parted in a parody of a kiss. His head was drawn inexorably down and forward toward the intended goal. He struggled to jerk his head away from the tight grasp and groaned when his efforts failed. As Sam's evil twin grinned, he spat, his saliva landing on target.'

Before his horrified gaze, the globule of saliva was captured by miniature replicators that disappeared beneath the surface of the skin with their prize of watery spit.

'IT released his head and let the freed hand return to caressing his bare chest. "You're right, you know."'

'Jack's eyes widened in dismay as those fingers on his skin had the intended effect. In desperation, he tried to shift away from her. "What?" His voice sounded raspy and guttural, even to him.'

'"This is the closest you'll ever get to knowing what it would be like to make love to her. You had your chance and you blew it. She finally realized what you've known all along."'

'The ice blue eyes bored into his. "She does deserve better than you." The hands paused and then resumed as they headed farther south. "That's why she chose Pete, and not you."'

'Jack responded by squeezing his eyes shut and desperately telling himself that this could not be happening. No way, it could be happening to him, not in a million years, as in nope, nada, no way Jose. The feel of fingers on his bare skin told him that his mantra of denial wasn't' working so he opened his eyes again and swallowed hard.'

'Yep, it was official, he'd gotten a double whammy visit from the "oh shit fairy". He clamped his mouth shut and swallowed hard to trap the scream of rage that was growing in his throat.'

'When the roaming fingers dipped below the belt of his pants, he sucked in another breath. "Don't do this." He gritted out between clenched teeth. "Please don't do this."'

'Seemingly female hips ground against his groin, further arousing him despite his repugnance. In an effort to distract himself, he bit his lip. Hard. Feeling his arousal, the hips continued their obscene bump and grind and then upped the ante. Sam's face leered back at him as the fingers jerked his shirt out of his black jeans and unbuckled the belt.'

'When Jack felt fingers fumbling with his zipper, he redoubled his efforts to escape. Frantic now, his hands struggled with his restraints. An unexpected loosening of his bonds had his arms flailing about wildly. Suddenly, his thrashing hands met with familiar living flesh that he knew instinctively could only belong to the original, one and only genuine item, his Sam.'

'He shuddered out a relieved sigh as the image of bug Person vaporized in front of his eyes and the restraints melted away into nothingness.'

Beside him, Nurse Wells, made a notation in both charts as she observed the clasped hands of General O'Neill and Colonel Carter linked in the space between the two hospital beds. As she watched, the beeping heart monitors slowed to regular tones that mirrored each other, beat for beat.

She sat back in her chair and sucked on her lower lip in amazement. To her knowledge, both patients had not regained consciousness since their placement in the same room in the Infirmary. The new counselor had insisted on them being in the same room, maintaining that they'd be calmer if they were kept together.

The tall brunette pushed out of the chair and headed for the phone on the wall. With quick movements, she tapped out the number for Dr. Brightman. "Doctor?" She paused to listen. "I've got something here that you should see." Her head shook from side to side. "No, it's no emergency, but, it's . . . unusual." She smiled and nodded as she listened to the Doctor's response. "Good, I'll see you in a jiffy." Then she hung up the phone.


By the time Kay made it to the Briefing Room with the remaining donuts, most everyone else was already there. She laid the half-full box in the middle of the table and then sat down in her chair next to Dr. Mackenzie, scooting up to the table. Once situated, she slipped her right foot out of her loafer, shifted in her seat and then folded one leg under her on the chair.

Across from Dr. Mackenzie were Dr. Jackson and Teal'c, which was no surprise to Kay. Since they'd been banned from the Infirmary, she'd figured that those two would beat her to the meeting. As she picked up her pen, Dr. Brightman walked into the room and sat down next to her. Walter and Colonel Reynolds came in last. With obvious mixed feelings, the Colonel took the chair usually reserved for General O'Neill.

Teal'c's eyes glowed at the sight of the donuts and he immediately commandeered one, licking his fingers with relish. Kay smiled at him and couldn't help but notice how Daniel rolled his eyes. The counselor automatically filed away that little tidbit of info for later use as needed in her detailed analysis of the personnel of the SGC.

Reynolds cleared his throat nervously and nodded acknowledgement to those already seated. With an expectant look on his face, Sergeant Walter Harriman sat poised with a pen and pad ready to take down the minutes of the meeting.

Taking a deep breath, Reynolds laid his hands palm down on table. "As you know, the purpose of this meeting is to get more information about what happened to General O'Neill and Colonel Carter while they were being held by Fifth. It is our hope, and that of the Joint Chiefs and General Hammond, that this combined intel will result in speedy treatment and recovery of these two invaluable individuals."

He turned to Dr. Brightman. "Doc, what can you tell us about their present conditions?"

The CMO consulted her notes and then laid her clasped hands on the files in front of her. "Both are suffering from extreme physical exhaustion and malnourishment. I believe this is a direct result of their previous imprisonment." She paused and rifled through her paperwork. "According to my notes, both patients had complained of persistent nightmares in which they relived these traumatic events accompanied by a loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, and a lack of sleep."

