Major Kearney severed the connection and grimly pocketed his cell
phone, sparing his driver a perturbed look. "Apparently, Major Davis
isn't thrilled with our little 'expedition,' Eisley."
"I don't suppose any of us will lose any sleep over our decision
to volunteer for this mission, sir." Running his tongue over his
slightly protruding bottom lip, Eisley shrugged. "I mean, we all want a
crack at the scum-sucking-son-of... that is, General O'Neill sure as heck
would've understood."
Dismissing future consequences, Kearney's hard mouth curved into
an untroubled smile, "Understood, my Aunt Fanny! The general would've
been the first one geared up."
As the Jeep rocked precariously over a large rut in the road, he
glanced over his shoulder. "How much further, Emerson?"
Seated behind the driver, Technical Sergeant Henry Emerson, his
eyes glued to the laptop tucked between his knees, mopped an errant bead
of sweat out of his deep blue eyes with the back of one hand. "It's
difficult to triangulate precisely, sir. Something seems to be jamming
the GPS signal..."
"Jamming?" Kearney's freckled brow creased with doubt. "I thought
this tracking device of yours was state of the art?"
"It is, sir." Looking up, Emerson nodded. "Which means someone
nearby is using some very sophisticated equipment to interfere, creating
a kind-of dead zone." Emerson returned his attention to the computer
screen, running his brilliant fingers blithely over the keyboard. "The
good news is I can use the zone's circumference to guesstimate the
epicenter and approximate its location."
Pleased with the airman's ingenuity, Kearney sucked his teeth. They'd
catch up to Colonel Carter and her little task force yet! "Do it."
Setting his pen aside, Damien Wellington straightened up; his
sixth sense alerting him that something was amiss. Cocking his head to
one side, he listened for Arturo's quiet tread.
Other than the sound of the shower running somewhere above stairs
and the ticking of his desk clock the house was silent. It was unlike
his dedicated houseman to delay returning to his side. Considering
Jefferson's advanced state of inebriation, perhaps he'd remained to
safeguard the irritating man's safety whilst in the bath, however,
Damien doubted it. No, something was definitely off.
Reaching into his desk, he retrieved his weapon of choice, a
small thirty-eight-caliber pistol. He favored it, not only because it
had been his very first weapon, but also because it was so easily hidden
from unsuspecting eyes. Pushing his office chair back, the Marquis
unfolded his thin frame and advanced stealthily to the open door,
cursing the old oak flooring when it squeaked softly under his feet.
Halfway to the first floor landing, Ben froze on the stairs.
Switching the deceased Arturo's gun to his left hand, he pulled his
lethally efficient blade out of his boot once more; eyes alight with
anticipation, prepared to strike.
Leaning outward, unable to clearly see the stairwell, Wellington
coldly scanned the hallway finding it deserted. Proficient in the game
of cat-and-mouse, he advanced forward slightly, hoping to encourage any
aggressor to engage him while still in a position of relative cover.
Equally cunning, Ben grinned, enjoying the game and slid back
into the shadows.
The big clock in the hallway, always a minute fast, chimed the
hour. Wellington inhaled sharply and swiftly made his way into the hall,
his body flush with the wall, eyes directed upward to the stairway.
Nothing moved. The clock continued to chime. Wellington's cold
gray eyes flickered over the corridor. Moving to the landing, his
muscles tensed as he lifted his left foot to mount the stairs.
Still partially concealed by shadow, Ben launched his blade. As
the dagger propelled forward it briefly reflected the sunlight streaming
through a small stained glass window above, alerting the evil
Reacting instinctively, Wellington fired into the shadows, just
as Ben's knife struck him. Clutching the blade protruding from his right
breast with his left hand, the iniquitous Marquis screamed, overcome.
He'd often inflicted pain, relishing his captive's torment, but rarely
had the craven sadist endured it. Despite his momentary incapacitation,
he squinted into the dim recesses of the upper landing and raised his
gun with his shaking right hand, preparing to fire.
Gloating, Ben stepped forward intending to end the foul Marquis'
miserable existence. His finger tensed, squeezing the pistol's trigger;
an explosion rocked the house. Thrown off balance, his shot went
As Jefferson stumbled into the light, Wellington quickly fired,
deftly riding the trembling floorboards beneath his feet.
Searing pain blossomed inside his skull, knocking Ben backward.
Staggering, he fell.
Panting with pain, as well as victory, Wellington turned and
hurried away.
The force of the blast not only shook the old farmhouse to its
foundation, it crumbled the entire south wall of the structure; filling
the cellar room, where Hailey and Sassy squatted behind their makeshift
fortification, with a thick cloud of debris.
Uncovering her head with a cough, Sassy blinked against the haze
created by unsettled dust particles and blazing morning light. "Well,
that was certainly loud."
Stifling a laugh, Hailey assisted the older woman to her feet.
"As Teal'c would say, 'Indeed.'"
"Come on Sass; let's get the hell out of here!" Latching onto
Sassy's hand, Jennifer wiped her burning eyes on the sleeve of her
battered blouse.
Pushing past their barricade, the two waded through bits of
rubble. Admiring the gaping opening created by their little bomb.
Hailey climbed what was left of the ascending stairwell. Once she
reached the top stair, she carefully popped her head up over the edge
and scanned the area. Spying a pair of long legs coming around the
corner of the house, she cursed her lack of a weapon.
Looking up, Sassy noted the fleeting quiver of trepidation pass
over Jennifer's dust covered face. Surmising that one of the odious
Marquis' henchmen must be approaching, she ran back into the wreckage
searching for the sturdy galvanized bucket she'd noted earlier.
Retreating, Jennifer prepared to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
She'd be damned before she gave up without a fight! Pulling her petite
body behind a pile of shattered timber, she wiped her sweaty palms on
her filthy trousers. Then crouching down, she picked up a fractured
length of lumber.
Soft, hesitant footfalls preceded the pair of leg's rapid descent.
Holding her breath Jennifer allowed their pursuer to descend
several feet and then used the wood to trip him. As the man plummeted
down the remaining steps, Sassy set her teeth and cracked him on the
head with the bucket.
Finished, the man fell senseless to the floor.
"Nice job, Sass!" Jennifer praised the senior quietly. Dropping
the wood, she relieved their unconscious assailant of his handgun.
Breathless, Sassy patted her trusty pail and whispered. "Do you
think he was alone?"
Jennifer shook her head. "Tie him up, Sass. I'll check." Glancing
upward, she listened intently and rested her finger on the handgun's
trigger, climbing the steps once more.
Using the man's belt, Sassy looped it around his wrists eyeing
the stiff knot she'd fashioned dubiously. Unlacing his boots, she tied
his laces together, hoping if he did awaken and tried to rise, he'd
trip. Searching his pockets she found a rather nasty switchblade.
Jamming it into her pocket, she turned him over to stuff a rag into his
slack mouth and gasped. "Oh no!" Quickly unbinding her victim, she
tucked the rag beneath his head, and ran to alert Jennifer.
