The Crystal Cave
The Mists of the Mind Series: Part Four
by CJay

Jack O'Neill seasoned warrior and Colonel, was feeling anything but unconcerned and trusting. That his team thought him so, was a tribute to his acting prowess, a skill he had honed during his days in Special Ops.

Intellectually, he knew that he was quite possibly walking into a trap. But, his instincts, along with, the amazing flood of memories he'd experienced over the past few hours, told him otherwise.

He'd learned long ago to trust his instincts, to keep his options open, and that was precisely his motivation now. Besides which, with every passing minute and revelation, it became abundantly clear to him that, he had the power to stop any attempts these Faer Folk made to control him. He was immensely more powerful than even Viviane was aware.

Kris, still telepathically connected to Jack, found she was increasingly grateful that she was on his side. She'd always known he was a formidable adversary; as his mind gathered and remembered more, it became apparent, he was more than merely formidable.

Sharing her thoughts, via their connection, Jack shot her a quick reassuring glance, as his mind whispered, 'I'm not alone in this ya know, "Sis".'

Startled, Kris realized that she too shared his abilities, all of his abilities. More shocking perhaps, was the knowledge that, due to their mind melding capabilities, they had the power to potentate one another's talents, and therefore, together, were a match for any foe. 'Sweet!' She heard Jack's mind quip.

The Colonel and Kris, were not the only ones who followed Viviane, as she led them to the Crystal Cave, while lost in thought. Spud Dean was himself, wrestling with all the information they'd been given, as well as, his own dawning memories and sense of wonder. He couldn't help but wish, his Da were here, to help him figure things out more quickly.

Somehow, he was becoming increasingly aware that he was about to meet his destiny; that his whole life had so far been just a prelude, to all that he was experiencing now. It awed and humbled him. He supposed he should be afraid, but he was instead, increasingly elated. He felt as if he'd come home at last.

Walking along beside young Dean, Daniel Jackson was still waging an internal battle, to accept the undeniable fact that he had once been, the man known as Mordred or Medrawt. As a Historian and Scholar, he was fascinated. As a man whose greatest fear was being a host, he was repulsed. He wondered what role, if any, he was about to play, in the drama that was unfolding, hoping he was up to the challenge.

Still simmering with anger, Janet Fraiser hustled along, in order to keep up with Sam's long legged strides. At five feet two, it was a given that she'd have to hustle to keep up with her taller companion, but her ire made it easy today. She didn't like any of this, not one bit! She prayed that the Colonel was in full control of all his faculties. He was so cool, so calm, well he generally was, but given all that had happened, she'd feel better if he was just a wee bit unnerved!

Sam Carter also felt alarmed by the Colonel's demeanor. But, she'd learned from experience, he usually had a plan. Thus, she followed in his wake, watching carefully for any sign from him, as to her role in all this. Confident that Teal'c had her six.

Teal'c covered the team's six, as they followed the woman Viviane through the last vestiges of her city and into the forest. After their years in battle together, he was able to read O'Neill's many subtle moods. And thus, he was confident that, the ever-cagey O'Neill, was even now, formulating several plans. Still, as a former battlefield leader himself, he too was working out a strategy or two.

Viviane led them into the heart of the forest and along a meandering stream. The well-worn path, slowly led upwards and the gentle gurgling of the water became more forceful.

Jack, hearing the sounds of falling waters ahead, guessed what they'd soon encounter. 'Makes sense' he thought. Yet the sight, of the towering waterfall's magnificence, still sent a shudder of surprised pleasure through him. As they moved closer, the spray of the waters splashed over him and he found its caress almost sensual, despite it's chill.

Stopping briefly, to gaze back into the O'Neill's eyes, Viviane hoped that his memories were returning more quickly. When he had first been brought forth from the Womb Of The Goddess, the light of the heavens bathed him in glowing splendor and she had known, without a doubt that, this man was Taliesin reborn. Dream walking with him, had confirmed this fact, reassuring the other members of the council.

His lack of clear memories, of his previous lifetime, had at first, disturbed her. Yet, as she relayed her people's history, she sensed, he was regaining his knowledge. Why did he still choose to deny his power? By now, he must know that it was imperative for him, to regain all his memories and assist the Faer Folk in their quest. Why did he persist in this display of ignorance?

Jack, carefully keeping his expression curious, noted her interest. Once again employing the dense Colonel façade, in order to maintain an advantage, he sought to distract her.

"Ah Viviane, I see water, lots of water here... this cave would be...?"

Visibly disappointed with his lack of recognition, Viviane sighed.

"I had hoped that your memory would return, once we arrived here, but perhaps it is as yet too soon."

The sounds of the rushing water prevented all but Jack from hearing her, as she went on.

"It was my hope that you would know your way, without my guidance Taliesin." She said softly.

Remembering that he had always been cunning, she changed her tactics.

"Or is it your wish to keep even this basic knowledge secret?" She added loudly, annoyance, now evident, in both her volume and tone.

Something inside Jack wanted to reassure her, confessing that he knew exactly where the cave was and just how to enter it, but his need to employ stealth held him back.

