Jack gently nudged the little sheltie off his lap. Rolling his
still athletic body out of the hammock, taking a moment to stretch out a
few kinks, he ignored the popping Rice Crispy-like crackle of his stiff
joints. Alerted by way of his psychic connection to Jon, that Carter,
along with Sassy, two NID agents and at least two airmen had taken a
powder from the SGC, he contemplated the reprimand he'd inflict on the
errant colonel once he found her.
That she'd gone off on some kind of rescue mission seemed crystal
clear to a man who wouldn't hesitate to do the same. What irked him was
the added little codicil that she'd done so without at least enlisting
Teal'c. Not only was that a damned stupid maneuver, well, it
Such a blatant disregard of her customary prudence led him to the
unwelcome conclusion that she wasn't in her right mind. Yep, she'd gone
wacko. Why else would she take off like that? And with a civilian, a
senior citizen, in tow no less? Okay, he admitted, Sassy was better
backup than a whole platoon of Marines, especially when she shifted into
her motherly protective mode, but crap, what the hell had possessed
To be honest, a part of him found her shirking of the rules, her
downright defiant rebellion, endearing. Quite obviously she was more
upset about his 'death' then he would have guessed she'd be. A small
spark of satisfaction warmed the frozen citadel were Jack O'Neill,
cynical hard-ass, safeguarded his much abused heart.
On the other hand, maybe Danny's injury and Hailey's kidnapping;
coupled with Jon and the T-man's deceit, was the catalyst that finally
persuaded, the usually levelheaded, Carter to chuck caution to the winds
and venture into the shadowy realm of the covert.
Brooding was getting him nowhere fast; it was time to formulate
his own plans.
The invigorating scent of bacon and eggs caused his mouth to
water, interrupting his muse. Damn he was hungry! "Well O'Neill, you
might as well satisfy your empty belly. Face it pal, what you've really
got a yen for is cake. Nothing stimulates your crafty side quite like
cake. The fellow who invented chocolate cake was a veritable mastermind.
Hmm... yes, I wonder if Prost has any devil's food on hand." Sighing
longingly, he let his nose lead him to temporary nirvana.
Kris burst into Jeff's kitchen. Breathless, she took in the trio
of men having a companionable breakfast at the table.
They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, if that were
true then her utter joy must be shining in her deep green orbs now!
Letting out a whoop, Kris threw her arms around her general. "I knew
it!" Rearing her head back, she greedily looked him over. "Yes, just as
I suspected!"
Secretly touched by her enthusiasm, Jack flushed, squirming with
embarrassment. "Jeez, get a grip and let go of me, will ya?"
Ignoring his protest, Kris
laughingly hugged him tighter. "Hey I'm entitled; you scared the heck
out of me, Jack."
"That's General O'Neill,
Captain Martin," shrugging her off, he quirked his brows inquiringly.
"What is it you suspected exactly?"
Grinning broadly, Kris backed
up slightly, wiping a tear from her eye. His bluster didn't fool her,
for just a second there he'd warmly returned her hug. "I suspected I'd
find you fully recovered, sir, just like Jon."
Yep, there he stood, his body
fully restored, wearing a carefully inane expression that was so
uniquely Jack. "Sweet!" Kris chortled, throwing her arms around his
neck; she squeezed him with renewed vigor.
Effectively imprisoned, Jack
tugged futilely at her arms, tossing a helpless look Prost's way. "Can I
get a little help here, please?" He croaked.
Three avid heads, one canine
and two human, observed this interchange with stunned
"Gah!" Jack groused. "Whatever
happened to military protocol and respect?"
"Oh, deal with it. I thought I
was gonna lose you this time!" Kris chastised him lightly. "Besides,
when it comes to your health, I outrank you."
"Gad!" Shaking his head with
defeat, Jack rolled his eyes and stopped struggling. "Fine, you've got
two minutes. Go on ahead and get it out of your system."
Hearing the petulant fondness
in his tone, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and released him at
last. "Thanks, I needed that."
Suppressing a grin, Jack eyed
their silent audience. Mischief's furry little face seemed to smile with
delight. Prost, his hand suspended in midair, clutching a forkful of
egg, appeared bemused. Draymak wore a guarded expression, but his eyes
twinkled with mirth. Offering them a stern general-like stare, he
ordered, "Not a word to anyone about this, understood?"