Circling an enormous grouping of lilacs and an overgrown
gaudy-pink hydrangea bush, Malcolm Barrett hefted his pistol, making for
the front entrance of the once stately Victorian. Staggering footsteps
advancing against the floorboards of the wide porch caused him to halt
in mid-stride. Drawing back, he used the lush bushes as a shield,
hunkered down and waited.
A tall thin man, his hand clutched to his bloodstained chest,
fingers splayed around a knife's protruding handle, entered Malcolm's
line of vision. Clearly in desperate straits, the man rested unsteadily
against one of the porch rails, his eyes darting furtively about.
Guessing that this then was the illustrious bastard who'd perpetrated
O'Neill's demise, Barrett inhaled with satisfaction and prepared to
intercept him.
Wellington sniffed the air savoring the heady scent of his wild
and fecund garden. There was something soothing about nature's perfume,
something that calmed his chaotic mind and lessened the searing pain in
his breast, if he were to die, what better setting than this?
The irony of his thoughts drew Damien up short. It had been a
lifetime since he'd waxed so poetic, a lifetime catering to distorted
needs and perverse desires, fueled by his desolate soul. And, it was
that selfsame infinite capacity for inflicting anguish that renewed his
waning vigor now.
He'd been deceived. Clearly the O'Connor woman was in league with
Jefferson. They'd invaded his carefully disguised idyllic fortress. Need
spurned him onward; adrenalin surged though his weakened flesh. And,
just as he craved the scent of fear-induced sweat, he hungered for
revenge. Grinning manically, he descended the steps.oo
Colonel Samantha Carter maneuvered into position behind the
farmhouse, just shy of the rundown shed. Checking her wristwatch she
noted the time and covered her ears with both hands, anticipating the
As the echo of the prearranged explosion faded, she watched with
keen interest as two men stationed within the small structure threw back
the door and exited. Heavily armed, they moved with rapid speed toward
the south side of the house.
Sucking in a deep breath, Sam pushed up with her elbows, rising
from her prone position with fluid grace and gave chase, her P-90 cocked
and ready for action.
Unfortunately, the man trailing behind hesitated and glanced over
his shoulder. Shouting a warning, he pivoted and opened fire.
Sam returned fire, bullets whizzing past her ear, she dropped to
the ground once more, cradling her weapon.
The man's body jerked back, his arms flying skyward. Collapsing,
his stunningly attractive face looked surprised, as a small blossom of
blood appeared in the center of his forehead.
Hearing his compatriot's startled cry, the second man spun to one
side and snapped off a round of fire. Taking shelter behind a large
birdbath, he targeted his assailant's blonde head, peppering her
vulnerable position with gunfire.
Sam felt a sharp sting in her left shoulder and returned fire,
striking the birdbath and sending shards of white concrete spewing into
the air. Rolling to her right, she continued to nail her enemy's
As the birdbath shattered, the man shifted, taking a bullet to
the stomach. Clutching his wound with both hands, he dropped to his
knees, gasping with pain. Angrily refusing to capitulate gracefully, he
plucked a grenade from his belt and pulled the pin with his teeth.
Guessing the rolling woman's trajectory, he tossed the projectile her
way. Then, grinning with macabre satisfaction, gave in to death.
Something landed near Sam's legs. Sparing the object a quick look,
she recognized her danger and attempted to roll the opposite way.
Sadly, despite her quick reaction, Sam was unable to fully escape
the force of the small bomb's ensuing detonation. As her world shattered
into fragments of brilliant light and pain, Sam wondered if Jack would
meet her on the other side.
Heading for the rapid pop of gunfire, Jack O'Neill took point.
Using hand signals he directed his small band to split into three and
surround the area.
Jon chose to shadow his 'uncle' Jack, while Daniel and Teal'c
moved off to their left. Nodding for Prost and his little dog to follow
him, Draymak veered off O'Neill's right.
Jon and Jack were less than twenty yards from the sounds of
gunfire when the second explosion rent the air. Dirt and bits of turf
flew skyward, raining down on their heads. Tumbling to the earth, the
pair covered up, waiting for the dark rain to stop.
The smoke had barely cleared before both O'Neill's jumped rapidly
to their feet and continued to advance. Rounding what remained of the
shed their dirt clouded eyes spotted a half-buried figure and halted
abruptly. Their linked psyches experienced a shared feeling of sick
dread. Resolute, the duo moved forward.
Gulping, Jack recognized a bloody hank of blonde hair crowning
the grenade's victim. "Carter!" Dropping on both knees, he desperately
began scooping dirt away from her face.
Jon's heart seemed to freeze in his chest. Swallowing back the
bile that threatened to choke him, he hovered near Jack's side, weapon
extended, eyes alert. 'Is she... gone?' His mind begged otherwise. Somehow
saying the words aloud seemed more horrifying than not knowing.
Pressing an urgent hand to Sam's bloodstained throat, Jack waited
and prayed.
The man he assumed was the Marquis stepped gingerly out onto the
home's front walkway heading away from Barrett's position; sunlight
danced over the muzzle of his pistol.
Rising Malcolm trained his weapon on the back of the man's
balding pate. "Stop right there, Wellington."
Damien's shoulders straightened with obvious surprise. Grimacing,
he did as he was bidden and turned slowly. Narrowing his eyes, he
studied his vaguely familiar foe. "Do I know you?"
"It's possible." The sound of nearby gunfire pierced the air as
Malcolm eyed the Marquis dispassionately. "Drop the gun."
Retaining his pistol, Damien smiled thinly; his brow rose in
resignation. "I suppose there is no possibility that you might be
persuaded to..."
"None." Malcolm snapped coldly. "I'm all too aware of you
loathsome predilection for torturing those close to you and your innate
duplicity, Marquis."
"Ah, you mistake me, sir." Wellington countered mildly his face
unperturbed. Flinching slightly, he dropped his eyes. "I will concede
that on occasion I've catered to my associates unfortunate... shall we
call them, masochistic appetites, but only to please them. So many of
the weak-minded seem to find solace in the entrancing arms of
A loud bang, followed by the unexpected sight of Dr. Jackson and
Teal'c crashing through a small stand of trees interrupted their
Distracted, Malcolm glanced toward the pair for a split second.
Making his move, the Marquis shot him point-blank and ran to the rear of
the house.
The thirty-eight-caliber bullet struck Barrett's chest knocking
him to the ground.
Thanks to General O'Neill's exacting method of training, Thompson
and Hauser silently dispatched the two men hiding in the barn with
unparalleled efficiency. Gunfire, followed shortly by another explosion
aided their hunt. Snapping their respective blades back into their
sheaths, the capable airmen quit the confines of the barn and moved on
toward the house.
Hauser was the first to spot Hailey, as she cautiously climbed up
out of the ruined foundation of the house. Gaining Thompson's attention
with a hiss, he whistled.