Dr. Mackenzie broke in at this point. "I met with both patients on several occasions after a referral from Dr. Brightman. However, our sessions were . . . unsatisfactory. He licked his lips nervously. "It is my belief that the appropriate level of trust could not be established due to previous experiences which had, as you say, left a bad taste in their mouths."

The psychiatrist glanced at Dr. Jackson and Teal'c before lowering his eyes nervously.

Teal'c raised his eyebrows to his hairline. "Indeed."

For his part, Daniel pursed his lips and looked down at the tabletop, saying nothing.

Dr. Mackenzie cleared his throat. "Yes, well, that is why I approved the hire of Ms. Dow here. It was my feeling that the most important matter of consideration was not my ego, but rather the mental health of our patients."

His eyes shifted to the others seated around the table, the dark brown eyes seeming to ask forgiveness for his earlier errors in judgment.

Daniel cleared his throat and spoke in sarcastic tones. "Well, there's that, I suppose."

Teal'c laid a restraining hand on his wrist and nodded. "That was a wise decision, Dr. Mackenzie, and shall prove beneficial to O'Neill and Colonel Carter."

Dr. Mackenzie's eyes shifted nervously from Daniel's truculent gaze to Teal'c's hard obsidian eyes and then rearranged his notepad in front of him. "Ms. Dow, what can you tell us about their conditions?"

The psychiatrist's eyes held a plea in their dark depths that she couldn't help but answer. His admission of his previous misdiagnosis had surprised her, as she realized it must have cost him much to do so in front of so many witnesses. Not many professionals of any type would've been able to do such a thing and her respect for her new supervisor and coworker went up another notch.

I have met with both Colonel Carter and General O'Neill today, albeit in rather . . . strained circumstances."

Her mouth quirked in a half smile as she heard an answering snort from Dr. Brightman then pushed her glasses back up her nose and smiled before continuing. "I too believe that both patients are suffering from PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Untreated, these symptoms can cause the body to break down due to the combined extra stressors of physical exhaustion and malnourishment. The seriousness of this condition was amply illustrated by today's events."

She turned to the female Doctor sitting beside her. "Dr. Brightman, can you explain why Colonel Carter was acting as if she could feel and hear the replicators?"

"Yes I can. According to our lab tests, both General O'Neill and Colonel Carter's test results showed a low potassium level in their blood. This would account for their odd and aggressive behavior, heart palpitations, muscle cramps and auditory hallucinations. I believe this was the cause of the Colonel's belief that she was dying. As for the General, his collapse seems to have been a case of a combination of extreme stress, fatigue, and hyperventilation. This coupled with a lack of sleep would make anyone have trouble distinguishing what was real, and . . .what wasn't."

Teal'c spoke with a hint of reprimand. "I too have been subjected to invasion of the mind by the Replicators. While under their domination, they sift through all memories and one is forced to relive certain . . . distasteful experiences. I too had much difficulty in discerning what was real and what was fiction." His chin lifted in challenge. "It is not an occurrence that I would choose to undergo again."

A flush of embarrassment colored the Doctor's cheeks. "I meant no criticism toward either of your friends. Their courage and valor have never been in question, at least not by anyone sitting here." She looked straight at Teal'c. "I merely was stating that the Colonel was not able to differentiate between what was real and what was in her mind."

She looked around as several heads nodded in understanding. "However, I have some news that I need some help with." She paused and fumbled with her pen, aware that all eyes were on her. "Both patients have insisted on having some sort of connection between the two of them. They were insistent, to the point where they believed that they would die if they were separated. Because of this, they were placed in the same room in beds side by side." She knitted her brows. "In fact, my nurse observed each of them offering comfort to each other after having separate periods of distress."

Kay brushed her hair behind her ears and half-turned in her chair. "What are you saying?"

Dr. Brightman looked nervous. "What I'm saying is that each one of them, first Colonel Carter, and then the General, each seemed upset, probably from nightmares. They reached out their hands and immediately quieted after they were able to touch each other."

Colonel Reynolds spoke with guarded tones. "So? What's so unusual about that?"

Dr. Brightman looked puzzled. "To my knowledge, they shouldn't have known that they were together." She turned her gaze to the others around the table. "They never regained consciousness, and I've had someone with them constantly since their collapse. How could they have known that the other one was upset and offer help?"

Colonel Reynolds spoke to break the silence. "I see. Perhaps Dr. Jackson or Teal'c might have an explanation?"

Kay watched as Daniel and Teal'c exchanged telling glances. Then the Jaffa raised an eyebrow and nodded.

Daniel puffed out a breath. "When we first found Jack and Sam, they did have such a link. According to Ernie, the Asgard Doctor, he discovered that Fifth had placed devices of some sort in both their brains that linked them in such a way that they couldn't be farther than three to five feet apart from each other without dying. These same gadgets were also transmitting radio waves that reported their status and position to Fifth and his replicators."

Kay leaned forward. "Did they report any sort of mind link, like telepathy or being aware of each others thoughts?"