Guessing the source of the Merlin's ire, Sam, the ever-present intellect and scientist, gazed at the two and wondered what the secret could be.

Most waterfalls usually, had at least one or two caves beneath them, so where was the mystery? Leaving the others behind, she advanced under the rushing waters of the falls, only to find solid rock and become increasingly wet. Exasperated, she returned to the others waiting patiently for her report.

"Major?" Jack inquired benignly.

"Nothing Sir, just solid rock." Sam replied, with chagrin.

"We would not entrust that which is most precious to us, to the confines of an easily accessible cavern Samantha." Viviane informed her archly.

Spud Dean, moving beyond the group, as if in a trance, walked under the falls, and stood on a small outcropping. Placing his hands against the rock face, he summoned his inner strength and pushed against the stone, calling out "Ty Gwydr!"

Suddenly, the rocky ledge they'd all been standing on rumbled and shook. Slowly it moved downward, becoming an incline, as a small gap beneath the shelf Spud stood on, fell away; a roughly hewn tunnel, opened up at the end of this runway. Brilliant light spilled forth, from its mouth, bathing the group in an eerily glow.

Spud jumped down from his perch, gazing at the Colonel for confirmation. Receiving a brisk nod from O'Neill, he led the way inside.

Viviane followed closely behind the youngster, a smile of joy lighting her lovely face. 'At last' she thought, 'our ArtGywr will return home.'

Kris, still entangled in Jack's consciousness, took his hand, as they followed Viviane through the mouth of the cavern. She felt overwhelmed by the memories and emotions, flooding them both. In fact she was drowning in them; seeking to prevent total immersion, in the sensations of the past, she reached out to him.

Jack, understanding her need for physical contact, gripped her hand tightly with his own, and deepened their psychic connection, still balancing his weapon at the ready. Somehow, it was easier for him to separate the past from the present. He would be her lifeline, just in case; the past should somehow obscure their reality.

Daniel felt an undeniable sense of foreboding and fear assail him. Was it the lingering presence of Medrawt's pain, or the whole crazy present, which was consuming his emotions? He was more confused by the minute. Sucking it up, he followed his friend and leader, into the unknown.

As Daniel passed through the portal, the ground suddenly began to rumble and shake, once more. Before anyone could react, the mouth of the cavern quickly snapped shut, locking the other three companions outside, beneath the frigid waters of the falls.

Daniel spun quickly around. Placing his hands against the area where the opening should be, he pushed, hoping to reopen it.

"Jack! The mouth of the cave collapsed!"

Having heard the rumble, Jack was already right behind him. Despite his added strength, they were unable to budge the opening.

Jack frustrated, he hadn't foreseen this turn of events, bellowed.


"Taliesin, as you should have remembered, no outsider is allowed within the sacred confines of Ty Gwydr." Viviane told him, laying a  calming hand on his shoulder.

Ignoring her, Jack grabbed his radio, attempting to contact his team. It crackled with static, nothing more.

"Daniel." Jack uttered through clenched teeth, the command clear, if unspoken.

Daniel's radio produced a similar response.

"Nothing Jack."

"I can hear that Daniel." Jack barked, frustration becoming cold anger.

"Viviane those people are my team, my responsibility. Where I go they go!"

"Your people will come to no harm." She responded lightly.

"Colonel Sir... Jack... Taliesin... ..." Kris whispered, bewildered. In his anger, Jack had severed their connection and she found, that without it's comfort, she was terrified; so many images and memories, from the past, swirled in her brain.

Understanding, she was feeling lost, without his thoughts to anchor her, Jack reestablished their mind meld. 'It will be alright, we've been in tighter spots.' He silently reassured her.

"There must be another way into this place." Jack uttered confidently.

"The entrance under the falls is the only way in, Taliesin." Viviane informed him.

Seeking to reassure them and regain their attention, she was careful to make her next statement a request.

"Once I had your complete trust; won't you trust me again?"

Still wary, Jack took a deep breath, attempting to regain his composure and realized he'd lost sight of young Dean.

"Where is the Kid?"

"ArtGywr has remembered his way. He has almost reached our goal. Come we must join him." Viviane answered. Turning, she swiftly moved down the glistening corridor of the cave.

Taking the time to really look around him, Jack noted that the walls surrounding them, glowed and sparkled, like diamonds in the bright sun. Curiously, no light source was visible here. Reaching out his hand, he ran it along the cold surface, confirming that the cavern consisted of solid crystal. If Carter were here, she'd have some theory, as to just how; the light was being refracted, illuminating the long corridor from within.

As he made to follow the Merlin, Jack kept his eyes and ears open for any signs of another opening, searching his memories for more information. 'Think O'Neill, the light has to be coming from somewhere!'

Kris, capturing Jack's hand once more, searched her memories as well. 'Do you smell that Jack? Smells like sea air to me, this cavern must have an outlet near the sea.'

Daniel's memories of this cavern where fast returning. He had an inkling of another way out, but as yet the information was elusive and vague.

"Jack," He whispered, "She said it was the only way in..."

"I got that Danny boy. Keep your eyes, ears and mind open." Jack whispered back.

