by dinkydow

I'm sorry. But this is the way this had to go down and you know it."
Daniel wouldn't look at Jack. He was too busy
mourning the deadly robot. She - no - it sprawled on the floor like so
much clutter - an epitaph to their friendship.
Jack keyed his radio. "All units, this is SG One Niner, commence
sweep. I want every one of those things out of here."
"You stupid son of a bitch." Daniel's curse echoed inside Jack's
But time had ran out and with Earth itself at risk, Jack had done
what was necessary - his duty.
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "Duty"
Author: Dinkydow
Category: Drabble, drama
Spoilers: "Menace"
Pairings: none
Summary: Jack had some cleaning to do.
Rating: Anyone can read it.
Length: exactly 100 words
Disclaimer: Nope, don't have the rights, someone else does.
Don't sue.
Comments: Takes place at the end of the episode. Challenge
word is "clutter".