Never Again
by dinkydow

graphic by JoleneB

Billowing columns of gray smoke tainted an immaculate blue sky as innocents were sacrificed on the Twin Towers altar. At the Pentagon, flames devoured lives like a monster gone berserk.

9/11 seared horrific images into a nation's memory and united a people as none other; as television chronicled unfolding tragedy and turned normality into infamy.

Many died that day; friends - good people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jack vowed it must never happen again.

Complacent, he'd concentrated on an off-world enemy, and disregarded those with evil hearts. How unfortunate that mankind was often its own worst enemy.

The End

Original Header Information:

Title: "Never Again"
Author: Dinkydow
Type: Drabble, H/C
Length: exactly 100 words
Spoilers: none
Pairings: none
Warning: sadness
Summary: Jack remembers 9/11.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, somebody else does. They have money, I don't, so don't sue.
Author's Notes: Written for Memorial Day. These words have been demanding an outlet for some time. Thank you to Jolene for providing the beta work.