Summoning his newfound talents, Jack sent his thoughts outward to Teal'c. Kris, in tune with him, added her energies to the mix, hoping that they did indeed, have the power to send their thoughts through solid matter.


Outside, the now solid rock face, Teal'c, Sam and Janet, were cold, wet and desperately trying, to reopen the entrance to the cave. Each took a turn, standing just as Spud Dean had and announced the title of the place, hoping for the same results. But nothing happened.

"It would seem that we are not welcome." Teal'c stated dryly.

"There must be another way in!" Janet exclaimed. "Maybe it is above the falls."

"That is as good a place as any to start." Sam agreed.

Teal'c suddenly felt as if O'Neill was standing right beside him. He was experiencing the same vaguely tingling sensation, which he'd had, when they'd spoken of O'Neill's latest secret, earlier that day. In the past years, he'd often, felt a similar frisson of energy emanating from his friend, usually when O'Neill was greatly disturbed or angry, but it had increased in intensity today.

No stranger to the ability to quiet his thoughts in meditation, he ignored the ongoing conversation between the two-concerned women, as they searched for a path leading beyond the falls. Quietly, he attempted to center and allow his mind to be an open channel, to the energy, he realized, he was receiving directly from O'Neill.

As Teal'c was as usual, on they're six and not given to unnecessary chatter, Janet and Sam, failed to notice his lack of active participation in the conversation.

Teal'c, his mind now clear of distractions, could clearly hear the thoughts of his friend and brother of the soul. Tentatively, he attempted to send his own thoughts outward to O'Neill, hoping that this conduit was a two way one. He was gratified, when a quiet voice in his mind uttered 'Sweet!' in confirmation.

Granting O'Neill continued access to his mind, Teal'c, careful to maintain O'Neill's confidence regarding his newfound talents, cleared his throat, in order to gain the attention of Major Carter and Dr. Fraiser.

"Perhaps it would be more prudent to examine the base of the falls for an outlet to the sea."

"You're on to something Teal'c." Sam rounded on him with excitement.

"A great many waterfalls and caves do empty into a larger body of water. It just might be that our Crystal Cavern has just such an outlet! If so we may be able to get inside."



Kris's elation matched Jack's, as they established contact with the big Jaffa, each confident that he would never betray their secret. Now they had a way of communicating with their team outside. 'Sweet!' Both their minds quipped at once, causing them each to wear a bemused little smile, as they hastened after Viviane.

Daniel, attempting to put aside his unease, was busy with his camcorder, carefully making his way after Jack and Kris. This was too exciting not to record for posterity and further study.

As they moved along, descending on a gentle incline, the clear crystal took on a honey colored sheen, which deepened to an almost amber hue and continued to shimmer brightly around them. Here the height of the tunnel increased and the corridor or tunnel, abruptly veered to the right. Where once again, the crystal became clear and glass-like and the light's intensity grew, causing the digital output screen of the camcorder to white out and Jack to done his sunshades. Frustrated with the equipments limitations, Daniel none the less, kept filming.

Once his protective eyewear was in place, Jack was able to make out the figure of Dean, as he stood at what appeared to be an entrance into a huge cavern.

"Dean!" He called. "Stay where you are we are right on your six!"

Spud Dean heard the command, as if from a far off place. He was transfixed by the contents, of the huge cavern, shimmering before him. Everything he'd learned from his illustrious Father, the Professor, seemed to meld seamlessly with his newfound memories of his past life; and the truth of the fate of Arthur became a certainty.

Viviane stopped just short of the spot where, the youngster, Dean, stood immobile and waiting for the other three players in this drama, to overtake her. Hanging back, she allowed them to enter the Cavern as a unit, knowing that their willing participation was integral to her people's goal.

When Dean failed to acknowledge the presence of the other three members of SG-1, Jack, seeking to pull the kid out of the trance he'd apparently fallen into, grabbed Dean by the shoulder and gave him a good shake.

"Dean, snap out of it!"

Blinking and shaking his head, in an effort to focus, Spud turned his dazzled eyes to those of his hero.

"I'm alright Sir..."

"Good! Now listen up and take my lead!" Jack bit out. For a minute there he was afraid the kid was too far-gone to reach.

"Next time you move out ahead of the rest of the team, I will shoot you myself! Is that clear?"

"Crystal Sir." Dean replied, with a small-elated smile, gratified to know the Colonel was worried about him.

"Cute Kid." Jack responded sarcastically.

"Now we take it nice and easy... Viviane suppose you finish your fairy tale." Jack said, as he led the small contingent forward into the heart of the huge cavern, donning his cap, in order to further shield his sensitive eyes from the blinding glare within.

Looking up, at the amazingly transparent crystal ceiling, Jack could make out the fuzzy appearance of clouds, as they floated slowly along on the breeze.

'Okay, so this crystal, while thick enough to shield the cavern, is also, clear enough to act like a giant solar window,' he thought.

Kris's thoughts echoed his own, with the added addition of a question.

'A sound deduction, Jack; Major Carter will be so proud, but just how does this one light source, illuminate the tunnel system?'