"Sir, yes, sir." The duo
responded crisply; the dog ruffed softly.
Accepting their consent, Jack
returned his attention to Kris. "Now then, Captain Martin..."
"Sorry to interrupt General,
but I've got urgent news." Kris began formally. "Perhaps, we should
adjourn to a more secure area?"
"Judging by your behavior;
couldn't be that urgent." Jack sniped. Waving a permissive hand, he
yielded the floor. "Fine, fill us in."
"But sir..." Kris hesitated,
staring coldly at Draymak.
"Spill it, Captain... Colonel
Draymak is one of ours." Jack supplied, noting her sidelong
Taking in Jeff's nod of
confirmation, Kris bit her lip. "Err, everything, sir?" She questioned
Sighing, Jack realized she was
worried about the whole miraculous healing thing. "Short and sweet
please, Martin... You know how I hate unnecessary details."
"Yes, General." Kris grinned
Hearing the caution behind his
artificial complaint, Kris accepted the chair he pulled out for her.
Sobering, she took a moment to gather her thoughts.
Jack handed her a cup of rich
black coffee. Once she'd dutifully taken a sip, he cocked his head
"Okay, well... a corpsman
relieved me about 0530. I was on my way to my quarters... I was going to
search the computer for some information..." Eyeing Draymak, she adjusted
direction. "I rounded a corner and spotted Colonel Carter accompanied by
the two NID agents sneaking up the corridor."
"Sneaking?" Draymak echoed,
leaning forward with interest.
"Definitely. One thing I know
how to do is read people... their body language was unmistakable."
Kris confirmed grudgingly. Just who was this guy?
Amused, Jack smiled crookedly,
admiring her pluck. "Go on... what were they up to?"
"That's what I wanted to know.
I followed discreetly... they made their way to the VIP room
assigned to Mrs. O'Connor." Kris narrowed her eyes. "The closed door was
too thick... the only words I could make out were Hailey and mission."
Coughing slightly, she paused to take another sip of coffee.
"Who is Hailey?" Jeff asked,
refilling her cup.
"Lieutenant Hailey is a
valuable member of my command." Jack interjected, concerned.
"While we were busy here last
night... someone called Wellington broke into the general's house;
kidnapped Hailey and shot Dr. Jackson... who's recovering nicely, sir."
Kris assured.
"Good to know, thank you
Captain." Jack responded with a grateful sigh.
"Given the events of the past
few days and knowing SG-1's history for ah, 'creative solutions'... I
figured it was a sure bet they'd mount a rescue..." Kris licked her lips
Jack's brows rose and fell with
ironic resignation. "Ah yes, nothing like a reputation." He
"Exactly." Kris drawled.
Shrugging appreciatively, she continued, "I considered what you'd do if
you were in my situation, sir. And decided to head 'em off at the
"Please, Captain." Jack
groaned. "Save the cliches."
"Yes, sir." Frowning, Kris
swallowed another light quip. "I camouflaged my Jeep in some bushes not
far from the exit gate and waited. About thirty minutes later, I caught
sight of Colonel Carter driving a black sedan... once security waved her
through, I followed, discreetly of course. Approximately twenty miles
out, a Chevy van intercepted the sedan, forming a mini-convoy... not long
after, the vehicles turned off the main highway onto an old access road,
where they split up. The Chevy proceeded to a relatively secluded
"And?" Karl prodded. If this
was the short version, he hated to contemplate the longer one.
Shooting him an annoyed look,
Kris set her cup on the wooden table. "The colonel, the NID agents and
two airmen hid the sedan in some thick trees. Then, they slinked into
the woods, armed to the teeth."
"Any sign of Mrs. O'Connor?"
Jack wondered yet again how Sassy fit into all this. Thanks to his
telepathic information, he knew she'd absconded with Carter, so where
the hell was she?
Sensing the general's
apprehension, Mischief sidled up to him, resting her head comfortingly
on his thigh. Centering on Kris, Jack absently stroked the sheltie's
Returning her attention to the
general, Kris's brow creased with worry. "No, sir. I didn't see her, but
she could have been in the back of that van... In order to prevent
discovery, I kept my distance."
