What Fools These Mortals Be Sequence by dinkydow

Part Four: What Fools These Mortals

Samantha Carter swam through treacle, as she labored toward the light, following Jack's orders. She heard voices that sounded familiar. Jack's and . . . an Asgard? She felt Jack's familiar touch on her hand. So comforting. So right.

She struggled to make out the words. 'Ernie? Naked?'

Her eyes snapped open. "Sir?" she croaked.

Jack's words had been right on the money. She, no, he . . . they were naked and holding hands. A whisper of cool air wafted across her bare breasts and gave her the perkies. She couldn't help but wonder how it was affecting the male body beside her. Resolutely, she kept her eyes from straying sideways and . . . south.

'Holy Hannah! If Dad or the team hears about this . . .'

She wanted to shout her thoughts, but her mind felt fuzzy, not right. She felt Jack's grip loosen around her hand, but her fingers tightened, not willing to relinquish the comforting touch as yet.

She closed her eyes, a last ditch effort to avoid the inevitable surrender to the harsh lights of the real world, a world where his touch was wrong, a world where her feelings were wrong. Fraternization with a superior officer, just the insinuation of it had ruined many a military career, and she wasn't about to allow it to ruin his . . . or hers for that matter. They had important jobs to do, as usual. As always.

"Carter?" The voice was male and unmistakably Jack's.

She wedged her eyes open, and let his hand go, feeling bereft of comfort when his fingers no longer touched her skin. Alone. Again. Nothing new there.

"Samantha Carter?" Ernie's gray face swam into her vision, and then back out again. She closed her eyes once more. It was too overwhelming and confusing. Vaguely she was aware of Jack's raised voice in the background, demanding to know why he had things stuck into certain very private parts of his anatomy, for crying out loud.

Sam tried recapturing the earlier feeling of comfort and warmth and turned to a trusted friend, an old tried and true formula.

'Newton's Laws of Motion. Number 1: Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it. So far, so good, my Jack is certainly one hell of a compelling force though. Number 2: The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is Fma. That's a safe bet. Now for Number 3: For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.'

'Holy Hannah, this is not working at all. Nope, this is definitely not a good idea, not when you're lying in the same bed next to a stark naked General Jack O'Neill, thinking about relationships, compelling forces, and reactions. Especially when your reaction is part of the problem. Still . . . Jack and me . . . naked . . . Together . . . Get your mind out of the gutter, Samantha Jean Carter! He's your CO!'

Sam gave it up as a waste of time as her eyes snapped open She figured if nothing else, it would probably be entertaining . . . and diverting too. At this point a diversion just might keep her from getting a court martial.


Jack had passed the point of irritation and was nearing seriously pissed off. At times like this, Ernie reminded him of a certain Napoleonic power-monger. God rest her soul.

'No way I'm going to put up with ANYONE messing around with me and my dick, at least not without my wholehearted cooperation. Haven't I put up with enough already? What is with these damned aliens and their fascination with me and my reproductive organs? First it was the Techno-bitch from hell, and now Ernie. A man's got a right to some privacy. Right? Damned right I do!'

To get his point across, Jack upped the whine factor. "But, Ernie. You know how I hate those damned tubes! It's bad enough waking up naked, but I've had my fill of aliens messing around with my equipment, so if you don't mind, just bug off!" Jack's voice accelerated from whine to outrage as his hands slipped down to conceal his groin, fiddling with the offending catheter tube.

'Damned meddling aliens, always messing around with my plumbing.'

Ernie response was immediate. "For your information, Jack O'Neill, I put that catheter in while I was trying to save your sorry ass, but you can yank it out right now if it offends your dignity so damned much. In fact, if you move your hands, I'll help you."

Ernie batted at Jack's protective hands with his gray ones. The alien fingers felt soft and leathery, and left behind a telltale hint of cinnamon.

Jack growled. "Keep your hands away from me, you flat-assed skinny gray alien!"

Ernie withdrew his hands and stepped back from the pod with a sigh. "Jack O'Neill, what the hell is the matter with you? You're being unreasonable."

"Ernie?" Jack looked hopeful.

"Yes?" Ernie blinked.

