What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander by dinkydow

Chapter Nine

Kay was awakened the next morning by familiar snoring. Without even opening her eyes, she knew who was making those annoying gurgling and rasping noises. She ought to because she'd lived with that particular snore for almost twenty years and knew every exhale, snort, and restless shift of the male figure slumped in the chair by her bed.

With a gargantuan effort, she pried her eyelids apart. "Josh?"

Her answer was another snort from the gray-haired man who was laying with his face cradled by one arm with drool running between slack lips onto the pillow. From grim experience, she knew better than to startle the combat veteran. Instead she softly called his name again. "Josh?"

Pausing a bit, she took the time to study his weathered features and memorized every care-line, whisker, and twitch of his face. There was still no response, but that was no surprise. Her man had been known to sleep through thunderstorms, loud noisy ones that had her thinking seriously of heading to the storm cellar.

Mischievously, she leaned forward. "Hey, stud." She blew on his face. "Wanna get lucky?"

His thin lips curved into a smile as he moaned. Eyes still closed, his hands slid over the pillow to cup her face. Kay grinned and nibbled on his index finger, eliciting another groan of pleasure from her partner. His rough hands continued to rub her face, and then moved further south to her neck and chest, rubbing her breasts through her hospital scrub top checking her out using the Braille method. Kay moaned with pleasure.

As she watched his sleepy hazel eyes opened. "What?"

"Morning, stud." She smirked.

He licked his lips, and then his eyes widened when he saw where he had his hands. "I was having the strangest dream."

Kay giggled.

"No dream?"



Another giggle and an affirmative nod, "Um hmm." She smiled happily.

He withdrew his hands. "Oh, sorry."

Kay captured his hands. "I'm not. It felt pretty good."

The sound of a chuckle and someone clearing their throat drew Kay's attention.

"I see that you're both awake," announced Dr. Brightman with a wry grin on her face.

Blushing, the counselor resisted her husband's attempts to withdraw his hands from her grasp. "What was your first clue?" She exchanged a grin with her husband. "When can I get out of here?"

"We'll probably be able to release you this morning after we've checked you out. Then you and your husband will be meeting with General O'Neill. He has a few things he needs to discuss with you concerning your new-found abilities."

Kay sobered and then turned to her husband with a look of gratitude as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to the Doctor. "Might as well get it over with. What do you need to do?"

Her gaze strayed to her husband's face and she mentally evaluated his thoughts. From experience and the way his eyes glittered under his shaggy eyebrows, she figured that he was in his alpha-male protective mode.

His lips thinned to a severe and unforgiving line as he stared at Dr. Brightman. Then a crimson tongue flickered across his lips, like a snake testing the air currents for the scent of danger. "General O'Neill wants to see us?"

"Yes, I was told that you're supposed to meet with Generals Hammond and O'Neill as soon as I finish up with Kay. In fact, they were most insistent that both of you attend the meeting." As she spoke, she continued toward Kay's bedside removed the stethoscope draped around her neck and hooked the gray rubber-tipped ends around the back of her throat.

By this time, the Doctor was standing next to Kay and reached out to take her wrist. Kay warily pulled both hands out of Josh's protective grasp and submitted to the touch of the physician.

Stoically putting up with the routine of taking vitals, Kay waited patiently until the Doctor had finished. Then the counselor arched a thick eyebrow in question as the Doctor picked up a chart to make notations. "So, does this mean I can go? Am I normal . . . relatively speaking?"

"Yes, Kay. According to my readings, you are okay to go. As for being normal . . . What would you say? Isn't that usually your department?" Brightman chuckled as she looked up from her chart.

Kay bit her lip and shook her head. "I've always said that normal is a setting on a washing machine. Jeez, I feel normal, is that good enough?"

"You feel normal too," Josh quipped, a twinkle in his eye.

"You mean you noticed?" His wife rolled her eyes. "I thought you were asleep."

"I'd know normal even in my sleep," he insisted. His face turned from his wife's to the Doctor. "So, we can go now?"

Her eyes were hopeful as she pushed the sheets away and sat lotus fashion, her palms cupping her knees. Nervously, her thin fingers stroked the cotton of the blue hospital scrubs on her legs.

"Yes, they are expecting you in General O'Neill's room. I haven't released him from the Infirmary yet," the CMO explained.

"Good, I have a lot of questions myself," answered Josh as he stood. He held out his hands in a clear invitation of assistance to his wife and assisted her out of the bed.


General O'Neill shifted uncomfortably in his bed, the trailing IV line pulling against his wrist as he tried to scratch his ear. "Danged power-mongering Doctors," he muttered. He shifted his legs uncomfortably as he tried not to think about the tube installed in his plumbing. "Always sticking their fingers where they don't belong."

'Crap, They didn't even get rid of the danged backless hospital gown they stuck me in, so even if I could sneak out of here, my ass would be hanging out for all the world to see. Yep, Jack, life is just peachy, ain't it.'

