by dinkydow

"I want you!" Yep,
that's what she'd said. And that sweet little tank-top number that
hugged her body like a second skin . . . Jeez, brains and beauty, what a
dynamite combo.
She'd asked if I'd wanted
her. For crying out loud, who wouldn't?
Even knowing the frat
rules, her kisses were fireworks. Their oohs and ahhs illuminated my
sordid past and blew my preconceptions about scientists - and her - to
But it must have been the
virus talking; no way she could want me. My persona would tarnish hers
beyond redemption.
Can I
act on this? Nope! But remember it? Yeahsureyabetcha!
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "Fireworks"
Author: Dinkydow
Category: Drabble, ship, drama
Spoilers: "The Broca Divide"
Pairings: Jack/Sam
Summary: Jack's eyes were opened.
Rating: Anyone can read it.
Length: exactly 100 words
Disclaimer: Nope, don't have the rights, someone else does. Don't sue.
Comments: Takes place at the end of the episode. Thanks to Jolene
and Linda for the quick betas.