Hailey's head came up sharply, her dirty face grim. Nodding her
recognition, she motioned them to join her in the hole and then
disappeared back inside.
Mystified, Thompson descended the stairs partially, remaining on
guard near the entry, while Hauser ventured deeper into what was left of
the cellar.
At first Jack's calloused fingers, resting lightly atop the
artery in Carter's smooth neck, were unable to detect a thing. 'Dammit,
O'Neill, try again!' Jon's voice echoed in his head urgently. Terrified,
Jack pressed deeper.
A weak erratic thrill pulsed tenaciously against his fingers.
Overwhelmed, Jack closed his eyes. Two minds released a sigh of
infinite gratitude, each tumultuously relieved and frightened at the
same time.
Jack reached for the radio tucked into the left breast pocket of
his Omega vest, clicking the channel open with his thumb. "Draymak, do
you read?"
Jon took a minute to verify that the two bodies lying nearby
weren't a threat and then headed back to help Jack uncover Carter's
injured body.
The radio crackled. A deep voice responded. "This is Draymak..."
"Eagle down!" Frightened, Jack masked his trepidation with
impatience. "Get Prost over here on the double!"
"Roger that, sir. On our way" Draymak's disembodied voice
responded grimly.
Their paths diverging, Teal'c left Daniel Jackson behind as he
took off after Special Agent Malcolm Barrett's attacker.
Daniel knelt beside the downed special agent, his forehead
wrinkled with concern. There were no telltale signs of a wound staining
Barrett's clothing. "Barrett, can you hear me?"
Inhaling sharply, Malcolm's eyelids fluttered and then opened to
reveal a pair of unfocused pupils. Taking another deep breath, he
focused on Jackson and nodded.
Coughing, Malcolm ripped open his shirt revealing the bulletproof
vest beneath. Running a hand over his aching chest, he fingered the
small-flattened projectile imbedded there. Realization flooded his face
as he stood up. "Wellington's getting away..."
"I doubt it." Offering Barrett a helping hand, Daniel smiled
grimly. "Teal'c is tracking him."
Finding his lost handgun in the deep grass, Malcolm offered
Jackson a skeptical look. "Don't you think we should back him up?"
"Nope." Knowing Teal'c he'd prefer to exercise his own brand of
justice alone. Crossing his arms over his chest, Daniel shook his head.
"I think we should look for Hailey and Mrs. O'Connor. That explosion
"Planned," Barrett interjected, rubbing his sore chest. Man,
getting shot sure packed a wallop! "It was our signal to move
"Ours, as in yours and Sam's?" Daniel asked harshly, disapproval
marring his brow. "I'm surprised at you Barrett; I thought you special
agent types practiced more prudence."
"Save it, Jackson. I've read your files; remember?" Malcolm
snorted, tilting his head to one side. "Look, let's find Mrs. O'Connor
and the lieutenant, we can argue the merits of this operation later."
"Got any idea where the two are?" Daniel subsided coolly.
Squinting, he pursed his lips.
"Affirmative." Adjusting his clothing, Malcolm grimaced and moved
Ripping a portion of her blouse free, Sassy climbed over the
scattered debris making her way to the cracked sink she'd noted earlier.
The taps were rusty, but with some little effort she managed to elicit a
trickle of cold water from the ancient pipes and drench the scrap of
Returning to her victim's side, she pressed the cool cloth
against the lump forming on the side of his head, gently patting his
cheek. "Forgive me Ned I thought you were one of Wellington's
Still fighting his stupor, Drew's lips twitched. 'Villain? What
the... She thought he, the NID Dudley Do-Right, was Snidely Whiplash?'
Feeling like he'd just slammed into oncoming traffic without his bike
helmet, Ned swallowed back the nausea that threatened to make him
Realizing his need, Sassy gently eased his head into her lap,
mopping his brow. "Take some deeps breaths dear, and think lovely
Airman Hauser followed Lieutenant Hailey into the dim recesses of
the destroyed cellar. At first, he was unable to see more than the
residual spots one endures coming indoors from the bright sunlight while
their pupils dilate to accommodate the lack of illumination. A soft moan
near his feet stopped him cold. "I'm glad to see you're intact
lieutenant, but where is Mrs..."
"I'm fine Philip, never fear." Sassy's voice informed him jauntily.
"Unfortunately, Ned needs your assistance... He's... a bit worse for
Finally able to focus, Hauser's eyes widened as he took in the
tableau sprawled out at his feet.
Special Agent Drew, his semi-conscious head nestled in Mrs.
O'Connor's seated lap, moaned softly. Kneeling beside them, Hailey was
busy lacing Drew's boots. Glancing up, she noted Hauser's gaping mouth.
"Don't just stand there airman, help me get his man up!"
"Ma'am!" Hauser snapped, bending to lend a hand.
Together, he and the lieutenant assisted the still vaguely
senseless agent to his feet.
A sudden shaft of sunlight cascaded over the lieutenant's
burnished head, drawing the airman's attention. Beneath its fine coating
of dust, Hailey's face appeared strained and pale. "Lieutenant, maybe
you should take point and let Thompson help with Drew here."
Jennifer's drawn face flushed with irate denial. Despite her
body's liberal supply of adrenalin, and the dextrose solution Sassy had
so thoughtfully provided, Hailey was still fighting the effects of the
drugs she'd been given and her meager reserves were waning fast.
'It doesn't matter whose right, Lieutenant.' General O'Neill's
voice seemed to echo in her head. Razor sharp grief threatened to rob
Jennifer of her last vestiges of stamina.
Emulating the general's example, she used her anguish to fuel her
rage experiencing a surge of renewed vigor. Biting back a retort, she
relieved Thompson of his P-90, motioning for him to lend Hauser a
Keeping a sharp eye, Hailey climbed the steps. Running a steady
hand over her clammy neck, she ducked into the daylight.
Flinching with each pop of gunfire, Kris paced the gravel road
cursing like a sailor and bemoaning the general's orders to stay put.
Okay, so technically she was a nurse, that didn't mean she was any less
of a warrior! Fingering the radio Draymak had the foresight to add to
his automobile's mini-arsenal, she itched to make contact, but ingrained
military discipline stayed her tense fingers. Running a hand through her
hair, she kicked the bumper of Draymak's Jeep and screamed with
Following the distant sounds of battle, Eisley was the first to
spot Captain Martin. Accelerating, he maneuvered the vehicle alongside
her parked Jeep and braked, sending the gravel beneath their wheels
As the two military Jeeps screeched to a halt, Kris recognized
Major Kearney and straightened up. "Major Kearney!" Kris saluted her
face tense.
"Captain." Kearny acknowledged curtly, jumping from the Jeep.
"What the hell is going on, Martin? I thought you were back at the
Grimacing, Kris licked her lips and fingered the small sidearm
tucked in her jeans. "I was ordered to stay here and wait..."