Impressed with the Captain's
maneuverings, despite his initial irritation, Draymak's voice was
cordial. "Did you notify anyone back at the base as to the whereabouts
of this... farm?"
Reaching into her pocket Kris
drew out her cell phone, tossing it scornfully onto the table. "I was
going to call our friend 'Murray' with the location, but the damned
phone's batteries went dead, so I high-tailed it here. Believe it or
not, it's just about five miles north."
"Prost, how many shotguns have
you got?" Jack pulled the handgun out of his waistband and checked the
clip. "I'm gonna need more ammunition."
"Right, I've got at least three
extra clips, the shotgun and one box of ammo." Jeff informed him grimly.
"Then there's Draymak's weapon, sir."
"Got two additional clips in my
car, and a few other goodies we can use, General." Karl growled with a
feral smile. Ah, the sweet smell of combat!
Jeff, hearing the familiar
thrill of battle in the other man's voice exchanged a knowing look with
Kris. "Look sir, good as we are, we need more firepower."
"Ya think?" Jack rubbed a hand
over his stubble-covered chin. 'Got that kid?' He added silently,
smoothly connecting with his telepathic counterpart.
'Way ahead of you there Jack,
but just for appearances maybe you'd better give Teal'c a call... Wouldn't
do for us to tip our psychic hand.' Jon responded swiftly.
'Duh!' Jack volleyed
sarcastically. Rising, he shifted smoothly into command mode. "Martin,
use the doc's phone, get hold of 'Murray' and fill him in on the
situation... use his personal line. Draymak, go get your arsenal. I assume
you've got a map stashed in that vehicle of yours?"
"Yes, sir, General, never leave
home without them. I've got both topographical and generic." Karl tossed
over his shoulder crisply, halfway out the door.
"Sweet." Tucking the handgun
back into his waistband, Jack pulled contemptuously at his attire.
"Prost, I'm gonna need something besides this... hospital garb to
"Understood, General... got an
old pair of khakis and hunting shirt that should do... might be a bit
baggy though." Pushing back from the table, Jeff looked inquiringly at
the general's feet. "As for shoes..."
Rolling his eyes, Jack huffed.
"This isn't a fashion show, Prost!"
"No, sir!" Jeff agreed. "But
your feet... meaning no disrespect, sir, but they are quite large."
Having successfully contacted
Teal'c, Kris offered the general the handset. "Our friend would like a
word with you, sir."
"Just find any old pair of
tennis shoes, Prost. I should be able to squeeze my clodhoppers into
them." Mildly insulted, Jack grabbed the phone. "Hey there T, Martin
fill you in?"
"Indeed, O'Neill, it is good to
hear your voice once again." Teal'c sounded genuinely pleased.
"Estimate, will achieve rendezvous coordinates in forty
"Roger that. Listen T, bring
along a pair of my boots, an Omega vest, my sidearm and my trusty P-90,
will ya?" Jack smiled wolfishly. "I'm feeling downright implacable
Miles away, the big Jaffa's
smile was equally chilling.
Major Paul Davis sluggishly
washed a dose of aspirin down with some of Walter's vile black coffee.
Two hours of sleep and a crack of dawn phone conference with the
Pentagon had done little to lighten his mood, or relieve his pounding
General Jumper's contacts in
Washington corroborated Airman Stokes' story, confirming that he'd been
acting under orders. Jumper's thinly veiled contempt for the CIA,
coupled with his outrage over their interference, proved to be
satisfying, but futile.
Apparently the President
misguidedly sanctioned Stokes' involvement. Hence, Jumper reluctantly
ordered Davis to release the man and reinstate him under Kearney's
command. An order the major intended to ignore, at least until this
little escapade was resolved.
Normally, Davis was a by the
book type, but relaying that particular order to the beleaguered members
of Stargate Command would be far more detrimental to his well being than
any reprimand the Pentagon doled out.
Breathless, his earnest face
harried, Sergeant Walter Davis rushed into the office without knocking.
"Pardon the intrusion, Major..."
"No problem, Walter. What's
up?" Paul straightened up in his chair.
"On my way here, I ran into
Teal'c exiting the armory, sir. He was in full battle regalia... and when
I asked him what was going on he gave me a rather cryptic answer."