"You're real?"

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"I wasn't sure at first. Sorry."

Ernie cocked his head. "I'll never understand you humans, Jack O'Neill."

Jack's eyes widened. "You said 'I'll'. Ernie, buddy. You're using contractions. Sweet."

"It took you long enough to notice. Jeez, humans."

"Sir?" The feminine voice at his side drew his attention away from Ernie.

"Did ya hear that, Carter? Ernie's using contractions. Pretty cool, huh."

"I was talking about something else, Sir." When Jack raised a questioning eyebrow, Samantha Carter continued. "Ernie said he was trying to save our lives. Or yours, at least. But seeing as how I've been fitted with some of the same . . . equipment as you have . . ."

She gestured south.

Jack risked a quick glance to his side, his eyes automatically tracked her moving hands, and then hastily averted his eyes as he realized what she was referring to . . . and that she was naked. Just like he was. 'Oy! I'd always figured Carter was a natural blonde, now I really do know for sure.'

He decided that her blonde hair went well with the blush that was creeping up her neck and into her face.

Jack kept his eyes trained away from Carter; his mind was already filling in the blanks, so to speak. "Could we get some pants or blankets here? We're going to catch our deaths."

"Not to mention what Samantha Carter will do to you if she catches you peeking." Ernie handed over two blankets, which were grabbed out of his hands by Jack.

He draped one over his lap as he slid the other one over to Carter, a hard task to do without actually looking at the intended target. Jack so didn't want to risk pissing her off though, at least not while he was so . . . exposed. Not to mention vulnerable.

Jack patted his blanket into place. "What was this about saving our asses?" He turned when he heard Sam's feminine sigh of exasperation beside him. "Hey, I was getting to it." He turned his eyes back on Ernie who was fidgeting, never a good sign.

He tried propping his arm underneath him, in preparation to sitting up. When pain spiked through his head, he let himself slump back onto the bed. He shut his eyes for a moment, willing the sudden dizziness to pass. When it didn't, he sighed in frustration.

"Crap!" He rubbed one hand over his forehead in a vain attempt to massage away the pain.

"Sir?" Jack said nothing, just winced, and then turned his head slightly to acknowledge her concerned hand on his arm.

"Ernie?" Carter's voice sounded worried.

"That's part of what I need to talk to you about." Seeing that he had their attention, he continued. "According to my tests, masses of some type were placed inside your brains. Soon after you were both beamed aboard, I discovered that you couldn't be separated without going into cardiac failure, so I had a special medical pod made that would accommodate both of you at the same time."

"Wait a minute, Ernie. Slow down. What are you talking about?" Jack asked as he peeked out from under the arm he'd thrown across his eyes.

"I had to place both of you inside the same medical pod because those masses are emitting a radio signal, and when anything interrupts it, you both go into convulsions. As if that weren't bad enough, it causes erratic heartbeats. In short, when you're separated, you die."

Jack looked at Carter and she shrugged. 'That would certainly explain the weird connection I have with Carter now. I have the feeling she can sense it too. And the handholding bit, that was a little . . . unusual for us both. Well, Jack O'Neill, this is just peachy. Here you are lying in bed beside Carter, the stuff of your wildest wet dreams. Now Ernie says we're inseparable. That we'll die if we get too far apart. No doubt about it, Bug Boy has a really sick sense of humor. I'll bet he's laughing his ass off right about now. Speaking of bugs, where are they?'

"You blew up those Bugs, didn't you?" Jack asked changing the subject. When Ernie looked away, he asked again. "Those bug people, you did disintegrate their mechanical little asses, didn't you?"

"No, Jack. Fifth got away from us." Ernie looked apologetic.

"Fifth got away?" Sam looked at Jack and then away again and shuddered. He noted she turned a little pale too.

"What about the others?" Jack was getting nervous. It showed when the regular beeps from his heart monitor increased in frequency. Sam's monitor echoed his, a mechanical duet of distress.

Ernie looked puzzled. "What others?"

Jack opened his mouth to talk, and then shut it and shook his head. "It's a long story, Ernie."

