Just An Expression
by dinkydow

"I remember
something. There's a man. He's bald and wears a short-sleeved shirt, and
somehow he's very important to me. I think his name is Homer."
Thera's manner seemed familiar; her head rested on my
shoulder - so natural - something desired.
"I remember feeling - feelings."
About Thera.
These memories - our
feelings and Homer - I don't think they're night-sickness.
The bowl summoned memories of a sunlit dome on the
surface - impossible with the reported wintry landscape.
She called me sir. Just an expression, but that single word
proclaimed our intimacy improper - wrong.
Should I remember, what's to gain - and what's to lose?
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "Just An Expression"
Author: Dinkydow
Type: Drabble, H/C, romance
Length: exactly 100 words
Spoilers: "Beneath The Surface"
Pairings: Jack/Sam
Warning: none
Summary: As Jonah, Jack ponders scraps of memory.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, somebody else does. They have
money, I don't, so don't sue.
Author's Notes: Weekly challenge. Use "Homer" in a
sentence. Thanks to Jolene and Linda for their beta help.