Gulping air, Walter hesitated. "He said that O'Neill required his
"O'Neill required assistance?"
Paul questioned. Last he'd heard the kid was still recovering from
anesthesia. "I thought Jon O'Neill was safely ensconced in the
"Ah, not anymore, sir, you were
on the phone with Washington and so not wanting to interrupt, I checked
personally. According to the corpsman on duty, both he and Dr. Jackson...
they left, sir." Walter replied his voice carefully neutral.
"I don't understand... are you
telling me two men, who just last night lay fighting for their very
lives, just up and..." The major began.
"Left. Yes, sir, they did."
Walter confirmed his tone mystified. "Corpsman Swan reported that
approximately twenty-five minutes ago, Teal'c, who was visiting the
pair, received an urgent call from Captain Martin and rushed off. When
Jon made to follow, Jackson latched on to him and refused to be left
behind. They argued briefly and..."
"Then what, Sergeant?" The
major prodded impatiently.
"Jon placed his hands on
Jackson's wounded leg and leaned over blocking the corpsman view. After
a minute or so, Jackson's body seemed to convulse upward slightly.
Concerned, the corpsman rushed forward, but Jon commanded him to stay
back." Walter's voice lowered conspiratorially. "He said it was eerie,
sir. He said if he didn't know better he'd sworn it was the general's
voice barking at him, so he stopped."
The sergeant paused
dramatically, noting the trepidation mirrored in the major's expression.
"Not long after that, grinning like a madman, Dr. Jackson just hopped up
out of the bed, said he was feeling much better, instructed the corpsman
not to worry and pulled out his IV line."
"What the hell?" Paul sputtered.
"Swan says Jon yelled 'Yes!'
and punched the air triumphantly with his fists." Walter smiled
wistfully. "Smirking, he put a finger to his lips and instructed the
stunned medic to 'keep a lid on it' - and the pair left."
"Son of a ... Does anyone around
here understand the notion of chain of command?" Major Davis barked
chagrined. "Precisely when was Corpsman Swan going to get around to
reporting all this?"
"Well, sir... ah, he was in the
process of updating Dr. Carson when I arrived." Walter responded
"I thought it best to gather a
bit more intel before bringing it to your attention, Major Davis." Dr.
Carson's confident baritone broke in. Striding arrogantly through the
office portal, Kit tossed a handwritten missive onto the major's desk.
"Jackson should have been a physician, his scrawl is almost as
inscrutable as mine... according to his note, Colonel Carter took off
early this morning on some half-cocked rescue mission... naturally the
remainder of SG-1 determined she needed back-up."
"Naturally, why do I ask these
things?" Major Davis muttered with disgust.
"I alerted security, but they'd
already left the base, sir. Major Kearney's pretty peeved, he asked me
to inform you that he and his contingent are attempting to catch up with
them." Walter interjected. "He said the general would've comprehended
the urgency of the situation and authorized immediate action."
Outraged, the major jumped up
from his chair, glaring imperiously at the little sergeant. "Are you
telling me that General O'Neill would have approved of his officers
blatantly disregarding regulations?"
Walter gaped back owl-eyed. "I..."
"No sir, I don't believe he
would, sir. But, he would have understood." Carson sanctioned
"Would he?" Rubbing the back of
his neck, Major Paul Davis, straight arrow and Pentagon liaison, took a
calming breath, contemplating the truth in Carson's statement. O'Neill
would have been proud of his command's efforts, misguided though they
were. He had to admit they're unorthodox methods rarely failed. It was
one of the things he most admired about O'Neill in the first place. His
ability to nurture and appreciate innovation earned him, an irreverent
smart-ass and maverick, the rank of brigadier; as well as the unwavering
loyalty of a very select group of elite highly skilled, and strangely
brilliant, members of the military.
"General O'Neill trusted us,
sir." Walter surmised with quiet dignity.
"I'll give you that gentleman."
Curious, the major wondered just what the late general would have made
of this whole insane situation and smirked. "So then, tell me, precisely
what would General O'Neill do?"