"I think maybe I'd better get Thor on the horn, sounds like he needs to hear this too." Ernie trotted over to his master console.

"Yeah, sure." In an effort to calm himself, Jack took a breath. As before, Sam mirrored his response. "That would be a good idea. Sounds like we need to start comparing notes."

Ernie had already keyed the microphone. "Thor?"

Thor's face appeared on the view screen. "Yes?"

"My patients have some questions and some vital information to impart. It would be most beneficial if you were here."

Ernie heard voices in the background. "Jack and Sam are awake? We want to see them." It sounded like Daniel Jackson.

Ernie responded. "My patients are not yet ready for visitors. I will only allow Thor."

Thor turned his head toward the unseen voices and then looked straight at Ernie. "I will arrive shortly."

Jack closed his eyes. His head still hurt. 'Wait a minute, if Fifth wasn't destroyed, then were we really rescued? How can I know for sure if this is really Ernie or some sort of mechanical puppet dreamed up by Bug Boy?'

While Ernie didn't have the distinctive odor he'd associated with his female companion, he did have one of his own. Jack guessed that was one of the things that had attracted him to Ernie in the first place. Every time he was around the little alien, he had flashbacks to his Grandma's homemade apple pie. Thor's, on the other hand reminded him more of sage . . . and Grandma's Thanksgiving turkeys.

The recent memory of Ernie's leathery fingers brushing against his hands brought to mind the accompanying scent of cinnamon. That clue alone convinced O'Neill that Ernie and their rescue was the real deal, not some illusion whipped up by Bug Boy and his merry duo of Thing One and Thing Two.

Jack tested the air. 'That's cinnamon all right. So this must be the real thing. For whatever reason, those bugs never got that part right when they did their illusion bit. Probably because they don't get into eating or how things smell like us flesh and blood types. Although when you consider that for a bug the yummy main course consisted of bulkhead of spaceship washed down with a WD-40 chaser, their disregard for these senses was really understandable.'

Jack turned his head toward Carter and smiled reassuringly. "I think they're real, at least they smell like the real thing."

Carter nodded and sighed. "Thanks, I was wondering about that myself."

Thor chose that moment to appear in a white flash of light. As soon as Jack caught sight of him, he tested his hypothesis and sniffed. Yep, the pungent smell of sage.

"Thor, buddy. Good to see you again." Jack smiled.

Ernie shot an admonishing glare at the Supreme Commander. "I must request that both Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter refrain from undue excitement, Thor. Their systems are not able to handle additional stress at the moment."

"I understand, Eir." Thor nodded and then shuffled over to stand beside the medical pod.

Thor wasted no time in getting to the point. "What can you tell us of your captors?"

Jack turned to Sam and raised a questioning eyebrow. Sam shrugged and then nodded her agreement.

"As you probably already guessed, it was Fifth who shanghaied our asses and dragged us over to his little den of inequity. What you don't know is that Fifth is no longer alone." Thor and Ernie exchanged exasperated glances. "By that I mean that Fifth has been playing around with his tinker toys and his latest creations are more bug people who just happen to look like Carter and myself."

Jack's bombshell produced startled looks on the faces of his Asgard audience.

'If you think you're surprised, you should try waking up to see it like I did. Welcome to my nightmare, folks.'

"Fifth produced Replicator versions of yourself and Samantha Carter?" Thor stared impassively down at Jack.

"Yeah, sure yabetcha. If you think you're surprised, you should try waking up to see a bug person who looks like your evil twin. Very creepy. Right, Carter?" Jack turned his head to look at her, trying to gauge her reaction to this whole mess. Judging by the furrows on her forehead, she was deep in thought, a typical response for her.

"What? Oh, sorry, Sir. I was thinking." She gave him a frown in response to his knowing smirk. "Why do you suppose Fifth let us go? According to what he told me, his primary motive was revenge. I mean, Fifth could've taken us with him when he left. Right?" Jack nodded. "So why didn't he?"

"I don't know." Jack looked back up to see Ernie and Thor exchange looks. "There's something you haven't told us. Right? So come on guys, spill it. What aren't you telling us?"

