What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander by dinkydow

Chapter Six

Kay walked into the VIP room and set her overnight bag on the king-sized bed. Once again she blessed the fact that she'd developed the habit of keeping a small suitcase with a fresh change of clothes in the car during her years working at the prison.

Turning, she nodded and smiled at her guide, Sergeant Harriman. "Thanks a bunch, Sergeant. This is more than adequate. Did you tell Josh where to find me?"

Walter stood in the doorway and nodded. "Yes, ma'am. He said he'd join you shortly. Something about fixing a noisy fan?"

Kay chuckled. "I was wondering how long it'd be until he got to that. He's been complaining about it ever since he stayed in the Infirmary as a patient. In fact he was talking about it over breakfast this morning. Seems that Siler has kept him so busy he hasn't had a chance to get to it until today."

Seeing him turn to leave, she took a hesitant step toward the door. "Walter?"

He stopped his exit and turned. "Yes, ma'am?"

"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this. I knew I was too tired to risk driving down the mountain after dark, but what with the meetings this afternoon and catching up on reading all those files, it was dark before I knew it. Then when Josh saw me in the Commissary, he flat out told me I needed to stay the night."

Walter smiled. "It's no problem. This happens all the time, and you did get quite a workout today, didn't you?"

Kay sighed. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"It's us that should be thanking you, Kay. You were there and didn't lose your cool. You probably saved their lives."

The counselor blushed and looked at the floor, twisting her hands together. "I was just doing my job, the same way all of you do. It was no big deal."

"Well, it was to me, and to a lot of others here too. I'm just glad you joined us, Kay. Really, I am."

Kay stammered. "Um, okay, thanks I guess. I'm glad I'm here too."

Walter checked his watch. "I have to go now, ma'am. If there's anything you need, just let us know. Someone is on duty 24/7 here."

"I will, and thanks again."

The door closed and Kay took a good look around the room. It was sparsely furnished with the basics, a bed, dresser, two bedside tables, a desk, and TV made up the furniture. Part of one wall made up a walk in closet and a half open door led to the bathroom. Opening up her bag, she took out her cosmetics case and stepped into the bathroom to put it in on the vanity.

When she looked into the mirror there, she saw a haggard face with dark circles under her dark blue eyes staring back at her. She tried splashing cold water on her face, but the eyes still looked tired, as tired as she felt. As a matter of fact, after today's debacle, she'd felt like she'd been run over by a herd of elephants that had turned around and decided on a return engagement.

That thought decided her, so she quickly stripped and turned on the shower, making sure the water was hot. Then she padded naked into the room, laid out her pajamas, and headed back to the bathroom.

Once in the shower, she stood there, allowing the jet of hot water to beat the tension out of the muscles of her face and shoulders. Then she turned and let her tense back have its turn with the relaxing hot sprays of water.

By the time she was finished, she could barely keep her eyes open, so she dried herself off and wrapped a towel turban-style around her wet hair. Soon, she was lying under the covers flipping through the channels on the TV with her remote.

When she saw that the Sci Fi Channel had a repeat of "Wormhole X-Treme", she snorted and flipped to another station. Somehow, the series just didn't measure up to the real thing.

She must have dozed off watching the Discovery Channel, because the next thing she knew, the familiar scent of Josh's aftershave reached her nostrils. She smiled dreamily and reached for him.

"Hi." She felt him snuggle up to her in bed.

"Hi, Snookie." He shifted onto his back and she scooted over to lay her head on his shoulder.

"I meant to stay up for you, sorry." She rubbed his bare chest and smiled without opening her eyes. It felt so good just to lay there with him and listen to the sound of his breathing in the darkness.

"It's okay, I got delayed. But I did fix that fan."

Her fingers traced the smile on his lips and she giggled. "I knew you would."

"That sound was driving me crazy and just knowing that it was still there, rattling away, was bugging me. I had to do something, didn't I?"

"Of course you did, dear. And there was absolutely nothing obsessive compulsive about it, was there?"

"Of course not."

His hand played with strands of her wiry hair. "By the way, I heard you had quite a day."

Kay stiffened beside him. "Yeah, you could say that," she said noncommittally.

"From what I heard, you really impressed everyone with how you handled the situation."

Kay opened her eyes to peer up at her husband's face. "Really?"

His hand continued to stroke her hair. "Umm, hmm."

