Guardians at the Gate
by dinkydow

Propelled through
the Stargate and the Briefing Room window, the arrow's velocity spun me
around and facedown onto the carpet. My left arm semaphored distress as
Hammond asked about casualties. That would be me, sir.
This is so not my day. My
right arm's been shish-kabobed with a trinium shaft by aliens hell-bent
on poking holes in me. Crap, no immunity anywhere.
My strength oozes out
along with my blood, staining my sleeve black. Gravity sucks.
Daniel's strong arms
cradle me against a living beating heart as my head pillows into his
"Oh god." Friends make all the difference.
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "Guardians At The Gate"
Author: Dinkydow
Type: Drabble, H/C
Length: exactly 100 words
Spoilers: "Spirits"
Warning: Jack whumping ahead
Summary: Jack's not having a good day.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, somebody else does. They
have money, I don't, so don't sue.
Author's Notes: Weekly challenge. Use "pillow" in a sentence.