"It would be my guess that Fifth left you behind because he'd gotten what he wanted." Ernie paused and then continued when Jack and Sam nodded. "What I mean is that Fifth placed masses inside both your brains that not only limit your ability to function, they are also increasing in size."

"And?" Jack snapped impatiently.

"At their current rate of growth I estimate that you will not live longer than five to seven days. I'm sorry."

The other shoe had dropped. Jack took some time to consider the information he'd just been given, Fifth had sentenced Carter and himself to a slow death. Crap. Still, when you thought about it, the news really wasn't surprising.

"So, what now? Let's consider our options here." Jack turned to Carter. "Give me your take on this."

"Sir? If you could give me a minute . . . This took me by surprise. It's not everyday that you've been told that you have only a week left to live." She shrugged and winced.

"What about surgery, Ernie? Is there any way you can remove or disintegrate these doohickeys in our heads?"

"Because of their placement, surgery is not an option. It would kill you both. As for disintegrating them . . . I'd considered that, but I'm not sure if that would work either. The devices that are attached to your brain stems are placed in such a way so that their removal will result in your immediate death. Ironically, the only thing that is keeping you alive right now are those things inside your heads." Ernie shook his head, clearly not happy with his verdict.

"I had wondered if the Ancients' device could be modified to nullify the effects of the masses inside your heads. However, it would seem that this was a false hope." Thor looked down at Jack and then at Carter.

Ernie nodded. "It would be much too dangerous to test this theory because if you fail, my patients would die."

Carter responded. "This all makes sense in a twisted way, Sir. Fifth said he kidnapped us because he wanted revenge for his betrayal. I guess now we know why they left us back there when they made their escape. They didn't need us anymore because they knew we wouldn't live much longer anyway."

Jack rubbed his eyes with both fists before huffing out a breath in frustration. "I refuse to just roll over and die on anybody, especially for those damned bug people. There's got to be another way, something we can do to fight this thing."

"I'm open for suggestions." Ernie looked down at his human friends and then at Thor.

Jack levered himself up into a sitting position, the wince on his face telling of his headache. With one hand he held the blanket in place around his midsection, and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other.

"Sounds like we could use a brain storm session to plan out some sort of strategy to beat this. So, how's about you get us some clothes so we can join in on the party. Maybe there'll be cake." He smiled. "Ernie? Some pants would be nice . . . Now?" He turned to smirk at Carter and then shot her a genuine grin when he saw that she was also sitting up.

He patted his groin, and then raised his eyebrow as he looked at Ernie. "And another thing . . . Our plumbing works just fine, so if you don't mind?"


An hour later found Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter joining the rest of their friends in the briefing room. The reunion had been . . . emotional. Ernie was overjoyed and had taken copious notes. He now had so much more information to add to his studies of human communication.

After supplying his two patients with clothing, Ernie had expected them to be more cooperative about his concerns for their medical condition. He'd been reluctant to allow his two human patients out of his Infirmary, but they had been quite vocally insistent. Ernie now had an intimate knowledge of suggestions that seemed anatomically impossible, courtesy of Jack O'Neill, and resolved to test his theories at the soonest possible moment.

'Jack O'Neill's suggestion to 'screw you' and 'stick your head up your ass' seemed amusing, but I still haven't been able to figure out how this would be accomplished. Computer simulations might supply the answer, but I have my doubts about that. I admit this might have to be added to the unanswered mysteries about humans and Jack O'Neill. Perhaps someone from the Asgard Council might adopt this project, as I will have no time to spare in the coming days, not when I have to ride herd on Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter. They're as difficult to manage as herding cats.'

'Although I have more experience in deciphering the colorful human colloquialisms, and suspect those suggestions were probably meant as metaphors, it might be a real hoot to suggest that another member of the Council study these suggestions. Some of the more stuffy members have indicated that they would be interested in this sort of project. Oh, Ernie, you are evil to even think of such a thing. Jack O'Neill would be so proud of you. You're beginning to sound just like him, which is not so bad. Right?'