Jennifer Hailey's pale flesh
finally felt warm. Whether that was due to the antidote instilled into
her veins, or Sassy's own considerable body heat, wasn't clear. Anxious
for even the most infinitesimal sign of consciousness, the savvy senior
monitored the younger woman carefully, all the while taking note of the
prison in which she now found herself.
Using the dim kerosene lamp,
she peered into every nook and cranny, reluctant to physically leave
Jennifer's side until she was confident, the girl would recover. The
light proved to be invaluable; lamentably one corner of the dank
subterranean room remained shrouded in impenetrable shadow. However,
once Jennifer came around Sassy was going to make it her business to
discover just what lay hidden there.
The outcome of this adventure
lay heavily upon Sassy's innate ability to remain flexible and unshaken.
Samantha's instructions played over in her mind like an old phonograph
record. "Look for a window or exit of some kind... openings are
structurally less sound and require a smaller explosive
For the hundredth time, Sassy
blessed her life-long tendency to suffer from motion sickness.
Regurgitating all over Wellington's shoes, not only prevented a search;
it exacted a small measure of revenge on the insufferable demon. Yes,
throwing up had never been such bliss.
Slight movement drew her avid
attention to the young woman by her side. Jennifer moaned softly, her
eyelids fluttered and then opened narrowly. Sassy smiled, stroking the
girl's brow lovingly. "Hello, sleepyhead."
Jennifer found it difficult to
focus, her head felt wooly and her limbs heavy. "Sassy? What...?"
Sassy gently pressed a staying
hand against the younger woman's shoulders. "Don't try to sit up just
yet, honey. The drug they gave you was mighty powerful and it's gonna
take a bit before you'll feel more yourself. Do you remember
Centering blearily on Sassy's
astutely reassuring eyes, memories flooded Jennifer's foggy brain. "I...
went out on the deck for air, and something struck me in the neck... two
masked men jumped me... I yelled, I think... I heard a muted
snap and then, Daniel gasped and I fell into blackness... . That snapping
sound... I think it was a silencer... was Daniel?"
"Never fear Danny is tougher
than people credit. He's recovering nicely." Sassy patted her cheek
affectionately. "Right now you're my concern."
A loud creak and the solid
thunk of footsteps above her head drew Jennifer's attention upward. The
musty ceiling confirmed her fear; they were not in the infirmary.
Casting a worried look around, she licked at her dry lips. "Exactly,
where are we, Sass?"
"Lengthy explanations will have
to wait; we may not have much time. Trust me, okay." Noting Jennifer's
cracked and parched lips, Sassy leaned back.
Eyeing the door, she reached
under her blouse, retrieving two small bundles. "I've always said that
nothing in this world can replace the youth enhancing benefits of a firm
and properly fitting foundation."
"However, on occasion adding to
ones natural curves can be just as uplifting." She added with a
twinkle in her eye. Grinning broadly, she displayed a small packet of C-4,
along with a miniaturized detonator and two flexible 250cc intravenous
Setting her mini-arsenal aside,
she slipped a folded blanket and the shabby pillow beneath Jennifer's
still weakened shoulders.
Reaching into the pocket of her
once fashionable blazer, Sassy removed a small Swiss army knife.
"MacGyver was such an enlightening bit of entertainment. You know, I've
got half a dozen rolls of duck tape at home." Using the blade, she cut
one of the ports on an intravenous bag and eased it between Jennifer's
battered lips. "Here drink this, its 50 dextrose and it'll replenish
your fluids and energy. And then, once you feel more yourself, we're
busting out of here."
Stunned, Jennifer gratefully
sucked at the small straw-like port, swallowing the excessively sweet
fluid greedily. It struck her that General O'Neill's trust in this lady,
God rest him, hadn't been misguided. Sassy O'Connor was full of
Ben Jefferson tossed back
another shot of whiskey, appreciating its fiery effects. He had to hand
it to Wellington; the man set a fine table. He'd consumed half a dozen
eggs and several helpings of crispy hickory smoked bacon with his liquid
Happily, Ben's appetite for
food was quite satisfied. However, his other less obvious desires had
yet to be attended to.
Wellington for his part had
eaten lightly, presenting a polite façade of patience for his new
compatriot's needs. "Now that you're sated, perhaps we should enlighten
Mrs. O'Connor regarding her role in our plan."