"Oh." She relaxed and closed her eyes again.

"Have I mentioned how proud I am of you lately?"

"I think so. Why?"

His lips bent to hers. "Well, Ms. Kay Dow, I still am proud of you."

When his mouth found hers, she returned his kiss with passion, and the world went away for a while.


Samantha Carter floated, merely existing, but that was enough for now. Her sense of touch reassured her that Jack was nearby. Her fingers tightened about his as she sighed in her sleep. It felt good to rest secure in the knowledge that her rest would not be dominated by fear-ridden dreams that robbed her of what her body so desperately craved.

When she felt long fingers tighten around hers in a comforting and protective squeeze, she sighed in contentment. For once, all was well and she steeled her mind from exploring any farther than that. No, for once, thinking and analyzing was not necessary, it was far better to relax and enjoy the moment. True, it felt. . . different to be so accepting of her current state of nirvana, but she'd earned it, right? Jack said so, and he'd never lied to her yet.

Her internal bliss was interrupted when loud voices intruded on her consciousness. She frowned, reluctant to leave her peaceful state, but the voices only became louder as they encroached on her slumber.

Careful to maintain her comforting contact with Jack's hand, she groaned and struggled to open heavy eyelids. The sound of voices resolved into words that were spoken in anger.

When she recognized the voices, her eyes snapped open in surprise. "Pete?"

Squinting her eyes against the bright overhead lights, she could make out the figures standing at the foot of her bed with their backs to her and Jack. Her voice sounded rusty and weak with disuse, like an old Victrola that had wound down.

She licked dry lips and cleared her throat. "Pete?"

This time her call produced results in the form of two heads that whipped around to look at her with dismay.

She watched with disquiet as Pete, her fiancee, shouldered his way past Teal'c. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded.

Sam shook her head wearily, still too dazed to answer. The admonishment in Teal'c's tone said it all. "Colonel Carter requires rest. My place is to make certain that she is not disturbed."

Pete swung back toward the Jaffa, the frustration on his features transforming his face into that of a dangerous man. "Listen, you alien freak, Sam is MY fiancee and I can see her when I damned well please."

Teal'c's face looked bland and all the more dangerous for its seeming artless expression, "The physician left orders that Colonel Carter was to be left undisturbed. I was asked to ensure it." He nodded toward the woman in the bed. "As I shall continue to do so."

Pete Shannahan sputtered, then his eyes lit upon the clasped hands of Jack and Sam. His face grew flushed as his anger found a less dangerous target. "And what is the meaning of this shit, Sam?"

Sam's face flushed as she dropped Jack's hand like it had scalded her. Her eyes flickered down, avoiding Pete's angry gaze. "Listen to me, Sam." One beefy hand touched her cheek, forcing her to meet his angry brown eyes. "I come home from work and find you still gone. So I headed up here to check on you." His face softened as his voice took on a pleading note. "I was worried about you, honey. What was I supposed to do? Wait for you to eventually show up?"

The cop straightened his stance and put both hands on his hips as his face suffused with anger once again. "Then, once I get here, I'm told by this ALIEN that I can't see MY fiance and she's playing pattycake with another man." His voice grew cool as he bent to talk directly to Samantha. "Is this how you get your promotions?" His face was deadly with fury. "By sleeping with your boss?"

Sam sucked in a breath of hurt anger, her eyes wide with shock. "Pete?"

Beside her, she could hear Jack whisper, low and deadly. "Get out."

Pete swung to the man in the bed. "Why? So you can play around with my girlfriend?" His tirade ended with a surprised squawk as his feet left the floor.

Burdened as he was with a struggling Pete Shannahan, the Jaffa still moved with a dignified grace. "You will leave now." He intoned as he continued toward the door. "Pray to your God that my eyes do not see you again."

Pete wriggled in a grip of iron. "Put me down, you overgrown ape."

"On my world I would be well within my rights to dismember you." Pete's bluster died away, leaving him hanging limp within Teal'c's meaty hands. As he exited the room, Sam could hear the Jaffa continue his lecture. "Not withstanding the fact that you have poured insult upon my name, you have also maligned the good name of those I serve." He shook his prisoner and the dangling shoes clacked together in a mockery of a Prussian salute. "Few still live who have done this in the past."

Sam let out a sigh, and then slumped deeper into her bed. Curling up into a ball, she faced the opposite wall away from Jack and stifled a sob.