'I can't help but wonder about Jack O'Neill's extreme reaction to the catheter though, along with his accusations about aliens messing with him. Just what did happen to him? Will he even tell me? Chances are good that I'll have to trick him into telling me the truth. The combination of his need for privacy and his ingrained reluctance to talk of any abuse he might have endured will make it doubly hard for him to reveal what happened. Maybe Samantha Carter knows, perhaps I could get some intel out of her.'

Food and beverages had been supplied and a buffet style lunch had been set up in a corner of the briefing room. Ernie had suggested this as the laboratory results had shown that his two human patients hadn't eaten or drank anything since their abduction.

With the help of Colonel Dixon, several items to tempt the hungry palate had been rustled up. The father of five had said he had experience in dealing with temperamental and finicky eaters so had been put in charge of the meal. He'd rummaged through the supplies provided by the SGC and even had a cake for Jack O'Neill, chocolate with butter cream icing. Ernie had stuck his finger in the frosting and found it delicious. An unfortunate side effect of the frosting had him bouncing in place in his chair.

Monitors had been attached to both Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter while they were still in the Infirmary so Ernie could spot any problems before they got too serious. He'd put his foot down to any strenuous exercise for his patients due to their continuing problems with an irregular heartbeat and had beamed them over to the briefing room together. He sat next to them, watching as Daniel Jackson and Teal'c served as waiters for their two friends.

Ernie had already quashed the idea of serving coffee or any other stimulants to Jack O'Neill and had his doubts about the chocolate cake, but decided that he'd allow them that. Samantha Carter seemed overly interested in the chocolate and Ernie resolved to corner her and ask about this need of hers at the next opportunity.

In fact all the male humans seemed quite reluctant to disagree with her when she announced that she needed her chocolate fix. Even now she was chewing a chocolate candy bar with a look of sheer bliss on her face. As for Jack O'Neill, he was stuffing cake and ice cream into his mouth as fast as he could.

Daniel Jackson was inhaling his ninth cup of coffee and Teal'c was sitting down to a plate heaped with so many food items that Ernie had his doubts about whether or not one person could eat that much without exploding.

Thor sampled the cake. "I do believe that this confection rivals my yellow triangles in taste."

Beside Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter choked on a piece of chocolate and began coughing. Ernie looked on as Jack O'Neill smiled sympathetically and handed her a glass of water.

"Are you all right?" Thor looked worried.

Samantha Carter cleared her throat and swallowed some water before answering. Her voice sounded hoarse. "Yes, Thor. Sorry, it went down the wrong tube." She lifted her glass, drained it, and gave the rest of the group an apologetic smile.

Thor opened the discussion. "We are meeting to discuss our options concerning the immediate futures of Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter. As you all know, the Replicators placed devices inside their brains that not only limits their movements, but as they are also growing in size, they are at risk for dying. Eir has stated that he is unable to remove them safely."

"While they are growing in size, their very placement also results in keeping them alive. It is for this reason that Jack O'Neill's suggestion that the bug zapper be used to disintegrate the devices had to be ruled out. It is quite a conundrum, one I wish I had never run into."

Jack O'Neill shook his head and drummed his fingers on the table. "So what it boils down to is that we have two options. Plan A would be to do nothing. The end result of that would be that both Carter and I end up pushing up daisies inside a week and Fifth gets his jollies knowing that he's gotten rid of us."

Teal'c opened his mouth to object and was silenced by Jack O'Neill's raised hand. "Now wait a minute. There is still plan B."

"Plan B?" Daniel Jackson looked puzzled as his forehead furrowed.

"There's always a Plan B, it comes after Plan A." Jack O'Neill smirked and turned to Samantha Carter who replied with a grin of her own.

"What is Plan B?" Teal'c asked pointedly.

"Isn't it obvious? We go after Fifth. He put these gadgets in our heads, he can take them out again."

"When the Replicator vessel entered the hyperspace window, we were unable to track them. We no longer know their location." Thor looked apologetic.

Samantha Carter frowned and raised one hand. "Wait a minute. If Fifth put these things inside our heads, wouldn't he want to keep track of us? He told me he wanted revenge. He wouldn't be able to get any satisfaction if he had no way of knowing how it's affecting us." She turned to Ernie. "Didn't you say that these devices emit some sort of radio signal?"