Teal'c answered. "They did not. However, what one felt, the other did also."

Daniel bit his lip. "You're right, Teal'c. I remember when we were eating. They both had nosebleeds and passed out at exactly the same time." He looked around the room. "But, Ernie's tests said all those things were removed after we rescued them the second time."

Teal'c nodded. "Indeed. The Asgard did report that all such devices were removed after their retrieval. It does not explain their present abilities." He looked around the table, as if daring anyone to disagree with him.

Kay nodded. "You're right, it doesn't. Anyone have any ideas?"

When no one answered her, she continued. "Come on. I'm the new kid on the block. You all know their histories much better than I do."

In the hopes that someone might have some insight into the problem, she paused and tried a different avenue of approach. "Has either of them showed any unusual mental abilities in the past?"

The counselor smiled when this question was greeted by multiple snorts from around the room.

Daniel smiled. "Well, Jack did receive two downloads from the Ancients library of knowledge. After both, his brain scans showed an accelerated amount of brain activity."

Teal'c nodded. "However, after the second such occurrence, O'Neill was awarded the Ancient gift of healing as was demonstrated when he healed Master Bra'tac of his mortal wounds. Although he was unable to communicate by speaking, he seemed to sense my thoughts on numerous occasions."

Doctor Brightman looked puzzled, but excited. "I've read those reports too, but I thought that all that knowledge was successfully removed by the Asgard."

Teal'c pursed his lips and steepled his fingers. "From all evidence, this does not appear to be the case."

Kay's mouth hung open, as did Dr. Mackenzie's. Curiously enough, Neither Colonel Reynolds or Walter looked surprised, their expressions looked to be that of vindication.

She closed her mouth. "Are you saying that General O'Neill and Colonel Carter really do have this link? That they aren't making it up?"

Teal'c smiled. "Evidence would seem to support this hypothesis." He reached for another donut and Kay pushed the box to him. The rustle of the box sliding on the tabletop was the only sound in the room. Everyone seemed stunned into silence as they thought about the possible ramifications.

Kay puffed out a breath and sighed her astonishment. "Wow."

Daniel chuckled. "That would certainly explain a lot." He eyed his fingers as they rubbed rhythmically against each other. He frowned in thought. "So, do they do this all the time, or just when they're in trouble?"

Kay looked around the room for answers, but everyone else seemed as dumbfounded as she was so she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "I don't know. Maybe we should ask them."

She turned to face Dr. Brightman. "How long before we can talk to them again?"

The CMO bit her lip as she considered the question. "I'd like them able to think more clearly before you try that." She tapped her pen on the files. "Probably not before tomorrow. That would give them a chance to get some much-needed rest and for their body chemistry to start returning to normal levels."

Colonel Reynolds shifted in his chair. "Well, on that note, I propose we adjourn until tomorrow. In the meantime, I've got a phone call to make to General Hammond. He's been worried about the situation here and is considering flying down to take over command until General O'Neill is back on his feet."

Dr. Brightman broke in. "I don't see them getting back to duty for at least a week, sir. I'd like to keep them in the Infirmary where I can monitor their food intake and general condition. Part of the problem last time was that they weren't being entirely . . . honest about their symptoms and compounded the problems. I don't want that to happen again."

Reynolds nodded and smiled. "I'll pass that along to General Hammond, Doc."

Daniel smirked. "You plan to keep Jack in bed for a week? That'll be the day."

Teal'c added his smile. "Indeed. You shall require our assistance in this endeavor as O'Neill has shown himself to be a formidable opponent when it comes to circumventing the orders of his physician in the past. If it is permissible, I shall take first watch."

Dr. Brightman looked uncertain. "If you're quiet, I'll let you sit with them, but they aren't to be disturbed. They really need their rest."

The Jaffa bowed. "I shall be silent as a small rodent."

Daniel's eyebrows rose. "You mean, quiet as a mouse?"

One eyebrow rose on the Jaffa's inscrutable face. "That is what I said."


Original Header Information:

Title: "What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander" Part 5
Author: dinkydow
Sequel to "What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander" Part 4, hurt/comfort, drama, UST.
Rating: R
Season: Season 8
Spoilers: Small ones for "Broca Divide", "Message In A Bottle", "Zero Hour" and other little bitty ones. It will help to read my previous stories and be familiar with Fifth and Season 8.
Warnings: Some language as this deals with the after effects of rape and violence.
Summary: Jack and Sam are forced to deal with the after-effects of their experiences with Fifth. But they won't do it alone.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own any of them. Couldn't afford to if I did and don't have a mountain to hide them in. Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, Gekko Productions do. I wrote this for entertainment and won't be making any money for it, so please don't sue. But, if you guys want any help with scripts, or Jack, just give me a holler.
Dedication: To our fighting men and women and the loved ones who have to watch them march in harms way.
Author's Notes: Here's another Dinkyfic. Many thanks to Linda and Jolene for being my betas. Thank you also to Jeri for her psychiatric nursing expertise. All original characters are the property of the author and may only be used with my permission.