The pop of gunfire ended abruptly with the sound of a grenade's
detonation. Cringing, Kris yanked her sidearm free and released the
Turning his head toward the blast, the major's blue eyes searched
the sky, noting a cloud of smoke billowing on their flank. "Did Colonel
Carter give you that order, Captain?" Kearney tossed over his shoulder,
motioning his team to fan out and head for the tree line. Pulling an
extra vest from the Jeep, he tossed it to the captain and made to follow
his men.
"Not exactly, sir." Catching the vest, Kris avoided his gaze,
slipped it on and followed his lead.
Breaking into a lope, he spared her a quizzical glance. Both
their radios clicked. Depressing the receiver, the major was stunned to
hear the late General Jack O'Neill's very distinctive voice report via
code that a colonel was injured. Then shortly demand someone named
Draymak bring Prost to the downed officer's aid. Speculating that the
injured officer was Colonel Carter, Kearney swallowed his questions and
picked up the pace.oo
Jack and Jon carefully dug Carter's body from the shallow crater.
Her head and torso were covered with a thin coating of loose soil and
sod, mixed with a staggering amount of fresh blood.
Sam's face was torn and oozing. A gory bullet hole in her exposed
shoulder bled rhythmically, despite the thick mud encrusting
Pulling a bulky field dressing from his Omega vest, Jack pressed
it firmly against the hideous wound, tying it tightly around her armpit.
Terrified, he checked her pulse once more, sighing with relief when his
slippery fingers located the faint thrill. Ripping open Sam's vest, he
gratefully noted her body armor. "That a girl, Sam..."
Urgently, using both his hands to free Sam's leg, Jon silently
recited the Lord's Prayer. Moving an exceptionally large chunk of turf,
he gasped.
The explosion's resulting shrapnel had reduced Sam's lower left
leg to a bloody mass of torn flesh, exposing the main artery. Uncovered,
the wounded vessel spewed its life sustaining fluid skyward with every
desperate beat of her heart.
"Crap, this is bad Jack, very bad!" Pulling off his belt, Jon
wrapped it around her slender thigh and pulled tight, creating a
Jack clicked his radio. "Draymak, Prost, where the hell are you?"
Draymak's breathless voice responded. "Sorry General... we've..."
Gunfire interrupted the transmission, and then static filled the air.
Sucking in a strangled breath, Jack instinctively used their
unique psychic conduit to connect with his duplicate. 'We've gotta do
something right now or we're gonna lose her!'
They were fresh out of options. Carter's life was worth the risk
of exposing their talents.
Jon silently concurred. Laying both his hands on Sam's shattered
leg, he closed his eyes.
Jack rested his shaking right hand directly over the ugly
pulsating wound in Sam's shoulder. Placing his left against her faintly
beating heart, he denied his fear, emptied his mind and allowed the
power within him to swell, adding its strength to that of his clone.
Blocking out his surroundings, Jon linked his mind with Jack's,
retreating to that place within their collective consciousness where
they'd hidden the Ancients' knowledge.
Coming up out of a shallow ravine, over a rise, Kearney, Martin
and the major's six-man team hunkered down. Approximately fifty yards
ahead, two men and what appeared to be a dog, sprawled out in the deep
grass, behind a short woodpile, near the southwest corner of the farm's
main house.
Pulling a small spyglass from his vest, Kearney surveyed the
scene. A sniper, his rifle protruding from the window of an
old-fashioned outhouse, had the pair pinned down.
Recognizing the trapped men, Kris clutched the major's sleeve.
"That's Colonel Draymak and Dr. Jeff Prost."
"One of them has taken a hit." Kearney whispered tersely, passing
her the spyglass. Pointing at the sniper, he inclined his head.
Already in position, Eisley returned the nod. Closing his left
eye, he peered through his weapon sight and waited.
Kris trained the glass on the ensnared men. Jeff, Mischief's tiny
body scrunched protectively against him, was lying on his side behind
the pile of kindling. Furiously pressing a field dressing against a
motionless Draymak's left shoulder with one hand, he attempted to return
fire with the other. Clenching her fists, Kris licked the sweat from her
upper lip and ground her teeth.
As the sniper leaned forward to take another shot, his head
appeared fleetingly within the small crescent-shaped window. Eisley
squeezed off two shots in rapid succession, striking the assailant's
temple. The man's head jerked back and he disappeared from view.
The crack of gunfire halted Hailey's progress. Hanging back
within the shattered remains of the storm cellar opening, she scanned
the landscape. Catching sight of Daniel, accompanied by one of the men
who'd escorted Sassy to the general's funeral, she moved forward into
the sunlight.
Hustling to her side Daniel grinned, eyes crinkling. "Good to see
you in one piece, Lieutenant."
Two airmen assisted a rather
wobbly Ned Drew to the surface, followed closely by the welcome sight of
Mrs. Sassy O'Connor's spirited countenance. Throwing her arms wide, the
lady pulled the stunned archeologist close and hugged the stuffing out
of him. "Look whose talking!"
Desperately attempting to inhale a strangled breath, Daniel gasped.
"Gah! Ah... Sass, I can't breathe!"
"What the hell happened to you,
Drew?" Barrett snapped, arching a brow.
Sassy released Danny, eyes
flashing. Spinning on her heel, she wagged her index finger. "Malcolm, I
will not tolerate that tone. After all, Jennifer and I had no way of
knowing it was Ned we were bashing on the head."
Barrett's eyebrows shot upward.
Biting his lower lip, he stifled a laugh. Humiliated, Ned's face flushed
scarlet. Closing his eyes, he fought another bout of nausea.
Turning toward the echoing
sounds of gunfire, Jennifer interrupted. "Where is Colonel Carter?"
Seven worried pairs of eyes shifted her way. Flaring her nostrils,
Jennifer nodded curtly. "Right. Might I suggest we adjourn to the
battlefield and back her up?"
Sassy took Ned's arm, relieving
the two airmen of their burden. Waving her hand dismissively, she
ordered. "You go on ahead and assist Samantha. I'll look after Ned."
Watching them swiftly move off, she led Drew to a small bench nearby;
then, brandishing her firearm, stood guard.
Jaffa discipline and training
aided Teal'c as he tracked the man who'd attacked Special Agent Malcolm
Barrett. His prey was both determined and visibly unsteady. Thus, Teal'c
bided his time and trailed his quarry, confident that prolonging the
hunt would be beneficial.
Damien Wellington snaked along
the northwest edge of the main yard, using the deep grass and unruly
shrubbery as cover. Still supporting the knife that had cleaved the main
muscle of his chest, he ignored the blood seeping between his outspread
fingers saturating his shirt, elation negating his pain. He'd made it to
the rear of the large Victorian unchallenged. While his men dealt with
the inept intruders he would make his way to his hidden vehicle and
His soaring confidence took an
unexpected beating when he encountered the inert bodies of two of his
men crumpled lifeless and staring, amongst the unkempt remains of a once
tidy garden. Falling to his knees, the quivering Marquis used the back
of his gun hand to mop the trickle of sweat that stung his bleary eyes
and robbed them of focus.