"Yes, that's why you have to stick close to Jack O'Neill's side." Ernie nodded his head.

Samantha Carter turned to Jack O'Neill. "Don't you see, Sir? It all makes sense now. Fifth must be receiving these signals too. There is no other way that he would be able to monitor our conditions. It would take the fun out of it if he couldn't somehow witness what happens to us."

"So if Bug Boy can use these signals to keep track of us, can't we use those same signals to find him?"

Thor rubbed his chin and looked thoughtful. "It is a possibility I had not considered."

"Do you have the means to check out Carter's idea?" Jack kept his eyes on Thor while he used his spoon to draw circles in the melted ice cream on his plate. Thor nodded.

"In the meantime, there's something else to consider. Fifth and the evil bug twins have our memories. They know how we think." He patted Samantha Carter on the shoulder as they exchanged glances. She nodded her agreement. "For all intents and purposes, they are US. Now, keeping that in mind, don't you think that they'd know we'd figure this out and track them down?"

"I believe you are correct in your assumption, O'Neill." Teal'c's dark eyes swept the room. "In addition, we now know that current Asgard stealth technology is useless when dealing with the Replicator threat. Witness the fact that they were able to detect our presence prior to our arrival, thus enabling their own escape from retribution."

Jack O'Neill slapped the table. "You're right on the money, Teal'c. The bugs can spot our vessels, but they took off when you showed up because they're still vulnerable to attack by the Ancient's bug zapper I came up with. That give you any ideas, kids? We don't call this a brain storm session for nothing."

Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill simultaneously grabbed the sides of their heads and moaned as their faces turned white.

A drop of crimson ran out of Samantha Carter's nose and dripped onto the plate in front to her. "God, no!" Her eyes widened as she took in the implications.

"Crap!" Jack O'Neill watched as blood spattered the melted ice cream on his plate. He looked up at the woman sitting beside him, almost as if he were communicating silently with her. As one, they turned to Ernie.

"Ernie we've got a problem here." Jack smiled apologetically and then slumped in his chair, head tilted to the side as his eyes rolled back in his head. Beside him, Samantha Carter's head was already lying on the table.

Ernie was already reaching for his transporter controls. "Ya think?"

A beam of white light surrounded Ernie and his two human patients.


An hour later Sam was sitting propped up on the double medical pod beside Jack. She watched in wonder as his fingers wove in and out of the innards of a bug zapper. Though she hated to admit it, she was impressed . . . and had no idea of what he was doing. She'd tried to follow along as he patiently explained the changes he was making to the device, but had finally given up.

'I never thought I'd see the day when Jack O'Neill could out do me when it came to techno babble. This time he did. Guess he's smarter than he acts.'

She wiggled as the heart monitor attached to her chest pulled against her skin. Ernie had attached one to her and Jack while they were still unconscious. He'd explained that their nosebleeds had been the result an inter-cranial bleed brought about by the growth of the masses inside their brains. In layman's terms, they'd had a stroke. According to Ernie, as time went on, these events would increase along with the accompanying headaches and irregular heartbeat. It seemed impossible to contemplate, but they were slowly but surely dying.

Ernie had brought them both up to date prior to leaving them alone in the Infirmary. While they'd been gone, Thor had continued the meeting with the other members of the SGC and had come up with a tentative plan. That explained why Jack was working on the hand-held bug zapper. He was adapting it so that anyone could use it. Since Fifth would immediately confiscate anything that could be used against them, that seemed like a good idea.

Thor had made some modifications to the cloaking device also. As a result, the O'Neill II could approach the Replicators without being detected. They had confirmed that a radio pulse was being sent to Fifth and were in the process of tracking it down.

Sam hoped they'd hurry, as they seemed to be running out of time. As if sensing her thoughts, Jack stopped what he was doing and put the zapper down on his lap. Then he captured both of her hands in his own; his brown eyes gazed into hers with an intensity that was frightening.

"We're going to make it, Carter. You've got to believe that."

Sam dragged her eyes away, not wanting him to see her fear. "I don't know, Sir. When I think about the odds . . ."

