He Saw Lights
by dinkydow

"Lights, he saw lights."
Crap, if that's all that happened, why do I feel like my brain's
melting? The lights I saw were like fireworks pinwheeling through my fron.
Fron? What's happening to me?
Doc says
it's rewriting my brain, replacing who I am with what it is - that it'll
kill me. I should've known better than to stick my head into that
Ancient head-grabber thingy.
At least it's happening to me. I'm expendable, the others aren't.
Strange images and words flit across my consciousness. The scary
thing is that they've begun to make sense.
"Ego deserdi asordo. Comdo asorda."
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "He Saw Lights"
Author: Dinkydow
Category: Drabble, drama
Spoilers: "The Fifth Race"
Pairings: none, other than Jack/head-grabber
Summary: Jack was losing his mind.
Rating: Anyone can read it.
Length: exactly 100 words
Disclaimer: Nope, don't have the rights, someone else does. Don't sue.
Comments: Takes place in
the middle of the episode. Challenge word is "fireworks". Thank you to
Jolene and Linda for the betas.