Continuing their perusal of the large Cavern, they spotted several large, highly polished, silver shields bearing ArtGywr's crest, propped here and there, around the chamber.

"Mirrors!" Jack exclaimed out loud.

"The light bounces off various shields, creates a beam that concentrates on the contours of the crystal, refracts, and then spreads outward, lighting up the whole shebang!"

"So once the sun goes down, this place will go dark." Daniel added, wrinkling his brow with concern.

As if on cue, the intensity of the light dimmed slightly, casting a spotlight of sorts and making the contents of the chamber, more easily visible. Jack, Kris and Daniel, sucked in a breath at the compelling sight before them.

In the very center, of the roughly circular room, lying encased in solid crystal was the body of a man. He was dressed in leather armor, studded with bits of gold. His head helmeted and crowned with more pure gold. Surrounding the dais he lay upon, were heaps of jewels, rubies, sapphires, pearls and opals, some as large as a bird's egg. As well as, armaments made of gold and inlaid, with more precious stones, all bearing ArtGywr's crest. The riches, cast multicolored prisms over the already glistening walls of the room, where large carvings depicted more of the tale of ArtGywr and Taliesin.

Stunned, Jack could only gape at these wonders, as the last of his memories returned in a tsunami like wave.

Turning his gaze to Viviane, Jack kept his expression carefully blank, his tone sarcastic. It wouldn't due to reveal too much too soon.

"Alright, continue with your tale. Obviously the stiff in the glass coffin is the famous ArtGywr."


Beyond the thick walls of the mountain, Teal'c was receiving all of Jack's sensations and impressions, finding it increasingly difficult, to mask his own wonder over the unfolding events.

Already soaking wet, they'd gone beneath the rushing waterfall, crossing to its other side and found faint traces of a path, leading downward, to its base. It was crude and rough going, but they'd made slow progress. His connection to O'Neill, allowed Teal'c the luxury of practicing care and patience, as he led the two able female officers down the treacherous slope.


"Your continued denial of your talents and memories is beginning to anger me Taliesin." Viviane told him, with a humorless smile.

"Humor me. After all, it has been quiet a while and more than several lifetimes, for me Viviane." He told her mildly.

"Very well. Perhaps the passage of time has truly diluted your powers. I had hoped that it would take little coaching on my part, to bring them to the fore. I will concede that you are correct. For you it has been many lifetimes." She replied with resignation.

Turning to Spud Dean she asked.

"And you ArtGywr do you also deny your memories?"

Taking his cue from his hero and commander, Spud hedged.

"Perhaps, if you'd be kind enough to complete the tale you've started, our memories will come back more quickly."

"I'll second that request Viviane." Daniel added extending his arm and pointing his index finger upward, to draw her attention.

"I too, would be most grateful for the information." Kris interjected.

Sighing and reining in her impatience, Viviane capitulated. Pointing out the panels of carvings, as each in turn, corresponded to her tale, she began to once more relate her saga.

"We had awaited the outcome of the battle, between the evil one and our good ArtGywr, for two risings of the moon, when the Womb dilated and spewed forth, the lifeless body of our Pendragon."

"Along with some kind of request from Taliesin." Daniel prompted, himself impatient to move the story along.

"Yes. A missive from Taliesin was clutched in his cold hand. Following those instructions to the letter, our people banded together and carried ArtGywr to this cavern. Taliesin had prepared it prior to the events leading to our Pendragon's demise."

"As ever, he knew it might be needed." Spud nee ArtGywr supplied.

"Indeed. Taliesin had a gift for such things." Viviane agreed, with a small smile and a nod.

"However, I do not think he foresaw its use for ArtGywr. I believe, he had hoped to free Medrawt from the evil that had overtaken him and restore him to us."

Jack had to clench his jaw, in order to prevent himself from nodding his head in confirmation, thereby giving himself away.

"As we laid ArtGywr upon the dais you see before you, a great storm was waging beyond the cavern. Chanting the words that Taliesin had written upon the parchment, we wept for the loss of our many friends and companions. It was a most distressing event." Her eyes spilling over with tears, Viviane continued.

"Just as the last words were spoken, a great wind blew down the open portal of this very chamber. Suddenly, there was a great crash of thunder and lightening penetrated inward, striking ArtGywr and crackling over his battle armor."

'Shades of Frankenstein.' Daniel thought. 'But it would make sense, sort of a giant defibrillator.'

"Did ArtGywr begin to breath?" He asked aloud.

"No. He did not, as a poison had tainted him. The very same poison, which must be purged from him before, he can be restored. Unfortunately, only Taliesin knows that secret, as he was the creator of so deadly a potion."

Disappointed and appalled, at the same time, Daniel subsided with a nod.

Drawing herself up and squaring her shoulders, as if preparing for battle, Viviane continued her tale.

"The lightening spiraled around the room, bouncing off the silver shields and melting the ceiling of the Crystal Cavern, above the place where our ArtGywr lay. The now liquid crystal flowed over him, encasing him and solidifying, just as you see it now."

"After a time, as the winds died and the lightening left, the ceiling seemed to reseal itself and became solid once more."