She felt Jack's fingers touch her chin as he directed her to look at him again. "I'll have none of that. Together we're going to kick those bug's asses, like we always do."

Sam sighed and lowered her eyes. She jumped when his fingers touched her cheek, caressed it.

"Sam, I wouldn't lie to you about this."

"Jack? They'll know what we're up to. And after seeing what they did to you . . . How can you face them again after that? Because . . . I don't know if I can."

She lowered her face again to avoid the disappointment she knew would be on Jack's face. She'd let him down, again.

"C'mere" He slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Sam's face burrowed desperately into his chest, like a scared kitten scrambling for a hole to hide in. As tears welled up in her eyes, she stifled a sob, hoping that he hadn't heard.

"Shh." When his lips brushed the top of her head, the dam burst, her emotions coming out in a burst of tears scalding in their intensity as they tumbled in rivulets down her cheeks to soak into his black t-shirt. Sam's whole body shuddered with her sobs as she wrapped her arms around his chest, grabbing a fistful of his t-shirt and holding on for dear life.

"I'm so sorry, Jack. Just hold me. Please, just hold me."

"I'm not going anywhere, Sam. Looks like you're stuck with me for now" He kissed her hair and tightened his grip on her shoulders, beginning a rocking motion.

Sam raised reddened eyes to look at Jack, but his arms didn't loosen their hold. He looked down on her and smiled.

"I let you down, Jack. I should've been stronger back there. If I had, I could've stopped them from hurting you."

Jack's chuckle startled her. "It's not your fault, Sam. And there's nothing you could've done. If I remember correctly, Techno-me had his hand stuck inside your head at the time. Between Fifth, his evil twins and the bugs, we were a bit out-numbered. Don't ya think?"

Sam nodded tearfully. "I just feel like I should have known how to stop them from hurting you. You've always depended on me to come up with a solution to an impossible situation, to pull a rabbit out of the hat. I try so hard to not to let you down, but this time I couldn't do anything, and I hate that." She pulled away from his chest and leaned against his shoulder, craving the touch of Jack's skin against hers.

"I'm scared Jack. And I hate myself for feeling this way. I'm supposed to be tough, not bawling my eyes out like this."

"You think I don't feel the same way? That I'm looking forward to handing ourselves over to Fifth and his tinker toy twins?" Sam said nothing, just wiped the tears from her eyes and shrugged. "Quite frankly, I'm scared shitless, but see no other alternative.

That doesn't stop me from wishing that there was one though."

Jack's arm tightened around Sam's shoulder as a shudder shook his body. "I'm scared too, and as for what that Techno-bitch did to me . . ." His lips thinned into a deadly line. "I want nothing more than to take that THING apart with my own two hands."

Sam surprised them both when an incongruous giggle escaped her lips.

Jack looked down at her in surprise. "No giggling, Carter."

"Sorry, Jack. I had this picture in my mind of you tearing apart my evil twin . . . and I just couldn't help it. Bug parts were flying everywhere." She giggled again and relaxed in his arms.

"Well, in that case, I'll excuse you. Just don't let it happen again." Jack smiled into her hair. "We can't have giggling in the ranks, now can we?" Sam sighed and then looked up at Jack.

"Sir? Shouldn't you get back to work on that thing?"

Jack's arm slipped from her shoulder as he picked up the bug zapper on his lap. "You're right, as usual, Carter. Time's a wasting and we've got some serious bug stomping ahead of us."


Ernie sat in the briefing room and listened to the strategy planning session. He alternated his attention from Thor and the small view screen in front of him. On it were the figures of Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill.

Ernie watched with interest as Jack O'Neill withdrew his arm from Samantha Carter's shoulder and picked up the bug zapper. He was glad that he'd had the foresight to record every aspect of his patient's treatment.

Their interactions would make an interesting addition to his research into human mating rituals. Now he just had to make sure that Jack O'Neill didn't discover what he was doing. Ernie knew that if Jack O'Neill did, he was dead meat.

Thor tapped the surface of the table, startling Ernie out of his thoughts. "My instruments detected the presence of the radio signals and traced it back to its source. As the transmission is two-way, it is highly probably that the Replicators' are exchanging information with these implanted devices. Because of these signals, we now know the location of the Replicators. Based on the information I have gathered, I believe that their vessel will be within transporter range within a matter of hours."