Making a great show of
stretching his long frame, Ben slyly noted the time displayed on an
ornate old mantle clock nearby. Almost 0843, if Hailey's condition was
indeed salvageable, and according to the Marquis it was, Sassy would
have no doubt roused her by now.
Casting a bored glace
Wellington's way, he noted a flicker of impatience in the man's cold
eyes. "I don't suppose you'd mind if I took a wee nap before we deal
with the O'Connor woman?"
Wellington's eyes narrowed, a
muscle in his left cheek twitched with annoyance. "Really Jefferson, the
sooner we make an impression on the lady, the sooner this matter will be
Sighing, Ben rubbed his hands
over his face and yawned dramatically. "Fine, but at the very least
allow me the courtesy of a rejuvenating shower and a shave. I don't
really enjoy, ah, how did you phrase it? Oh yes, 'engaging in malicious
forms of manipulation' feeling less than fresh."
Gritting his teeth, Damien
smiled thinly, feigning nonchalance. "Never let it be said that I was a
less than genial host, Jefferson. I'll have Arturo show you to my guest
suite. I have several matters that require my attention. Will an hour be
It was well past time he
checked in with their mutual employer.
Smirking lazily, Ben rose from
his chair and deliberately staggered. "Whoa, guess I should have gone
easy on the hooch, eh Wellington? I really think I should take a few and
sleep it off."
Wellington's thin face took on
a pinched look. "Nonsense my dear fellow, a cold shower and some black
coffee will right things quickly enough."
The irritated Marquis stood
abruptly and strode into the hall. "Arturo!"
The little man rounded the
corner promptly, his plain face questioning.
Maintaining his pretense, Ben
slurred. "Oh, there you are Arty. How's about you show me to the john? I
gotta pee like a race horse!" Reeling, he toppled back into his chair,
relishing Wellington's hiss of disgust.
Jefferson so enjoyed taunting
adversaries; a year spent under the impertinent Jack O'Neill's excellent
tutelage added new dimension to his capacity.
Casting a look of forbearance
toward Wellington, Arturo grasped one of the inebriated man's arms,
helping him to rise, and laid it over his shoulder. As they moved into
the hall another taller man, his face and neck badly scarred by
childhood acne, joined them.
Intoxicated by Wellington's
aggravation, Ben decided to enhance his performance, drunkenly breaking
into song. Crooning a bawdy off-key ditty, he allowed the two men to
support and guide him up the long staircase to the second
Wellington watched their
progress with distaste, his budding need to be rid of the uncouth
Jefferson blooming into an obsession.
Feeling much restored, Jennifer
Hailey greedily attacked the second quarter liter of dextrose solution
Sassy had secreted inside her underwear. The sooner she replenished her
fluids, the sooner she could lend her valiant rescuer a hand.
Hailey's would-be liberator
examined her damsel-in-distress with a critical eye. Jennifer's gaze was
steady and her cheeks appeared rosy enough. Satisfied, Sassy took up the
lantern and moved cautiously into the unlit corner's dark gloom. Eyes
widening, due to the weak light, she noted an ascending staircase
leading up to a vertical set of storm doors.
Taking the crumbling stairs
with caution, she pushed against the closed portal with limited success.
Stepping up so that her shoulders could engage the steel, she pushed
with renewed effort, parting the doors a fraction.
Dust and debris rained down on
her head, clogging her nostrils. Bright morning light flooded through
the slender crack her efforts created, assaulting her dilated pupils.
Setting the lantern down on the stair next to her feet, Sassy exhaled
forcefully clearing her nose, wiped her watering eyes on her sleeve and
tried again.
This time the doors parted
about an inch, allowing her a clear visual of the thick lock and chain
securing them. "Perfect!" This was their way out.
A loud thunk and staggering
footsteps above her head startled Jennifer. Rising quickly, she fought a
bout of vertigo, clinging to the rough iron of the bedstead. Closing her
eyes, she stood perfectly still allowing the sensation to
The footsteps seemed to move
away and fade. Taking up the cake of C-4 and the micro-detonator, she
slowly made her way to Sassy's side. "I assume the Calvary is somewhere
"Naturally," Sassy chuckled
lightly, "This isn't my first tea party, ya know. When all this is over,
remind me to tell you about the time Jonathan, Danny and I, eliminated
several undesirables. I think you might find it entertaining."