"True to our beloved Pendragon and his dearest friend, we have waited all these many centuries, extending our lives, awaiting you Taliesin. Awaiting the fulfillment of your promise."

Pausing for effect, Viviane looked deeply into Jack's eyes.

Jack gazed back at her impassively, keeping his expression carefully blank.

"Have we waited in vain? Will you not fulfill your final pledge, to your closest companion?" She demanded, her gaze hot and her expression hard.

"Will you restore our ArtGywr to us Taliesin?"


Teal'c, sensing that time was limited, increased his pace. Sam, having served with the stoic warrior for more than a handful of years now, easily matched his urgent strides.

Janet struggled to keep up with the big Jaffa, as he hastened along. Unlike Sam, who seemed to be able to maintain the grueling pace he set, she was not as conditioned for field duty. It was a rare occurrence for her to leave the SGC, for more than a quick rescue.

Stumbling, Janet fell headlong, sliding some one hundred feet down the slope. Unable to brake her fall, her velocity increasing with every foot, she would have tumbled over a precipice, if not for the unexpected interference of Tristan.

Stepping seemingly out of nowhere, the Faer warrior used his body to break her fall.

"Allow me to assist you, Lady Janet." He whispered huskily. Sweeping the diminutive woman up into his arms, with a rakish smile.

Shocked, Janet clung to her muscular rescuer.

Taking a deep breath, in order to regain her composure, she smiled up into his handsome face, to offer a word of thanks. Catching sight of his rakish, self-confident smile, Janet stiffened in his arms, as the memory of her dreams, involving him, returned, with a vengeance.

"Thank you for your assistance Tristan. Now put me down." She told him, with cool dignity.

Tristan, ignored her request and continued to cradle her in his strong arms, a bit more tightly and closely, than would seem absolutely necessary, as he carried her up a narrow track, heading back, to the path where her concerned companions waited. He thought it quite a marvelous thing, to have her nestled against his solid chest; his passions began to stir.

Janet, no stranger to the male animal, noted his increased respirations and dilated pupils. Flattered, despite herself and mildly alarmed, she repeated her demand.

"Put me down."

Reluctantly, Tristan set her gently on her feet, once more, on the rudimentary path. But, he kept a steadying hand on her, as he inquired.

"Are you injured my Lady?"

As soon as her feet touched the uneven ground, Janet felt a shard of agonizing pain, shoot through her right knee. She would have fallen again, if not for Tristan's continued strength.

Seeing her lovely face contort with pain, Tristan wrapped his arms around her, once more.

"You are injured, we must return you to the city. Esclarmonde will tend your injuries. Allow me to carry you, my Lady."

Taking a quiet inventory of her many scrapes and bruises, as well as, her injured knee, Janet had to concede that she'd never be able to climb back up, to where Teal'c and Sam waited, without assistance.

"Alright, if you are quite sure it isn't too much trouble." She granted him with queenly grace.

Amused by her tone, Tristan swept her up in his arms once more.

"It is no trouble, you weigh no more than thistle down." He told her chuckling.

Like thousands of women before her, the mention of her weight, caused her to stiffen with ire.

"Thistle down indeed! Put me down at once, I will get there somehow!" She bit out through clenched teeth.

Ignoring her, Tristan tightened his hold, with a smile and continued his ascent.

Sam would have run after Janet, if Teal'c hadn't restrained her.

"Injuring yourself will not aide Dr. Fraiser, Major Carter." He admonished her flatly. His own fear for the Doctor's safety, causing him to done the mantle of indifference, he'd been conditioned to assume.

Realizing he was right, Sam watched helplessly as Janet fell. Clenching her fists in frustration, she caught sight of what appeared to be, a male figure running through the rocky-forested terrain, toward her friend's trajectory; expelling a sigh of relief, as the blond warrior burst forth from the dense underbrush, using his body to halt Janet's descent.

Teal'c, had been removing a rope from his pack, making ready, to repel down the treacherous slope, to retrieve Dr. Fraiser; all the while, keeping a sharp eye out for the quickest route. He too was most gratified, when the Faer warrior intervened.

Pushing aside his feeling of responsibility, for neglecting to insure the Doctor's safety, Teal'c realized that, his preoccupation with his mind's connection to O'Neill had blinded him to the fact that they'd been followed. Stretching out his finely honed senses, he detected the presence of other warriors nearby, and that, the shadows of dusk where lengthening.

"The warrior who has assisted Dr. Fraiser is not alone, Major Carter."

Now that Janet was safe, Sam had also realized that they were not alone.

"I make at least five on our six."

She confirmed as she searched the path behind her.

"As well as half a dozen more to our immediate right." Teal'c added.

"Guess we've been less than observant." Sam muttered with chagrin.

"Indeed." Teal'c growled.


Back inside the Crystal Cavern, Jack and Kris, silently noted the information, being telegraphed to them, via Jack's connection to Teal'c. Jack maintaining his façade of indifference met Viviane's anger, with a cool gaze.

The sound of soft footsteps to his right distracted him and he heard a familiar voice ask.

"Yes Taliesin, tell us, are you still bound, as you once were by your word? Or have the centuries diluted your sense of honor, as well as your talents?" Oberon demanded, in a deceptively silky tone, as he entered the Cavern, followed by three other warriors.