The recent welcome tune of
intermittent gunfire faded away, replaced by ominous silence.
Uncertainty left Damien breathless and giddy.
Suddenly the pain in his chest
increased, his muscles trembled with fatigue. Stumbling to his feet, he
advanced several more yards, fighting the vertigo and darkness that
threatened to overtake him. Someone, or something, stirred along the
outer vestiges of his peripheral vision. Pivoting, his dim eyes alighted
on two blurry, yet strangely familiar forms.
Could it be? Was he
hallucinating? Not one, but two O'Neills knelt over the body of a woman,
their eyes closed, weapons neglected; exposed and unaware. Triumphant
glee suffused Wellington's weakened flesh, leaving him giddy with
anticipation. Raising his pistol, he trained it on the reckless pair,
grinning sardonically.
Teal'c's keen eyes noted the
uncommon presence of the vulnerable O'Neills moments before his prey.
Recognizing the injured body to be that of Colonel Carter, his carefully
banked need for revenge flared. Consequently, as the man lifted his
weapon, Teal'c nimbly closed the gap between them, silently snapping the
man's neck with his skillful hands.
Tossing the carcass aside,
Teal'c advanced, hovering protectively over the threesome. Lost in
concentration, neither O'Neill acknowledged his arrival. Refusing to
look directly at the carnage that had once been a woman he admired, the
sage Jaffa denied his urge to offer assistance. Scanning the area for
further peril, he remained on the alert and waited.
O'Neill's weathered face
appeared untroubled; Jon's restful and innocent. Slowly a faint light
coalesced beneath their ministering hands. Spreading outward, the glow
flittered over Colonel Carter's broken form. Pulsing upward the light
engulfed all three completely.
Raising a hand to protect his
dazzled eyes, Teal'c held his breath, heartened. Time stood still. A
restless breeze ruffled a small majestic copse of nearby trees. Slowly
the gentle wind became a mighty gale, tearing at the Jaffa's uniform,
stinging his eyes with small bits of debris. The glow increased in
intensity obliterating his vision. Then, suddenly the storm ceased. The
light faded. Silence reigned.
Both O'Neills remained
immobile, their expressions tranquil. Teal'c remained watchful.
Slowly, Jon opened his eyes
hungrily scanning Carter's legs. The sight of her mended flesh creased
his unlined face with joy. 'Hot damn, Jack! Open your eyes!'
Jack's deep-set eyelids
fluttered. His tongue slid nervously over his lower lip. 'Don't rush me,
will ya?' Clenching his jaw, he cracked his left lid allowing his narrow
vision to caress Carter's upper body.
Sam's face and uniform remained
mud-covered, bloody and disheveled, but her injuries were gone. Jack's
eyes burned with hot tears. Speechless, he swallowed hard, gently
fingering her unmarred cheek.
Jon's gaze skittered upward.
Locking eyes with Teal'c, he shrugged, offering a lopsided smile. "Hey
T... been there long?"
"Indeed I have, Jon O'Neill."
Lifting his chin, Teal'c blinked back the moisture that suddenly clouded
his dedicated vision, his lush lips curving upward with an answering
Ignoring the major's cautious
order, Kris ran full-tilt down the embankment and collapsed beside
Prost. Gently pushing his bloodstained hands aside, she took over the
task of applying pressure to the colonel's wound, muttering an oath.
"Hell, Jeff."
Preoccupied with Draymak's
condition, Jeff wiped absently at a thin rivulet of blood above his left
eyebrow and offered her a distracted smile of welcome. "We need more
field dressings... the colonel's lost a good deal of blood." Glancing
sideways, his anxious eyes addressed her armed escort. "Colonel Carter
is lying out there somewhere wounded."
"We'll find her, Doc." Kearney
barked. Squinting at the unknown doctor, he huffed. "Emerson! Assist the
captain." Lightly smacking Kris's shoulder, he motioned for his team to
continue on. "As soon as we've secured the area you owe me one hell of
an explanation, Martin."
While the major and the rest of
the team moved off to secure the perimeter and search for Colonel
Carter, Emerson dropped to his knees ripping open his field pack. "How
long has he been down?"
"Not sure... I lost track...
fighting off the bad guys... " Prost stammered, shaking his head.
Crouching alongside him, Mischief whimpered sympathetically.
Using her elbow to continue
applying direct pressure to the wound, Kris pulled an intravenous set-up
from Emerson's medical field pack and began priming the tubing. "Contact
the SGC and get a medical chopper in the air, Sergeant."
"Understood." Hitting the speed
dial on his cell, he propped it between his shoulder and chin, pulling a
portable oxygen set-up from his pack. "Command, this is Emerson, eagle
down, I repeat, eagle down. Request medical evacuation, STAT!"
Standing by, anticipating just
such a call, Sergeant Walter Davis shifted into overdrive. Taking a few
moments to ascertain their needs and whereabouts, he alerted Dr.
Carson's medical crew; then bustled off to update the temporary base
commander, Major Paul Davis.
A familiar drab blur of
uniforms brought Hailey up short. Kneeling, she signaled the men behind
her to find cover, and took a chance. "This is Lieutenant Hailey, United
States Air Force, stand fast and identify yourself."
"Lower your weapon, Hailey.
It's Major Kearney." The major's voice responded in an amused tone.
Jennifer's tense shoulders relaxed. Rising, she lowered her P-90.
"Understood, sir." The major and five of his security men rapidly
overtook her little bands' position.
Taking in the sight of his two
errant airmen, Jackson and the special agent, Kearny frowned. "Where are
Mrs. O'Connor and Colonel Carter?"
"Mrs. O'Connor is safe." Barrett replied in a steely tone. "Afraid
we lost track of the colonel."
Kearney's lips thinned. "And just where would Teal'c be, Jackson?"
Owl eyed, Daniel shrugged.
"I see." Kearney bit out, his
eyes flashing. "Okay people, spread out and find them."
General O'Neill's voice calling
her name penetrated the velvety darkness, demanding compliance.
Struggling, Sam cracked open her deep blue eyes, fighting the bright
sun's glare. Just as she'd hoped, Jack's handsome face greeted her.
Reaching up, she traced his sensual lower lip with a muddy finger. "So
then, I guess heaven isn't a myth."
Jack's heart turned over.
Slipping into his familiar disguise, he snorted, wagging his eyebrows
with a crooked grin. "Well Carter, that all depends on your definition
of heaven."
"Anyplace you are is paradise,
Jack." Smiling, she settled back in his arms. Drained and confused, she
closed her weary eyes giving in to the balm of deep sleep.
Moving toward the remains of
what looked like a shed; Jennifer was the first to spot Jon O'Neill,
hands covered with drying blood, supporting his P-90. Thinking the
crimson gore was his; she rushed forward and clutched his arm. "Jon,
where were you hit?"