Memories of Jonathan's soulful
eyes gleaming with respect flooded her mind, causing her aged eyes to
water once more. Denying her sudden feeling of loss, Sassy added. "Now,
suppose you make use of that handy little lump of modeling clay you've
got there?"
"Ma'am, yes ma'am." Jennifer
snorted with quiet admiration.
While the older woman continued
to apply pressure to the vertical exit, the petite lieutenant slipped
her small hands through the slim opening created, wrapping one end of
the flexible explosive around the chain. "That's got it, go ahead and
let it fall back into place."
Once the doors returned to
their original position, Jennifer folded the remainder of the C-4
against the crevice. Then, pressed the detonator into the dough-like
material. "Hold that lantern up, will you please, ma'am? I need to set
the arming mechanism."
Checking her watch, Sassy noted
it was 0850 and said a silent prayer. "We need to allow our support
another ten minutes to get into position, Jennifer."
Resisting the urge to demand
more information, Jennifer complied, and set the small digital timer.
"That should do it. Now I suggest we use that moth-eaten mattress and
anything else we can find to construct a bunker for
Turning the bed on its side,
they braced the old steamer trunk against it and hunkered down behind
the mattress.
Stuffing the ratty pillow
beneath her touchy knees, Sassy inquired uncertainly. "Just how loud
will this explosion be, Jennifer?"
"In terms of decibels? I'd say
about equal to a rock concert courtesy of Aerosmith, Sass." Plucking one
of the threadbare blankets from the floor, Jennifer smiled grimly and
shredded a portion of it into several strips. "Better stuff some of this
into your ears."
"Gad!" Sassy's lips puckered
into a moue of distinct displeasure.
"Coffee isn't gonna sober this
oaf up fast enough." Marcel released Jefferson's arm with a sneer. "His
condition demands something more immediate; say a quick invigorating
plunge into an icy bath." Leaving Arturo to tend the drunkard, he
hastened into the bathroom and leaned over the old-fashioned claw foot
tub, adjusting the tap to cold.
Casting a resentful glance
toward his ill-tempered comrade, Arturo dutifully steadied Ben's
unstable bulk against the wall in the adjoining room and bent to unlace
the man's boots.
Moving with lightening fast
efficiency, Ben snapped the little man's neck, killing him instantly.
"Oops, guess I am... bammed... err... bombed... hell, lets
face it Arty, I'm sh... sh... it... faced!" Easing the dead man to the floor,
he reached for the military issue knife hidden in his boot.
Soundlessly slithering into the
bath, he hovered behind the irascible Marcel. Snaking an arm around the
taller man's throat, Jefferson neatly sliced through his carotid artery
and trachea with expert grace.
The scarred man slid
soundlessly into the tub, his eyes staring sightlessly into
Wiping the crimson liquid
staining his blade on the corpse's water spattered shirt, Ben watched
the blood pour from the downed man's neck for a fascinating moment.
Unabashed exhilaration coursed through him. His mouth curved into a
sardonic, arctic smile.
Retrieving Arturo's body from
the other room, he coldly discarded the carcass in the bath alongside
his deceased friend, careful not to block the drain. Satisfied the tub
wouldn't run over, he adjusted the water temperature. Hoping the water
was hot enough to generate a cloud of steam and discourage
Contemplating the ease with
which he'd just killed the pair; Jefferson shook off an ominous fission
of disquiet.
Realizing time was running
short; he checked his watch and began his clandestine descent to
intercept the Marquis.
Sprawled out in the dirt on his
belly, Rowan Thompson shuddered. Colonel Carter's plan called for a dual
approach. His orders were to recon and flank the barn. Once the signal
was given, Rowan and his partner were to move in and secure the
building. So far, other than the two men the colonel spotted earlier,
the area appeared to be deserted. Still, the tiny hairs on the back of
his neck were standing at attention. Targeting his buddy Phil Hauser's
rump, he tossed a pebble, scoring a direct hit.
Something small bounced sharply
off his butt. Glancing around, Hauser threw Thompson an irritated frown.
Rowan edgily mouthed the words 'come here.'