Thor looked at Ernie. "Eir, do you have any further information concerning the physical well-being of O'Neill and Carter?"

"There are presently stable. However, as time passes, and the masses increase in size, their conditions will deteriorate. Therefore, I have placed devices on them in order to better monitor their physical needs. Emotionally, they seem to have accepted the fact that they will be recaptured by Fifth and are using their strong bond of friendship as a way to cope."

Teal'c' clasped his hands together into a single fist. "Their strong bond will enable them to face their coming trials as warriors facing a common foe."

The Jaffa looked sternly at each face around him. "From previous experience, we know that Fifth will be able to access any memories from his captives by inserting his hand inside their heads. Therefore, I believe that it would be in their best interests if O'Neill and Colonel Carter are not privy to any plan we devise."

Colonel Dixon looked at Teal'c in disbelief. "Let me get this straight. You said those bug people actually put their hands inside your head?" He shuddered.

"Indeed. As improbable as it may sound, that is exactly what they do. It was a most distasteful and . . . painful experience. One that I would not willingly be subjected to again." Teal'c eyes hardened and the muscles in his jaw rippled as his lips compressed into a forbidding line. "O'Neill and Colonel Carter will need to rely on their combined strength in order to prevail."

Thor nodded. "I agree with Teal'c's assessment. O'Neill and Carter must not be aware of our intentions, as Fifth will immediately access all their recent memories once he has them within his control."

Ernie looked at the other humans sitting at the table. Their faces looked grim and their eyes cold. Teal'c looked deadly, like a black panther looking for its next meal.

"As much as I hate it, I have to agree with you, Thor." Daniel Jackson shook his head and looked around the table. "So what's the plan? How are we going to rescue Sam and Jack from Fifth once he has them again?"

"With guile and cunning." Teal'c swept his eyes around the room, as if daring anyone to dispute his verdict. None did.

Ernie sighed and nodded his agreement. "Yeah sure yabetcha."



'All was dark, no light was needed. The Brethren were merged, as one, with no ending or beginning. The alpha and the omega.'


'Past and present had no meaning in the merging. They were one and it was all.'


'Memories . . . sifted and examined. Possibilities and permutations . . . analyzed for viability and kept or rejected.'


Time shifted

'Alarm. Fifth/Jay/Ess/Brethren/All examined the change and mourned them who were/are/will be lost and could no longer merge. More would/are/will be lost because of the destroyer. He, who left us, betrayed us. O'Neill has the knowledge of the old ones. Ancients? O'Neill would/did/will not share this. The blasphemy of secrets was/is/will be repulsive.'


'The destroyers come.'

The knowledge caused a disturbance in the merging, moving outward like ripples in a pond. The Brethren groaned from within.

'More were/are/will be lost. The Destroyer must cease to exist.'


'What fools these Mortals were/are/will be.'

The Brethren sighed and shifted as they separated, regret and longing in every movement.

Fifth smiled. "Let them come. We are ready."




Original Header Information:

Title: "What Fools These Mortals" Part 4 of the "What Fools These Mortals Be Sequence"
Author: dinkydow
Sequel to "What Fools These . . ." Romance, action/adventure, angst, hurt/comfort
Rating: PG-13
Season: Season 8
Spoilers: No big ones, just little bitty ones.
Warnings: Violence and suggestive language.
Summary: Fifth still wants revenge.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own any of them. Couldn't afford to if I did and don't have a mountain to hide them in. Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, Gekko Productions do. I wrote this for entertainment and won't be making any money for it, so please don't sue. But, if you guys want any help with scripts, or Jack, just give me a holler.
Dedication: To our fighting men and women and the loved ones who have to watch them march in harms way.
Author's Notes: Here's another Dinkyfic. It would also help if you read my previous "Ricochet" Series. Many thanks to Jolene for keeping me focused and being my beta for this one. Words in italics are the person's thoughts. You may have noticed that I went so far as to label this as a "romance". Please, don't tell my Mom, as she would probably die laughing.