"If Dr. Brightman hadn't ordered you confined to bed, I would have," tutted Hammond reprovingly. "In case you haven't figured it out by now, you are too valuable to risk. Too much is at stake for you to have a relapse. Why, just twelve hours ago you were totally out of it. So hush your mouth for once, Jack, and listen to what the Doctor has to say."

Jack scowled and wiped his face with his hand. "Crap, sir. I wish you wouldn't put it that way." His eyes skittered away from the gaze of the man sitting next to him. "It makes me sound, oh, I don't know . . ."

"Important?" Hammond pursed his lips and crossed his arms across his chest. "Irreplaceable?"

Jack risked a quick look at him and then looked away from the steely gaze. Instead, he draped a forearm across his eyes in a blatant attempt to block out the inevitable.

"You can run, but you can't hide, Jack."

O'Neill peeked out from under his arm.

"You know the worth of all the knowledge stuffed inside the hard head of yours. And for your information, if I treated you any differently, the President would have my head on a platter and I'd end up looking worse than an armadillo lying tits up on the side of the road." Hammond sighed.

"Right now I can sure relate to that armadillo, sir," Jack mumbled.

"How do you think Kay feels?"

Jack scrubbed his face and frowned. "Crap, you're right . . . as usual. Are we still meeting with her and Josh this morning?"

"As soon as Brightman releases her." He glanced at his watch. "Which shouldn't be long now."

"It's something I'm not looking forward to, but we gotta do it anyway." He sighed and looked at his commander. "Do you ever get sick and tired of the shitty part of command?"

"All the time, Jack." Hammond smiled in sympathetic understanding. "Why else do you think I lost all my hair?" He paused a beat. "It sure wasn't from rubbing it off on the headboard."

Jack choked. "More like putting up with the shenanigans of a not-so-innocent and cooperative bird Colonel, but then we've already established that. Haven't we?"

Hammond nodded, his eyes twinkling.

A hesitant knock on the door had both men turning toward the sound. Standing there were Kay, Josh, and Dr. Brightman.

Kay cleared her throat nervously. "You wanted to see us?"

"Yes, come on in and have a seat. Do we have enough for everybody?" Hammond beckoned with his hand.

"If not, I'll have some more sent in, sir," Brightman assured him.

Jack watched as Josh took his wife's elbow and steered her toward one of the chairs and then sat down next to her. He also didn't miss the challenge in the man's eyes that was directed at him. Knowing him as he did, Jack couldn't say as he blamed the man for wanting to protect his wife and family from whatever, or whoever might threaten them. He'd felt the same way . . . once and would give anything if he could feel it again.

Mentally giving himself a shake, he concentrated on Kay. From his position in his bed, she looked rested but nervous.

'Well jeez, go figure.'

"How are you feeling this morning, Kay?"

"Rested and brimful of questions, sir." She bit her lower lip and twisted her hands in her lap.

Hammond nodded. "That's certainly understandable. The reason we're here is to answer some of those questions."

"Good." Josh nodded and leaned forward.

Jack cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow at Hammond, who nodded minutely. "We might as well get started on this. First off, I want to let you both know that as of yesterday afternoon, we've had a security detachment watching your house."

He raised a warning hand as Josh came half out of his chair. "Wait a minute, I'm not through yet. Your family is all right. Our security's been sitting outside your home," his lips thinned into a firm line a he continued, "purely as a precautionary measure; once we have your permission, we plan to transport them up to the base for testing."

"But why?" Kay protested.

"Yeah, just what the hell is going on here?" Josh chimed in.

Jack took a deep breath. "Once we found out just how special Kay was, we knew we had to make doubly sure that her family weren't put in any danger. You see, certain other . . . factions out there might take it into their heads that grabbing Kay and her kids might give them an advantage."

Josh nodded knowingly. "What kind of other factions? Are you talking about spooks that have gone bad?"

"The very same." Jack nodded. "As of last report, they are doing fine, by the way."

"Can I help pick them up?" asked Kay.

"No, honey, I'd better do that. Unless I miss my guess, they won't let you off base right now anyway." Josh turned to O'Neill. "Am I right?"

Hammond and O'Neill nodded.

Kay crossed her arms across her chest. "For how long?" she sputtered.

"At least until we know just exactly what kind of abilities you have," Jack responded firmly.

"I sense an 'and'." Her eyes narrowed.

"You're damned Skippy you do," Josh agreed with his wife forcefully.

Hammond sighed and broke in. "I understand your concern, but until we know for sure just what we're dealing with, we don't want to take any chances with anyone's safety. You might say that your brain has just been classified top secret, Kay."

She groaned and grabbed the side of her head, interlacing her fingers through her thick hair. "As far as I'm concerned, sirs, you can take this mess off my hands anytime you want to. And as for what I have in my head, you can have that too," she added bitterly.

"Shh, honey." Josh put a protective arm around her shoulder. "I'll go with security to pick up our kids. They'd be scared half to death if anybody else showed up." He smirked. "Not to mention that our babysitter would probably fill them full of holes it they tried to take off with them without our say so."