Dragging himself crab-like over
the short rocky expanse between them, Hauser poked Thompson gruffly in
the ribs. "What was that for?"
Licking at the light sheen of
sweat on his upper lip, Rowan narrowed his eyes, nervously searching the
topography behind them. "Someone is watching us."
Flipping onto his back, Hauser
used his rifle sight to conduct his own probe of the hilly
They were positioned on the
upper lip of a gully, overlooking the dilapidated barn of the rundown
farm where Jefferson insisted Hailey was being held. Bisected by a slow
running creek, the gully was deep; its steep sides brush covered and
Other than a few birds and
something furry scampering through the underbrush, nothing moved. Still,
on more than one occasion during training General O'Neill indicated
approval of Rowan's uncanny ability to perceive a threat. "Thompson, I
don't see..."
"I'm telling you, I can feel
it!" Rowan insisted his hackles rising. Fingering his radio, he clicked
thrice. A responding double click gave him the go ahead to
Opening the channel, eyes
darting worriedly over the perimeter, he whispered. "Colonel Carter...
unable to make a visual at this time, but my gut is telling me someone
or something is on our six."
Teal'c bowed with dignity and
handed his leader an Omega vest, P-90 and boots. "It is good to see you
well again, O'Neill."
"Thanks, T-man." Bending his
arm at the elbow, Jack used his thumb to point toward the two men
standing slightly behind him. "This is Colonel Draymak and Doc Prost.
Captain Martin is securing our vehicle up the road a piece."
Indicating the small dog
sitting at attention near his feet, he smirked. "And, this is Mischief
the wonder dog."
Enjoying the humor, Jon
squatted down, extending his hand for the mini-collie to sniff. So, this
was Jack's erstwhile protector.
"Ah, I'd be careful..." Draymak
began mindful of his own first encounter with the deceptively docile
Sniffing Jon's hand, Mischief's
animated face seemed to grin. Prancing forward, she slathered Jon's face
with joyful wet canine kisses. Chuckling lightly, Jon stroked her furry
flanks. "Hey there girl, we're gonna be great friends aren't
Jack slipped into his vest.
Checking his weapons, he bit the corner of his lip, eyeing Daniel
cagily. "Daniel, you okay?"
Daniel tucked his eyeglasses
into the pocket of his Omega vest with a wry smile. Same old Jack.
Removing the safety on his weapon, he spared Jon a jaunty glance. "Never
better, Jack. Thanks to the kid here."
Jack turned a critical eye his
clone's way. Had he really once looked so impossibly young? Fitted out
in full camouflage and battle gear the kid's jaded brown eyes seemed out
of place, set amidst his baby smooth half-grown features. "You all set,
"Yep." Jon responded shortly,
unfolding his lanky form and standing erect. Taking in the two men
backing the general up, he rocked back on his heels, offering each of
them a nod of salute. Hands resting confidently on his weapon, he
returned Jack's appraisal with a wicked smile. "Fact is, Uncle Jack, I'm
looking forward to it." Clare's demise and Hailey's abduction, not to
mention Danny's injury and Jack's brush with death, fueled his grim
Sharing his thoughts, Jack
nodded his understanding. Hunkering down on a nearby rock, he silently
blessed the trusty Jaffa and removed the worn sneakers he'd been
wearing, gratefully shoving his feet into his favorite boots. "Lay it
out, Draymak."
"Sir!" Karl snapped his voice
low. "We spotted Colonel Cater and her contingent just beyond that small
rise approximately a hundred yards due north."
"Contingent?" Daniel queried
quietly. Just how many men had Sam brought?
"Yes, sir, I counted four armed
men, besides the colonel." Draymak confirmed solemnly.
"They've split into two groups
essentially establishing two fronts." Jeff added, snapping his fingers,
he drew the small dog to his side. "I was thinking General, we could
attach a message to Mischief's collar and send her in to
"Negative, Prost." Jack shook
his head, tying off the lace on his left boot with a flourish. "One of
those trigger happy kids just might put a bullet in her..."
A loud explosion interrupted
his next thought.
Jack straightened swiftly. The
mask of leadership sobering his features. Using curt hand signals, he
fingered his P-90 and led the way toward Carter's last known
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