The staccato beep from her bedside heart monitor gave her away. She bit her lip and wiped awkwardly at her face with the back of her free hand.


The sound of feet hitting the floor made her flinch away. It was followed in close order by a muffled groan and the shuffle of feet on the floor. "Dammit, why do they have to keep the floors so damned cold in here?" he cursed under his breath. "It feels like a meat locker in here."

She knew he was leaning on the bedrails when she heard them creak with his weight. Sam pulled the sheet into her fist and hunched her shoulders as she tried her best to shut him and the rest of the world out.

To her reeling mind, she was saved from further talk by the entrance of several people. Dr. Brightman and Nurse Wells both came into the room. And they didn't sound happy.

"General O'Neill, what are you doing out of bed?"

Jack tried to bluff his way out of trouble. "Evidently YOUR job, Doctor. Colonel Carter was upset about her recent visitor and I was worried about her." Sam heard the creaking sound of Jack trying not to lean noticeably against his bed. "I thought it was your job to keep away pain-in-the-ass types who might bother her. Instead I wake up to hear Mr. Pete Shannahan yelling at her."

By now Dr. Brightman was at Sam's side as she swiped at her tear-stained face with the back of one and huddled on the bed. "Let me take a look, Colonel." The Doctor tugged gently at the sheets wrapped around Sam's shoulders.

In the background, Sam could hear Jack being herded back into bed by the nurse. "For crying out loud, I can get into bed myself," he muttered darkly. "I'm not that bad off."

"I'm sure you can, sir. I just want to make sure you stay there this time," the nurse responded in a no-nonsense manner.

Sam relaxed her fist and allowed the sheet to be pulled from her fingers.

The Doctor shot a look of apology to Jack. "I'm sorry, sir. He bullied his way in while I was at the commissary. Since it was so late and visiting hours were over, I thought I could take a break." She sighed and shrugged. "I guess I was wrong. He won't bother her again, though, I can guarantee it."

Sam dissolved into tears and hated herself for her weakness, but she couldn't seem to stop crying.

"Carter?" Jack's voice sounded worried.

The Doctor shook her head and pursed her lips. "You stay right where you are, General O'Neill or I'll sedate you." Then she turned back to Sam. "You really need your rest, ma'am. Would you like something to help you sleep?"

Sam nodded and sniffed.

"Damned doctors and their fricking needles," Jack muttered.

"I heard that, sir," the Doctor warned.

The sound of feet sliding against crisp sheets informed Sam that Jack had slid down into the safety of his bed. "Crap."

Heads turned as General Hammond entered the room. "Is there a problem here?"

Doctor Brightman strode to the foot of Sam's bed to meet him. "No, sir. Not now anyway. I'm just trying to get my two patients settled. They were disturbed by an earlier visitor and are having some trouble calming down."

"Pete Shannahan?"

"Yes, sir. How did you know?"

George allowed a smile to frame his reply. "I passed him in the hallway. He seemed to be in a hurry to get out of here. Said something about that crazy alien." He looked around the room. "Anybody have an ideas about what he was talking about?"

Jack smirked. "He was probably referring to Teal'c. Last time I saw him, the T man was carrying him out of the room, and not gently either. Said something about dismemberment?"

Hammond nodded. "That would explain it."

Sam wiped at her nose. "Was Pete hurt?"

Hammond walked around the bed and looked closely at Sam. "Not that I could see. I'm more worried about you," he turned to gesture to the other bed, "and Jack here."

Doctor Brightman sighed. "I was just about to give the Colonel a sedative, sir. It should give her some restful sleep and will keep her from having anymore nightmares." She looked sternly at O'Neill. "As for General O'Neill, I was considering giving him one too, since that may be the only way I can keep him in his bed."

Jack contrived to look innocent, but General Hammond didn't seem to buy it from the frown on his face.


Jack's eyebrows rose. "Sir?"

"You up to your old tricks again?"

"Would I do that, sir?"

George sighed. "Now you see why my hair turned gray."

"What hair?" Jack winced as a flush of embarrassment crept up his cheeks. "Umm . . . sir."

Hammond grinned. "God, I've missed this place." He looked around and then beckoned to Dr. Brightman. "I've ordered that Mr. Shannahan not be allowed access to the SGC for now."

Sam sucked in a breath and hiccupped. "It's okay, sir. He was worried about me, that's all. He didn't mean that other stuff."