"Time will change a man." Jack tossed back, with icy calm.

"The centuries have changed the idealistic dreamer you once were, into a tough no nonsense leader, have they not Oberon?"

"Perhaps I was a dreamer. I idolized you Taliesin, both you and ArtGywr. Even then, you were both legends." Oberon agreed, his tone equally icy.

Jack sighed. He understood all too well, just what it was, to have the idealistic dreams of youth, crushed under the weight of harsh reality.

"My deepest wish, was to prove myself to you both." Oberon told him with ironic distain.

"I pleaded with you, to allow me the privilege, of freeing my childhood friend from the evil Kuk. Yet, you denied me that, leaving me behind to lead a heartbroken people. Many centuries of empty waiting, tend to destroy one's idealistic dreams."

"You were chosen to safeguard this world and the remainder of the Faer Folk." Jack nee Taliesin told him quietly.

"There was never a need to prove yourself Oberon, we knew your worth." Pausing, Jack nee Taliesin, moved forward to lay a firm hand on the warrior's strong shoulder.

"I wonder? Now that you too, have watched over and lead others, if you can see the wisdom of that decision?" He added sadly.

Closing his eyes as if quelling a deep pain, Oberon drew in a deep breath his shoulders slumped. The anger that had contorted his handsome face fled, as he admitted to himself that, if he were to be faced with a similar decision now, he would do the same.

Spud nee ArtGywr, watching both the Faer warrior's reaction and that of the man, whom he too looked up, surmised each had finally accepted the truth.

Kris, sharing Jack nee Taliesin's pain, marveled at his outward calm; tears filling her eyes, she sent forth her loving support.

Expelling the breath he'd been holding, Oberon opened his eyes and looked deeply into the understanding gaze, of the man who embodied the essence of his childhood hero. A man who clearly understood all that he'd been required to give up, in order to protect and lead his people.

Jack nee Taliesin merely nodded and smiled in acknowledgement. It was time to deal with the pledge.


As Tristan, carrying his unappreciative cargo, gained the crude pathway, where Teal'c and Sam, awaited them, his men melted out of the forest, to stand at his side. Uneasy with this turn of events, Sam, nodding her head in an unspoken command to Teal'c, shouldered her P-90, demanding an explanation.

"While we are grateful for your rescue of Dr. Fraiser, it leads one to inquire, as to just why, you've been stalking us?"

Teal'c, in response to his superior officer's unspoken instruction relieved the Faer warrior, of his burden, by taking the petite Chief Medical Officer, into his own capable arms.

"Are you gravely injured Dr. Fraiser?" He asked her quietly.

Watching the tense interplay, between Sam and Tristan, Janet almost forgot her discomfort.

"I injured my knee Teal'c. With a little ice, it should be tolerable. I can probably put weight on it, as long as the terrain isn't too rough." She whispered, not wanting to miss Tristan's explanation.

"Then, I shall set you down gently, so that I may be weapon ready, should the Major need assistance." He replied, in a tone that was for her ears alone, setting her, in a sitting position on large boulder.

Feigning surprise, Tristan, assumed a shocked expression.

"Stalking? Do you think yourselves prey?" He asked, hoping to deflect the truth.

"We merely came to escort you back to Avallo, to await your Pendragon's return."

"Then, why not show yourselves immediately and state your business?" Sam questioned. Her tone and body stance, making it clear, she was not buying so benign a motive.

"Come Major, we mean you no harm. The Lady Janet requires a healer's attentions. Put up your weapon and let us speak, as civilized folk do." He stated cajolingly.

Sam, unmoved, maintained her stance, while considering her options. They were out numbered three to one; by a force of Faer Folk who, besides weapons, which appeared to be rudimentary in nature, possessed unknown capabilities. It was a sure bet, producing the mist, was not Tristan's only talent.

"Look around you, Major. None of my men have drawn their weapons. It is only you, who currently pose a threat." He added in a reasonable tone, a challenge in his green eyes. While not as seasoned as his Father, he was none the less a clever tactician.

Sam Carter hadn't acquired the rank of Major and a Doctorate in Astrophysics, without a few clever traits of her own. Glancing subtly at Teal'c, she noted his slight nod and lowered her weapon, but kept her finger poised on the trigger, just in case.

"Look Tristan, you quite obviously have a motive beyond hospitality. Why not try a new tactic?"

"Such as?" He inquired, cocking his head to one side and raising an eyebrow.

"Honesty. Suppose you just come out with whatever it is you really want and we'll negotiate?"

"What a refreshing concept!" Tristan stated, smiling with panache.

"Subterfuge is so time consuming and we have little of that commodity left to us." He added ominously.


Oberon, his eyes still locked, with those, of the man, who was indeed the great Taliesin, repeated his request once more.

"Will you fulfill your pledge to restore ArtGywr?"

Spud Dean had listened with growing unease and certainty, to the exchange between Oberon and the Colonel. He was gratified that they had reached an understanding of sorts. Yet, it was still very obvious that both Viviane and Oberon's, passion, for the restoration of their beloved Pendragon, had blinded them to a few truths.

