Man's Best Friend?
by dinkydow

Jack sighed, scrubbed both palms over his face, rumpled his already unruly hair, and blinked bloodshot eyes.

"Crap," he muttered. "What did I do to deserve this?" Weary beyond words, he stared off into space, and then searched his desktop for his cup of coffee. In a half-hearted manner, he patted various piles of paperwork that hid his salvation.

"Oh, for crying out loud, I distinctly remember Walter handed me that danged thing when I got off the elevator this morning. Now, where did I put it?"

He opened a side file drawer, sighed and then shut it. "Nope, not there either."

"Looking for something, sir?" Just the hint of a feminine giggle came from the blonde-haired Lieutenant Colonel standing in his open office door with both hands behind her back.

Jack scowled. "No giggling, Colonel."

She stepped forward and produced his coffee cup from behind her back with a flourish. Then she brought it to his desk.

Jack met her halfway, shot out of his chair whereupon it proved Newton's Law of Motion by colliding against the far wall with a thud. The noise was ignored in favor of the specially brewed stimulant of the god's that beckoned him.

He cradled her hands and then promptly moved his fingers toward his real goal, the still-warm cup. "Where did you find this? I've been looking all over for it."

She grinned and hooked a thumb over her shoulder. "Out in the Briefing Room. I came up early to go over my notes for our next mission briefing," she looked at her watch, "in five minutes."

Oblivious to her words, Jack continued to sip at the hot liquid.


Jack jumped. "What?"

"Our briefing? In five minutes?"

"Oh, that." Jack turned back to his desk and picked up a file at random.

"Have a rough night?"

Jack turned and sloshed his coffee. "Why, does it show?"

"Umm, yeah."


"Wanna talk about it?" She hesitated. "Sir?"

He shrugged and walked back toward his wayward chair, after he carefully deposited his cup on his desk. "Ya got a minute . . . or five?"

She smiled and flashed her teeth and pulled up a chair. "Always, sir."

Jack picked up his coffee cup and inhaled the aroma.

"Remember that puppy that I'm taking care of for Cassie while she's off at college?"

"That cute little Yorkie named Jack?"

He huffed out a breath. "That's the one, only it's so not cute. In fact, I'm considering calling her and demanding to know why she named the hound from hell after her favorite uncle."

"Hound from hell? But it only weighs two pounds, max. Are you sure we're talking about the same dog?"

"Unless her dog was kidnapped by aliens and replaced by this one, we are."

Carter smirked. "No, it couldn't be. He's only about that long . . ." she added, holding her hands about a foot apart.

"Listen, Carter. I'm not kidding. This dog has done what all the System Lords failed to do. That little mutt is breaking me."

When Jack sneaked a quick glance at Carter, she strategically hid her grin with her hands.

"Sounds serious, sir," she mumbled.

"Every morning, at three AM that pup from hell whines until I get out of bed to take him outside to pee. I walk him to his favorite spots, Pee Central and Poop De Ville." Jack gestured expansively with his hands, and just missed his coffee cup.

"Go on."

"Back and forth for hours we walk, when everyone else on this planet is asleep. He barks at fireflies, eats twigs and grass, but does he pee? Or poop?" Jack clenched his teeth and began worrying at the edge of the file in front of him with the fingers of one hand.

Carter shrugged.

"I get nada from him, zip, nothing. All noise and no substance, so to speak, so, I take him back into the house." Jack rubbed his hands together. "Can you guess what that little fur ball does then?"

Wisely, she said nothing.

"He trots over to my coffee table and then piddles all over my rug, Carter. And then he craps a log of his own in front of the fireplace. That's what that over-sized rodent does."

Jack blew out an explosive breath and cupped his forehead in his hands. "I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do. I've thought about strangling the mutt and burying him in the backyard, but am afraid the neighborhood cats would dig up the evidence."

"You could try calling Cassie," suggested Sam.

"No, I can't let her down like that. I promised I'd watch out for the little fart."

Jack got up to pace. Then his face lit up. One forefinger in the air, he announced. "Wait a minute. I know the perfect solution!"

Carter looked nervous and nibbled her lower lip. "Sir?"

Jack rifled through his middle desk drawer, withdrew a shell-shaped object and held it up to his mouth. He tapped it and when it lit up, he cleared his throat and spoke into it.

"Testing, one, two, testing . . ."

Sam looked doubtful. "Sir"

Jack's eyebrows met his hairline as he donned his most innocent look and spoke into the shell. "Thor?"

The End

Original Header Information:

Title: Man's Best Friend?
Author: Dinkydow
Catagory: Ficlet, humor
Pairings: Jack/Sam but nothing romantic
Content Level: 13+
Spoilers: none
Warnings: Some potty language, Jack is not a happy camper.
Summary: Jack has finally met his match.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own any of them.
Author's Notes: Here's another Dinkyfic. My hubby and I recently became the parents of a Yorkie puppy. This was inspired by our experiences in him training us. Thanks to Jolene and Linda for doing a quick beta on this puppy.