Hammond remained firm. "Nonetheless, you aren't to be disturbed right now, we need you out of that bed ASAP and that won't happen if you can't get your rest." He tapped the frame of the bed. "We can discuss this further when you're back on your feet, Samantha."

Sam nodded but remained curled on her side as she watched Dr. Brightman inject her IV port with medication. "I won't have any bad dreams?" she asked fretfully.

"No, none whatsoever," the Doctor reassured her.

Sam managed a smile and sighed. "Good."


Jack shifted restlessly in his bed, clearly as he weighed the pros and cons of going to Sam's aid. 'Crap, if I could, I'd rip Shannahan's head off and shit down his throat for what he did to Sam. But if I go to her, she'll see it as pity, besides the fact that I'd risk large needles stuck in my butt if I get out of bed. At least the Doc gave her something to knock her out. Too bad I didn't opt for the same. I'll never get back to sleep now.'

Jack shook his head as thoughts continued to skitter through his brain. Then his lips curved into a self-satisfied smirk.

'I'll have to make a point to congratulate T on the number he did on that jerk; something that I've been aching to do for ages . . . but didn't so I wouldn't hurt Sam.'

He turned in bed to gaze at the woman in the bed beside him. From outward appearances, she looked peaceful now, lying on her back instead of being curled up in the fetal position.

'If there was only a way to know for sure that she's okay, that she's really gonna be all right. Wait a minute, maybe there is, but, can I really do it?'

O'Neill shrugged. 'The only way I'll know is if I try. No harm in that, is there? Nope, there sure isn't.' He took a deep breath. 'Well, here goes.'

Settling back into the mattress, he closed his eyes, a slight smile on his lips. His brows knitted together with concentration as he reached out to touch her . . . with his mind, to locate that mysterious link.

Warmth spread through his body and he urged this feeling of wellness to expand beyond his own, to reach out toward the figure lying in the next bed. He smiled as he felt the link snap into place, as if it'd never been severed. As he searched, he noted the unresolved anger and hurt that churned within the depths of her mind, like a riptide beneath the calm surface of the sea.

Seeking contact, he opened up a two-way communication within the link. 'Sam?'

'Jack?' Surprise colored her words. 'What are you doing here? I thought the link was broken.'

Jack mentally shrugged. 'Yeah, so did I, but I guess it's not. Go figure.'

'So tired, Jack.'

'I know, I can help . . . if you let me, that is.'


'Do you trust me?'

'Of course, I do.'

Jack smiled encouragement. 'Good, now just relax and I promise you won't feel a thing.'


'Yeah sure ya betcha.'

Jack concentrated on expanding the flow of healing energy to encompass both himself and the woman on the bed beside him.

'Holy Hannah!'

'You okay?'

'I feel great!'

'Good, you know that I haven't taken away the memories, Sam, just made things go away for a bit so you can get back on your feet and face the music. You'll still have to go see Kay.'

'Yeah, I know, but if I go, will you too? You need to you know.'

'Touche. Sure, I'll go too. I have the feeling she wouldn't stand for us skipping out on her anyway.'

Jack felt the bubble of Sam's giggle.

'Now let's get some sleep so we can blow this Popsicle stand.'

Both patients sighed in unison as smiles wreathed their peaceful faces.


Original Header Information:

Title: "What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander" Part 6
Author: dinkydow
Sequel to "What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander" Part 5, hurt/comfort, drama, UST.
Rating: R
Season: Season 8
Spoilers: It will help to read my previous stories and be familiar with Fifth, the Replicators, and Season 8.
Warnings: Some language as this deals with the after effects of rape and violence.
Summary: Jack and Sam are forced to deal with the after-effects of their experiences with Fifth. But they won't do it alone.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own any of them. Couldn't afford to if I did and don't have a mountain to hide them in. Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, Gekko Productions do. I wrote this for entertainment and won't be making any money for it, so please don't sue. But, if you guys want any help with scripts, or Jack, just give me a holler.
Dedication: To our fighting men and women and the loved ones who have to watch them march in harms way.
Author's Notes: Here's another Dinkyfic. Many thanks to Linda and Jolene for being my betas. Thank you also to Jeri for her psychiatric nursing expertise. According to Jolene, I'm writing a romance now. Make of it as you will. All original characters are the property of the author and may only be used with my permission.