From a medical standpoint, what these Folks were asking of the Colonel was impossible. From a theological and ethical view, what they expected was a sacrilege. Spud was both a Corpsman and a good Catholic, but he was also a great deal more.

He was, the reincarnation of the great ArtGywr, the Once and Future King. It was a heady revelation and a grave responsibility, especially for a man so young. However, while his body and current life's experience were limited, his soul's was not.

Compassion, for all that these people had endured, through the many long years of waiting, tempered his answer to their demands now. As did his respect, for the man, whom he had idolized, both in this lifetime and the one he had lived as ArtGywr.

"What you ask of him is not possible Oberon. Nor is it right!"

As two pairs, of intense eyes rested on him, with inquiry, Spud moved to stand next to the coffin of crystal. Looking down at the face within, frozen in repose, he sighed.

"What I asked of my brother Taliesin was wrong. I doomed him to wander through many lifetimes, always seeking to fulfill a pledge which could never be." He whispered sadly.

"My selfishness cost him happiness and peace, as he strove in each incarnation, to protect others, placing their needs, always, above those of his own."

"For that sin I ask your pardon, my dear and loyal friend." He added looking soulfully into Jack nee Taliesin's, shocked brown eyes.

Jack, taken aback by the sudden maturity, in the young Dean's body language and words, finally accepted that he was, in truth, the reincarnated ArtGywr. Overcome with emotion, he could only nod, confirming that he'd forgiven him.

Kris, still connected by mind meld to Jack, came forward and took his hand, squeezing it affectionately.

The man, who was ArtGywr, watched this interchange with a thoughtful smile.

"I wronged you as well Nimue. I above all others should have known that your close connection to your sibling, would force a similar fate upon you."

Laying her other hand, gently against ArtGywr's cheek, in a comforting gesture, Kris nee Nimue, forgave him as well.

"I have spent many lifetimes healing and comforting. My fate was no burden."

"And what of us ArtGywr?" Viviane demanded sadly.

"Do we mean so little to you now? We have waited centuries and have sacrificed much, just as Taliesin instructed us. What of our needs?"

"For all that you've done for my sake, you have my gratitude as well as my admiration. No leader could be more proud of his people. But, you ask for that which is unnecessary."

"Unnecessary? Never before have we needed our Pendragon and his companion more! You must restore ArtGywr, our need is urgent!" Oberon bit out hotly, misunderstanding the true intention of ArtGywr's words.

"I tell you it in not necessary, nor is it possible!" ArtGywr bellowed in a Kingly rage.

"Have the centuries robbed you of obedience?"

Jack, still the Colonel and superior Officer, upon whom the safety and well being, of those who served under him rested, did not misunderstand Dean's intent. He was not about, to let the kid make any decisions, about his future, without a lot of discussion and a great deal more Intel.

"Lieutenant, stand down and shut up!" He commanded tightly.

Spud nee ArtGywr, still a Corpsman in the United States Air Force, visibly reined in his anger and bit back any further retort.

Satisfied that the kid would obey his orders, Jack turned his attentions back to Oberon.

"Now, suppose you tell us, just why it is, you need us so very badly now Oberon?" He asked with deceptive nonchalance.

Oberon, looked from one to the other, of the three other Faer warriors and Viviane, who made up the Council of the Pentagram. As each nodded in turn, he drew in a shuddering breath and made ready to confess all.


"Then, cryptic remarks will only waste that commodity, which you have just revealed is lacking." Teal'c stated dryly.

"Major Carter asked you a direct question. I suggest it would behoove you, to answer it." He added ominously.

Being surrounded three to one, tended to bring out his gruff side.

Amused despite the gravity of the situation, Tristan chuckled. He admired these travelers more with each passing hour.

"Your bravado amuses me, as does the knowledge that you could very well be, a formidable foe."

Teal'c inclined his head slightly, accepting the compliment.

"However, it is your assistance, which is of foremost concern to us now." Tristan informed him soberly.

"Our City is soon to be discovered."

"Discover by whom?" Sam asked.

"By the evil ones." Tristan told her his expression grave.

"Evil ones? You mean the Goa'uld?" Janet questioned startled. "How can that be?"

"Yes... I believe that is the name I gleaned from my wanderings, in both yours and the Major's dreams."

Noting her flushed and angered, countenance, Tristan sought her understanding and forgiveness.

"No disrespect or insult was intended. Dream walking was necessary in order to confirm our belief that your Pendragon was indeed our Taliesin."

"Try violation buster..." Janet began hotly. He had done much more, than merely take a walk around in her dream!

Attempting to stem her growing ire, Tristan employed his considerable talent for guile.

"I regret that what we shared has been perceived by you as an insult. I humbly ask your pardon Lady. Your irresistible charm led me astray."

Janet, bit back any further reply, as she caught sight of Sam's face and Teal'c's inquisitive eyebrow. If she didn't want everyone standing about, to know her private humiliation, she'd better just drop the whole thing right now!

"We will discuss it later in private!" She told Tristan through clenched teeth.

"Now what is all this malarkey about the Goau'ld coming?"