Jon's grimy face spit with a
wide grin. "I'm fine, Jennifer, no worries." Noting Major Kearney and
his contingent trailing closely behind the lieutenant, he sobered,
blocking their way. "Hold up, Major. There's something you should all
know before going any further."
"Just what would that be, kid?"
Narrowing his eyes, Kearney looked the lad over. Jon appeared to be
uninjured and intact. So then, exactly whose blood was spattered
liberally over his fatigues and hands? Sucking in a breath, he demanded,
"Have you seen Colonel Carter?"
"We have indeed, Major Kearney." Teal'c's booming voice sounded
directly behind Jon's position.
"Colonel Carter is suffering the effects of a blow to her head." The
big Jaffa stepped gingerly from behind the shed, cradling the
unconscious officer in his massive arms.
Daniel rushed to the big man's
side. Swallowing hard, he ran concerned hands over the multiple rents
and bloodstained holes in Sam's uniform. There were no correlating
wounds; exchanging a knowing look with Teal'c, he cast a grateful smile
Jon's way.
Kearney's tense face relaxed slightly. "So whose blood..."
"Ah, yeah... about that... it's like this..." Shifting his shoulders
uncomfortably, Jon's brows rose and fell. "The general... that is... my
uncle Jack..."
"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." O'Neill quipped
stepping forward from the shadow of the shed.
Glancing distastefully at his
own blood-covered countenance, he shrugged, sighing dramatically.
"Taking out the bad guys can be so very messy, don't ya think?"
The collective group remained silent, astonished by his miraculous
appearance, mouths agape, eyes wide.
Hailey was the first to recover. Never a slouch in the brains
department, she searched Jon's face, finding the truth. Dropping her
hands, she stepped back, her expression inscrutable. "Yes, sir,
General, very messy." She agreed coolly.
Squaring her shoulders,
Jennifer stared blankly ahead. "May I suggest that I impart the glad
tidings to Mrs. O'Connor, General? The shock might be a bit much for a
woman her age."
Jack's bushy eyebrows climbed, furrowing his brow. Coughing
slightly, he acquiesced. "Handle it, Lieutenant."
"Sir." Hailey saluted formally and then took off, heading back to
the place they'd left Sassy and Drew.
'Crap!' Kicking a stone with his boot, Jon released an inaudible
sigh of frustration and watched her leave.
'What the hell are you waiting
for kid, an engraved invitation?' Jack's mind prodded. 'Look, for better
or worse you've been given a second chance – don't waste it!'
'More than likely she'll kick
me in the ass.' Jon's psyche snorted. 'Ah well, nothing ventured...'
Smiling wryly, he straightened his spine and trailed after her.
"Has anybody seen Jefferson?"
Barrett's eyes wandered over the company thoughtfully.
"Jefferson?" Kearney thundered,
eyes flashing. "You mean to tell me that besides these two," He paused,
piercing Hauser and Thompson with his glare, "Ben Jefferson was involved
in this screwed up affair?"
Hauser and Thompson shifted restlessly, exchanging a nervous look.
"Yes, sir." They piped up as one.
"Involved?" Barrett bit out.
"He instigated it. Jefferson located Hailey and alerted the colonel. The
fact is he concocted the whole thing."
A rapid aerial chopping noise
heralded the approach of the medical helicopter.
Jack's head whipped around. "Who?" He squinted quizzically.
Understanding the terse
inquiry, Kearney reported promptly. "A Colonel Draymak, sir. He and a
Dr. Prost were pinned down by sniper fire... he took one
to the shoulder... Captain Martin and Sergeant Emerson, are assisting
Prost with him now, General."
"Understood." Jack nodded
satisfied. "Teal'c, get Carter to the chopper," O'Neill ordered, waving
a dismissive hand. Tossing his head toward the major, he continued,
"Kearney, fan out, find Jefferson and secure the area."
Jack snagged the back of the
retreating Jackson's jacket. "Hold up a minute Daniel."
Casting a regretful look toward Teal'c's retreating form, Daniel
halted and fell into step beside his friend. Turning, his animated face
settled into a cordial mask of benign interest. Crossing his arms, he
arched a brow. "Hey, Jack... what's new?"
Sauntering along, Jack shrugged. "Oh the usual, smarmy bad guys,
intrigue... I got banged up a bit..." His voice climbed an octave.
"Yeah, about that, Jack..."
Rubbing his chin, Daniel cast him a sidelong stare. "You want to explain
how it is you were dead one minute and tip-top the next... I mean, we
buried you Jack, had a funeral and everything..."
"Really?" Jack asked mildly,
evading the question. "Who gave the eulogy?"
Inhaling, Daniel held his breath for a second and then released a
sigh of resignation. "You're not gonna tell me, are you Jack?"
"Tell you what, Danny?" Jack responded, assuming his most effective
method of diversion – an air of complete density.
Smiling fondly, Daniel cast his
eyes skyward. "Never mind, Jack. It's good to have you back."
"It's good to be back." Jack
admitted quietly, patting Daniel's shoulder lightly.
Carson and his team assumed
Draymak's care with the fluidity of a classical ballet. Jeff, refusing
to fully relinquish his responsibility, brushed aside Kris's attempt to
attend to his injuries. Requesting Emerson remand custody of Mischief to
O'Neill, he climbed aboard the chopper. Carson, content with Captain
Martin's ready acceptance and the man's dedication to his patient,
tolerated Prost's presence without comment.
However the sight of Colonel Carter lying limply in Teal'c's gentle
embrace, her uniform in bloody tatters, pallid flesh contrasting
glaringly with his ebony bulk, gave him pause.
Teal'c, noting the telltale
signs of dread flash over Carson's carefully impassive face, shook his
head, lips twitching upward slightly. Shouting to be heard over the
helicopter's engine, the Jaffa was succinct, as he transferred the
colonel into the awaiting arms of one of the medics. "A blow to the
head... Colonel Carter regained consciousness briefly..."
Lifting his chin, Carson acknowledged the information. The two
seasoned fighters exchanged an eloquent gaze, each respecting the
battles the other shouldered willingly.
Concentrating on the voice
buzzing in his headset, one of the crewmen nodded. Yelling, he advised,
"Tell Major Kearney a second medical chopper is two clicks out... we're
airborne in thirty seconds..."
"I shall." Ducking, Teal'c rejoined the cleanup efforts.
Creeping stealthily along the dim hallway of the oversized
farmhouse, Barrett's searching gaze alighted on an uneven trail of
bright red droplets. Tossing a meaningful look Thompson's way, he
inclined his head indicating the bloody pattern.
Thompson, with Hauser minding
his six, nodded grimly and mounted the stairs. Using the gory
breadcrumbs as their guide, moving silently upward, they located its
conclusion - a small crimson puddle near the top of the stairs.
Squatting, Barrett fingered one
of the drops at the base of the steps. Detecting a set of blood-tinged
boot prints, he tracked them along the Persian carpet and out the door,
wondering if they belonged to Wellington.
