The Puppet Master II
by dinkydow

Anubis left his unconscious and useless host, and searched for another. He found it almost immediately. Like a dark oily shadow, his essence blanketed the silver-haired Tau'ri and easily suffocated the very soul of his victim, smothering all hint of resistance.

From the memories of his previous host, he knew its identity, Jack O’Neill, recently placed in command of the SGC - the very one who had activated the weapon of the Ancients that had destroyed his fleet.

Anubis ridiculed his host’s puny efforts to circumvent his will and ruthlessly rifled through his mind. This body would serve his purposes well.

The End

Original Header Information:

Title: "The Puppet Master II"
Author: Dinkydow
Category: Drabble, pov of Anubis
Spoilers: "Lockdown" Season 8.
Pairings: None
Summary: Anubis was in control.
Rating: Anyone can read it.
Length: exactly 100 words
Disclaimer: Nope, don't have the rights, someone else does. Don't sue.
Comments: drabble for Jackfic word of the week: shadow. Thanks to JoleneB for the quick beta.