"I figured as much." Jack smiled approval.

"What kind of tests will you be doing on me and my kids?" Kay asked in a small tremulous voice.

"Nothing intrusive, Kay. We'll mainly be exposing you to various Ancient devices and monitoring how you respond to them. Plus we'll be doing some MRI brain scans to see if we can figure out how you do what you do." She shrugged. "As for your kids, we'll start off with testing their DNA for that special gene."

"Oh." Her brow wrinkled in obvious thought. "How long will all this take? I still have a job to do, and patients I'm supposed to be seeing," she added pointedly.

"Ah, well that's not as important as . . ." Jack waved his hand dismissively until he was interrupted by his boss.

"I don't see why you can't do both. Dr. Brightman, is Kay well enough to see patients between tests?"

"Yes, I was going to release her from the Infirmary later today," confirmed the Doctor. "And Colonel Carter is well enough to be seen this afternoon."

"You're sure about that?" Jack wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I wouldn't want to put a strain on her, you know."

"Yes!" Kay grinned and pumped her arm in a triumphant gesture. "I believe you and Colonel Carter are in desperate need of having your heads shrinked." She put the tip of her index finger to her lips and cocked her head. "Or would that be shrunk? Or perhaps shrank?"

"Whatever," Jack and Kay said simultaneously.

Hammond rolled his eyes, while Josh just smirked.

Then the Texan general sobered. "Seriously, Kay. I want to assure you that we don't intend to hold you or your kids prisoner here. We'll let you all go back home as quickly as it's safe to do so. But, first we need to get a handle on what we're dealing with. And to tell you the truth, I'd feel like I'd let you down if I let you go home right now and something did happen to you. When it comes to things like this, I always go with safety first."

Kay looked down at her hands laced in her lap. "I understand, sir. That doesn't mean that I like it, but I do understand." She looked up at her husband. "When will you be going to pick up our kids? And could you pick up a few of my things for me?"

"As soon as I can, and yes, of course I can pick up a few things for you. Just give me a list and I'll do my best to bring it all back for you," Josh replied with an understanding smile.

"Thanks." She patted her husband's arm, and her smile lit up her face and blue eyes; to Jack it demonstrated better than mere words could just how relieved she felt.

"After they get here I can spend some time with them too," she said as she swept her hair back from her eyes with her fingers.

"Of course you can," Jack assured her.

"Well, we might as well get this show on the road then." Kay sighed pushed her glasses back into place on her nose.

"I agree." Hammond stood and gestured toward Josh. "We can be ready to head for your home within the hour, Josh."

"Wait a minute, please?" Kay took a deep breath and looked steadily at O'Neill and Hammond. "What do you want me to do first?"

"Doc? I believe that's your ball of wax." Jack shrugged and waved his unfettered hand, urging Dr. Brightman to take over. He watched as she explained about the tests, letting himself relax down into the pillows of his bed. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully when his gaze rested on Kay.

The counselor appeared to be adjusting to her change of circumstances just fine. But then again, maybe he shouldn't have been all that surprised, given what he already knew about her and her line of work. He couldn't help but wonder what life had in store for the unusual woman that was sitting next to his bed, but whatever it was, he had the impression that by hook or by crook, she would find a way to handle it.

And he also had the feeling that he would be there with her, dealing with whatever the universe threw at them, for somehow, for whatever reason, their lives were linked now, thanks to a gene that, though accidental, they'd both been born with. Come to think of it, Kay would probably argue that it was all part of God's plan.

Be that as it may, for whatever reason, they both had gotten stuck with the gene, and the responsibilities that went along with it. And she hadn't even had to have her head sucked, either, not that he would wish that experience on anybody. But for whatever reason, they were in the same boat and together would discover what that meant for them and their world. All he knew for sure was that it was likely to be one heck of a bumpy ride, yeah, fun, but bumpy.

The End

Original Header Information:

Title: "What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander" Part 9
Author: dinkydow
Sequel to "What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander" Part 8, hurt/comfort, drama, UST, romance (sigh).
Pairings: Jack/Sam
Content Level: 18+
Season: Season 8
Spoilers: It will help to read my previous stories and be familiar with Fifth, the Replicators, and Season 8.
Warnings: Some language as this deals with the after effects of rape and violence.
Summary: Jack and Sam are forced to deal with the after-effects of their experiences with Fifth. But they won't do it alone.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own any of them. Couldn't afford to if I did and don't have a mountain to hide them in. Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, Gekko Productions do. I wrote this for entertainment and won't be making any money for it, so please don't sue. But, if you guys want any help with scripts, or Jack, just give me a holler.
Dedication: To our fighting men and women and the loved ones who watch them march in harms way.
Author's Notes: Here's another Dinkyfic. Many thanks to Linda and Jolene for being my betas. Thank you also to Jeri for her psychiatric nursing expertise. All original characters are the property of the author and may only be used with my permission.