Nodding his acceptance of a future confrontation, Tristan returned to the problem at hand.

"If I deduce your meaning correctly, and I believe that I do, you doubt my voracity. I am wounded Lady Janet." Tristan told her dramatically, placing a hand mockingly against his heart.

Despite her continued irritation with his nocturnal behavior, Janet had to stifle a smile. He really was a scallywag!

Seeing her quickly hidden smile, Tristan, grateful that he had managed to charm her at last, continued his explanation.

"Unfortunately, what I say is truth. Our ability to call forth the elements and shroud, our home in the mists, which had, thus far shielded us from the rest of this world, could not prevent your flying machine from giving our presence away. Had we known the machine was capable of flight, when it burst forth from the Womb, we would have extended our use of the elements and produced a gale, to blow it off course and out to sea, before it's detection. But we were caught unawares." He told them morosely.

"I don't understand. You mean to tell me that the Goa'uld had already been here on this planet? Why not share this information with us before now?" Sam asked incredulous.

"For the very reason they mucked around in our dreams. Simple suspicion and fear." Janet stated her arms crossed in disgust.

"Alas Lady, you have the right of it. Our history has perhaps made us overcautious." Tristan agreed.

"Until only very recently, we were the only inhabitants of this planet. Yet, we stayed here on this Island. Our numbers being too few to shroud this entire world in mists, should it be required."

"A prudent course of action, given the limitations of your talents." Teal'c commended.

"How then did you become aware of the presence of the Goa'uld?"

"After the events of the past, my Father has never rested easy. Occasionally, he sent out a few scouts to confirm that none, of Kuk's ilk had discovered our world. Although, at first, his main concern was the Womb."

"He feared Taliesin might have failed, to destroy the original Stargate on Earth." Teal'c supplied.

"Yes, but after a few hundred years or so, when nothing came forth from the Womb, we ventured further across the sea to explore this world fully. Most of it is a primordial forest of lush vegetation."

"There were no other inhabitants?" Sam asked.

"None. That is until seven months ago. My Father had word of a small flying vessel landing, some ten miles from our Isle, just across the sea. We had a small outpost of herbalist there. Careful to prevent discovery, they quickly summoned the mists and fled back to Avallo."

"What defensive preparations have your people made?" Teal'c asked him gravely.

Sighing with regret, Tristan continued.

"Memories of the atrocities our people suffered at the hands of Kuk and his minions are still very vivid. Unfortunately, we no longer posses the knowledge needed, to so easily expel these demons from our world. We increased our use of the mists and waited."

"And?" Janet asked impatiently.

"Within the week their numbers swelled to approximately sixty armed warriors."

"Tristan do you have any idea why they are here?"

"We are unsure. We had hoped, after seeing the temporary nature of their encampment that they would not tarry long."

"They have been here seven months, yet they are still maintaining temporary facilities?" Teal'c asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, they have not made any permanent fortifications, and their numbers have not grown."

"Nor had they, as far as we could tell, detected us and so we were content to hide within the mists. That is, until your devices came through the womb."

"Tristan you are confident that these invaders are Goa'uld?" Janet asked doubtfully.

"I was very young when Kuk and his minions assaulted our people, yet I remember they carried evil beings within them." Tristan responded quietly.

"As you are aware, my people have highly developed abilities; one of which, after our previous experience, we have honed to an art. We are quite adept at sensing the presence of a sentient being. It is quite clear that these warriors each have two such minds, dwelling within one body."

"That's good enough for me!" Janet stated grimly, focusing the intensity of her large brown eyes on Sam.

"We need to contact our base as soon as possible. Tristan you must take us to the Colonel immediately!" Sam exclaimed.

"So you will help us?" Tristan pressed.

"That's up to Colonel O'Neill and our base Commander, General Hammond." Sam informed him tightly. She wasn't willing to make any commitment, until she had a lot more Intel.

"I suggest we get going, as you said, time is a precious commodity."

Stepping back a few paces to speak with his warriors, Tristan gave them quiet instructions.

"As my Father suspected, even now, it is Taliesin who is the key to our survival!" Tristan confirmed to his warriors.

After a moment of conference, he returned to where the Major, Teal'c and Janet, waited impatiently.

"My men will lead you Major and the Lady Janet, to the Womb. I will guide the warrior Teal'c to your Pendragon, the O'Neill."

Noting Sam's hesitation, as she took this plan in, he explained his reasoning.

"As we have little time, is it not prudent, for you to seek the blessing of your General, while Teal'c consults with your Pendragon?" He asked earnestly.

Seeing the wisdom of the plan, but hating being further separated from her Colonel, Sam agreed.

"Alright. Teal'c I expect radio confirmation from you as soon as you arrive back at the cave." The Faer Folk hadn't cornered the market on caution; let them realize she was nobody's patsy.

"One more thing Tristan. You still have not told us, just exactly why your people, so urgently need Colonel O'Neill. I for one want to know."

"They wish him to raise ArtGywr from the dead." Teal'c stated quietly.

Astonished, Janet and Sam could only stare, as Tristan inclined his head in confirmation.

On to Part V