Thompson and Hauser continued
searching, checking each room for a hidden enemy, or signs of life.
Drawn by the sounds of running water their first stop was the bath.
Revolted by their find, they exchanged a look.
Two bodies, thrown haphazardly
into the deep tub, presented a gruesome illustration of their killer's
skill and lack of compunction. The pair increased their vigilance,
moving rapidly throughout the second floor, finding it empty. Meanwhile,
Barrett's continued exploration of the first floor was proving to be
equally fruitless.
A muffled creak of the floorboards alerted the wary agent. Spinning,
he quickly dropped his weapon, recognizing Thompson's shocked face.
"Do you have a death wish, airman?"
Wide-eyed, Thompson squeaked.
"Sorry, sir. Other than a couple of stiffs, the upstairs is clean."
"Jefferson?" Barrett inquired sliding his handgun into its holster.
"No sign of him." Hauser replied joining them. Thumbing his radio,
the airman connected with the major. "Sir, Hauser here. The house is
secure, has anyone located Jefferson?"
"Negative, Hauser." Kearney responded flatly.
"I suspect he's long gone, gentlemen." Malcolm's mouth twisted with
distaste. "And, I highly doubt his real name was Ben Jefferson."
Overhearing the major's exchange
with Hauser, Jack waylaid Kearney, requesting a full report.
Although his connection to Jon left him cognizant of many of the events
of the past several days, there were still quite a few pieces of the
puzzle still missing. Verification of Jefferson's true motives and
identity now reigned supreme among them.
Your typical base commander
would feel more than a measure of disquiet over that little tidbit
alone; however, General Jack O'Neill, ex-special operative, had rarely
been accused of being ordinary.
Once he heard the major out,
O'Neill planned to debrief each and every person involved in this whole
convoluted escapade, hoping their unique perspectives would neatly fill
in the blanks.
Grateful as he was to have the
general back, Kearney was all too aware that his information was sketchy
at best. Nevertheless, he dutifully imparted all he knew.
Resting atop an old tree stump,
stroking the sheltie's glossy fur, O'Neill kept an eye peeled on the
clean up efforts around them, offering little commentary. However,
details of the sniper's demise prompted a snide, "Nothing like a
crapshoot, eh Kearny?" and a ready smirk.
"Yes, sir. Good one, General."
The major grinned. "You might even say he crapped out."
"Yep, he was shit out of luck!"
Jack snorted lightly, finding release in their shared brand of inane
humor. Sighting Sassy's lively approach, he grew pensive.
Throughout most of Kearney's litany, Jack's peripheral consciousness
remained in touch with his counterpart. Therefore, he was privy to
Jon's contrite confession to the two women that it had been his idea to
fake Jack's death. While Hailey's first response was silent simmering
anger, Sassy's was far more benevolent.
In point of fact, the sagacious
and magnanimous senior sanctioned Jon's actions. Hugging the startled
stripling, ardently bussing his cheek, she whispered in his ear, "It was
a good plan, Jon. Knowing your uncle's penchant for keeping secrets, I
should have expected as much. Has he ever told you just how we met?"
Holding him at arms length, her
doting eyes noted the sparkle of confirming laughter in his. Smiling,
Sassy wiped an errant tear from her dirt-streaked cheek. "I see that he
has, you're every bit the rapscallion he is aren't you!"
Jon's answering grin reflected
both respect and admiration. "Yes, ma'am, I guess I am." Gazing over
Sassy's head, catching sight of Jennifer's rigid stance, his grin
dissipated. "I wish everyone had your vision, Sass."
"Give her time, son." Sassy
advised affectionately. "Now, I'm off to find that rascally uncle of
yours." Casting a quick smile of encouragement Jennifer's way, she
bustled off.
Clearing his throat, Jon squared his shoulders. 'Ah, Jack...'
'Got ya, kid. Good luck.' Beating a hasty retreat, Jack severed his
unique connection to Jon. Allowing his duplicate to privately confront
Hailey's anger gave him an almost fatherly sense of achievement.
Once Thor altered Jon's body
making it possible for his clone to survive, he had distanced himself in
order to maintain his sanity. Wondering at his lack of foresight, Jack
realized that he'd underestimated the kid's, well actually his own,
exceptional ability to adapt. After all he'd spent most of his career
wearing the flexible mask of stealth and command. Still, the kid's
seamless transition made him feel strangely proud and just a tad
As for Jon and Hailey's
burgeoning attraction, well it freaked him out a bit. Frankly, the
concept was rather hinky. However, it really wasn't up to him. Well
okay, on some level it was, but on this matter at least, Jack planned to
use his reliable old safety net – a façade of complete ignorance.
Seeing Jonathan perched on an
old log, stroking a small pup, his face grinning boyishly, Sassy's heart
filled with unabashed jubilation. And for a moment, she just stood
still, drinking him in.
The second his face sobered registering her presence, Sassy's need
to touch him and make sure he was truly whole, herded her forward.
Jack stood up; his sable eyes alight with regret and affectionate
concern. "Are you all right, Sass?"
Wordlessly clasping his tall
sinewy body to her ample bosom, Sassy held on tight. Trembling
uncontrollably, she refused to cry, knowing her sobs would cause his
carefully shielded heart pain.
Feeling inadequate and awkward, Jack exchanged a look with the major
and stroked her hair. "It's okay Sass, everything's okay."
Refusing to release him fully,
Sassy stepped back. "Almost everything." Looking up into his rugged and
much beloved face, she smirked. "There's still an unresolved matter I'd
like to discuss with you, Jonathan."
"Only one?" Jack chuckled, relieved.
"Ah, excuse me, General." Kearney cleared his throat.
"Oh dear, I've interrupted."
Relinquishing her hold, Sassy moved aside.
Flushing, Kearney stammered.
"Not at all ma'am... I... sorry Mrs. O'Connor, I was just..."
Waving a dismissive hand, Sassy
refused his apology. "Nonsense! My concern can wait. Jonathan, we'll
chat later." Pivoting spryly, she strode off.
Outranked, Jack agreed. "Ma'am,
yes ma'am!" Sitting back down on the stump, eyes twinkling
paradoxically, he drew the little dog still waiting patiently at his
feet, into his lap. "You were saying, Major?"
Camped impatiently beside Sam's bed, Daniel set aside the folder
marked classified, removed his eyeglasses and stretched. It had been
two very eventful days since he and the others had gone on their rescue
mission. How much longer could she sleep?
According to Dr. Brightman,
Sam's head injury was minor. However, the battered condition of the
colonel's uniform and unexplained anemia led the good doctor to suspect
that the grenade had done quite a bit more damage.
Unable to find any additional
wounds, Brightman wisely restrained her questing zeal. Mutely instilling
three units of whole blood into Colonel Carter's veins, she reported
that given some rest Sam should be fine. Yet, while Ned Drew was
discharged, Prost returned to civilian life and Draymak steadily
recuperated, Sam slept on.
