Wary, Jack observed as an oily
soot-black cloud rise from Carter's body slumped on the floor, victim
of his zat. All shadow and no substance it hovered and then targeted
He knew a moment of fear and then watched helplessly as
Anubis inhabited his body - raged at the Goa'uld for the damage
done, to his people, his base. He was supposed to be the man in
charge, not a helpless puppet whose strings were pulled by a snake
who didn't have the decency to stay dead.
Anubis merely laughed and taunted him.
Jack would win though - he had to.
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "The Puppet Master"
Author: Dinkydow
Category: Drabble
Spoilers: "Lockdown" Season 8.
Pairings: None
Summary: Anubis was in control.
Rating: Anyone can read it.
Length: exactly 100 words
Disclaimer: Nope, don't have the rights, someone else does. Don't sue.
Comments: drabble for Jackfic word of the week: shadow.
Thanks to JoleneB for the quick beta.