Death of a Memory
by dinkydow

"They put that damn memory thing on me. And then they gave me
something that reminded me of the 70's."
Teeth clenched so hard it hurt, a hit to my leg and my mouth opened
in a scream. They forced 'The Blood of Sokar' down my throat where it
flooded my mind and infested my very soul.
Sokar's poison invaded my recollections of Charlie; warped my
memories and stole all I had left of my son. I'm left wondering what
was real and what was drug-induced. For that crime my hatred has no
For that Apophis should - will - die.
The End
Original Header Information:
Title: "Death Of A Memory"
Author: Dinkydow
Type: Drabble, drama
Length: exactly 100 words
Spoilers: "The Devil You Know"
Pairings: none
Warning: sadness
Summary: He lost Charlie again.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, somebody else does. They have money,
I don't, so don't sue.
Author's Notes: Written for the weekly drabble word
"poison". Thank you Jolene for the quick beta and the rah-rahs.