"Maybe you should get some
rest, Jackson." Carson muttered, pulling the colonel's chart from its
holder at the end of the bed, he scanned the corpsman's last entry. "Her
vitals are normal... it would appear that she's just sleeping."
"I don't understand it, how long can one person sleep?" Sighing,
Daniel slipped his spectacles into his pocket and pinched the bridge of
his nose. "Why doesn't she wake up?"
"Maybe she isn't aware that she
can." Carson shrugged. "Have you tried calling her name?"
"Huh?" Perplexed, Daniel's mouth gaped.
Shaking his head, Kit bent his
tall frame and whispered. "Time to wake up, Colonel."
Sam's eyelids fluttered slightly, but still she slept.
Encouraged, Daniel gave it a try. "Sam, for the love of God, will
you please wake up?" He shouted.
Sam's eyes popped open. "Jeez,
Daniel, where's the fire?" She demanded blearily. Realization exploded
in her head, eliciting a smile. "Hey, I'm not dead."
"Nope." Daniel grinned exchanging a bemused look with Dr. Carson.
"You're one-hundred percent."
"And, if you'll excuse me, I
have a couple of real patients who need my attention." Snapping the
colonel's chart shut, Carson left the pair alone.
"What happened... Daniel, is Hailey... was Sassy able... wait a
minute... there was a grenade... I was blown up..." Looking him over,
Sam noted the absence of injury. "And you were shot!"
"Would you believe I heal
fast?" Daniel ventured, pursing his lips.
Rubbing a hand over her unruly hair, Sam refused to be patronized.
"What the heck is going on, Daniel Jackson?"
Hoping to lighten the mood,
Daniel employed a very O'Neill-like approach. "Okay, okay... First or
'A'... both Sassy and Hailey are fine. Two or 'B', the grenade blast
gave you a nasty knock to the head."
Holding his left hand up, he dramatically folded one finger at a
time, ticking each item off. "Three or..."
"Stop it." Sam eyes filled with unshed tears.
Biting her trembling lower lip,
she stifled a sob. "He was there... I was dead and... hell, I
guess it was all a dream... Daniel, I saw Jack."
"Yes, Sam you did." Daniel told her kindly. Smiling gently, he
elaborated. "Sam, we all did. Jack is fine."
Searching his face, Sam's eyes
lit with hope. "Jack, I mean, General O'Neill is alive?"
"Alive and currently reaming
the head of the CIA's ass." Picking up the discarded folder, Daniel
pulled his chair closer.
Flipping the file open, he laid it in her lap. "Do you want the
edited version or would you prefer to read it yourself?"
"I prefer the unvarnished
truth." Sniffing, she closed the folder, offering him an expectant look
of chagrin. "Spit it out Daniel... I'm not in the mood."
Handing her a glass of water,
Daniel took a deep breath. "Okay, then..." Over the course of the next
half hour, he filled her in on the file's contents.
Daniel started his saga with Jon's plot to protect Jack,
interweaving it with the culmination of events at the Marquis' hideout.
Sam's face registered varying
emotions, but throughout the litany she remained mute attempting to
listen and digest the fact that Jack was safe.
It turned out that the man they'd known as Ben Jefferson had simply
vanished. However, he'd evidently forwarded a thick packet of
information. Labeled urgent, delivered by special messenger service and
addressed cryptically to 'the late General J. O'Neill,' the contents
underlined the fact that Jefferson had access to sensitive information.
Apparently, GEOM was a
pseudonym for a company involved in the study of geometric progression,
as in DNA code. One of their directors had gotten wind of the O'Neills'
unique abilities, presumably from Kinsey or his people, and decided to
exploit them. That director had been mysteriously found dead in his
office mere hours after Jefferson disappeared.
According to the coroner: the
man, Miles Pendleton, had been brutally dispatched, his carotid artery
severed by a serrated blade, one consistent with those issued to
military personnel.
The information Jefferson
provided caused more than a ripple effect, as did the unwelcome
interference of the CIA, which had nearly cost Jon his life. As a
result, the entire SGC security protocol was being overhauled.
Postulating that he was finished, Daniel paused.
"And just where is the
duplicitous miniature O'Neill now?" Throwing back the linens covering
her legs, Sam's stormy eyes flashed. "Seeing as how he is not my
commanding officer, I'm gonna throttle him!"
"Whoa, settle down, Sam he's
gone." Daniel informed her quietly. "And I have to admit, his actions
were sound."
"Gone?" Sam echoed dubiously,
her anger unappeased. "His actions were sound? Are you out of your mind!
For God's sake, we buried the general! We held a funeral! When I think
of the pain it caused... the entire base was in mourning and what about
poor Sassy..."
"She took him with her." Daniel interjected silencing her tirade.
Watching Sam's face melt with
confusion, he continued, "Sassy insisted that a boy of Jon's years
needed more supervision than a general in Jack's position was capable of
giving, wisely pointing out the danger he'd endured as a result. And,
Jack conceded that granting her custody of his 'nephew' seemed like a
perfect answer. In fact, both O'Neills found the idea sound."
"Jon left with Sassy this
morning." Folding his arms smugly behind his head, Daniel grinned.
"You've got to admit Sam, it's a nifty alternative to protective
custody, after all, despite his... ah, history, legally Jon is still just
a kid. Besides, I think he was tired of being so alone."
Sam's mouth gaped. That an
O'Neill would allow himself to be remanded into the care of an elderly
woman seemed, well, hell it was science fiction!
"Oh, I almost forgot." Fishing
in his pocket, Daniel pulled out a crumpled envelope.
"Jon left you a note." Passing
it to her he stood up and moved the chair back against the wall. "I'm
gonna head to the mess and get you something to eat, I'll bet you're
It was addressed simply to Carter, in an all too familiar hand.
Ripping it open, Sam scanned its contents.
Dear Sam;
About now I'm sure you want to wring my neck, but after you've
cooled off I think you'll see things my way.
Hurting any of you was the last thing I wanted.
However, it was imperative that we catch the scum-sucking bastard who
hurt Jack, threatened my life and frankly, disrupted my oh so very
tranquil sojourn into adolescent academia.
In the end we accomplished that goal. I expect you will understand and
forgive Teal'c's willing involvement... Jaffa revenge and all that. As for
Sass, well she needs me.
I leave Jack in your capable care. Remember he's not as tough as he seems.
Don't let that dense façade he hides behind bamboozle you.
See ya around, Carter.
Sam folded the short missive.
The memory of waking up in the bright sunlight, seeing Jack's expressive
face, believing she'd died and gone to heaven, flooded her mind. Jon was
right about one thing, Jack O'Neill was not as tough as he seemed.
Tucking the note into the
breast pocket of her scrub top, she settled back against the pillows,
lost in contemplation. Maybe now that this latest series of duplicitous
machinations had been resolved, it was time she planned a little
intrigue of her own. Yep, why the hell not?
The End