The Resonance Series: Part II - Resonance
by Cjay

0700 the following morning, found Kris, in the commissary innocently sipping on a cup of coffee. She had chosen a seat with her back to the wall, allowing her full view of all the entrants to the room. She did not have long to wait. Agent Kate Todd came in, followed at a discreet distance by her SF escort. She grabbed a cup of coffee while scanning the room. Seeing Kris, she ambled over and asked, "Mind if I share your table?"

Carefully schooling her features, Kris replied in mock surprise.

"Oh... not at all, please have a seat."

"I'm Captain Kris Martin, I don't believe we have met?" Smiling, Kris kept her tone friendly.

"Hi. I'm Agent Kate Todd, NCIS. You are one of the nursing staff, aren't you?"

At Kris's nod, she continued.

"You're assigned to special duty, looking after the SGC's Second In Command, Colonel O'Neill, right?" Todd intended to mix just the right amount of honesty with subterfuge, to pump the woman for information. As O'Neill's watchdog, she must have the inside track on the mystery man.

So far, she had gleaned little from the other women of this base. Oh, they were happy to extol the physical attributes of the hunky Colonel; even sharing his nickname and the reason for it. But, they'd carefully left out anything of real value when discussing him.

"So he's not on duty this morning?"

Boy, Jack was so right about this chick, Kris thought. Secretly elated, she delivered her lines like a seasoned actress.

"Oh, he is with the General at the moment." She gave Todd a conspiratorial look.

"He can be such a trial sometimes. Cranky and stubborn, you know, when he is under the weather. It's all I can do to keep him in line."

"Must be tough, him being your C.O. and all." Kate replied sympathetically.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Jack is..." Kris blushed, striving to appear embarrassed by her slip

"That is, the Colonel is a great military officer. Even if he can be a Devil at times, he is really an Angel underneath." She allowed her eyes to take on a dreamy expression.

Oh ho, pay dirt! This one has it bad, Kate thought. Maybe there was more here than a nurse-patient, relationship.

"I hear the other nurses call him the Hard Candy Colonel. Sounds like you agree with them. They say under that hard nosed veneer, he is very sweet."

O.K. here goes, take it slow Kate, she cautioned herself.

"Seems strange, that a desk officer like the Colonel, would be injured in a training exercise. From what my boss and I have read in his file, he seems to have a lot of similar accidents. He must be quite a klutz."

Kris bristled, giving the other woman an irritated look.

"He is far from clumsy, I assure you Agent Todd."

She smiled, a look of undisguised lust in her big blue eyes.

"The Colonel is.."

She pretended to catch herself and look guilty. She looked around, lowering her voice and leaned in toward the curious Agent.

"He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. But, he is such a man, ya know what I mean."

She winked and sighed. Leaning closer, she confided.

"I keep begging him to keep his nose out of things. To just walk through the last few months before retirement."

Biting her lip, she allowed her eyes to mist over.

"I'm afraid he'll really get hurt one of these days. Then what will happen to.."

She left the last word hang in mid-air, hoping Agent Todd would finish the sentence with the inferred "us."

From the quickly hidden look of triumphant glee on the woman's face, she had assumed just that. Kate Todd thought she had a patsy; it showed in her fake sympathetic smile.

"I see. You are not the first to be in this position; I hope everything works out for you two. Must be tough to keep things.. Professional."

"Oh thanks, Kate. I'm so glad you understand."

A look of worry clouded her face as she added. "I sure hope you will keep this under your hat. Jack would not be happy. Both he and I, would be in serious trouble if anyone... you know, misunderstood our working relationship."

"Your secret is safe with me, honey. We women have to stick together."

Kate smiled sweetly.

"You know, I might be able to help you keep him out of trouble. That is, if you filled me in on anything he pokes his nose into that may look dangerous; I could discreetly keep an eye on him."

"Oh you are such a doll!"

Kris gave Kate, her most vacuous smile.

"I'll do just that."

She pretended not to notice Jack O'Neill quietly enter the commissary, silently approaching them. As Agent Todd had her back to the door, she was unaware of his stealthy presence.

"Who is your companion, Captain?" Jack said in an irritated petulant voice, which startled Agent Todd.

She jumped slightly. Jack couldn't help enjoying her gasp of surprise. Ignoring her, he rounded on Kris.

"You were supposed to meet me ten minutes ago, with my coffee, outside General Hammond's office. If you aren't too busy, do you think you can go and get it now?"

"Yes Sir!" Kris, smiled affectionately, obviously unmoved by the Colonel's tone; thereby, reinforcing Agent Todd's impression of their relationship.

"This is Agent Todd, Colonel. Excuse me, Kate.I'll just run get that coffee now, Sir." She hurried over to the large pot against the wall.

Jack nodded at the woman politely, then hurried after Kris feigning a slight limp, carefully cradling his arm in the sling. Kate Todd quickly headed back to the VIP quarters. She was in a hurry to fill in her own C.O. on her new contact and the nice little bit of information she had just acquired.


Once they had closed his office door, Jack turned a questioning gaze on his co-conspirator.

"Well, do you think she swallowed the bait?"

"Hook, line and sinker! Now I understand, the fishing analogy you used, Sir."

Kate laughed lightly.

"Is this what it feels like to be in Special Ops?"

Jack's own smirk, faded with the question. His eyes took on a haunted look.

"I hope to God you'll never have to find out Kris."

He shook himself slightly.

"Now I want every detail, spill it."

Kris repeated the entire conversation, complete with the full range of expressions. Jack couldn't help but admire her acting prowess.She was a natural covert operator, he thought. But, he intended this to be her only venture into that shadowed world.

"I don't think her boss will be that easily fooled, Kris. Gibbs is a tough one. The General and I have been discussing our next move, he's behind our plan one hundred percent."

He hesitated, a look of concern crossing his face.

"I think it only fair to warn you. That there may be... well... repercussions if the base personnel get wind of our supposed relationship."

"I can handle it, Colonel. There are worse things I could be accused of, you know. I have always wanted to be the scarlet woman." She admitted, in a teasing tone.

"Scarlet woman! I think you've read too many romance novels, Kris!"

He laughed, enjoying the banter.

"Oh? Just how is it you know so much, Jack? Read a few Harlequins yourself?" She teased him.

Feigning wounded dignity, he sniffed.

"Duh! I wasn't born yesterday ya know. Besides, T' reads that crap. Likes to ask me all sorts of questions about Earth's moral values, generally tormenting me. Even quotes passages! Don't know why he doesn't just bug Daniel with all that and leave me blissfully ignorant."

He indulged in a long-suffering expression, making Kris giggle.

"Alright, lets get serious. SG-1 is due back at 1000 hours tomorrow, so we don't have a great deal of time to get Operation Inept Colonel off the ground."

Kris couldn't help it, she laughed louder. He was so not inept! Noting his playful frown, she took a gulp of coffee attempting to regain her composure.

"Phase two Sir?" She questioned him, in her best military voice.

"Affirmative, Captain. Let the games begin!"

Jack gathered up his borrowed eyeglasses. Then both of them headed off to their meeting with the NCIS Agents, scheduled for 0930 sharp.


Kate arrived back at the VIP room, which the NCIS had been using as an office, just as Gibbs made an Internet connection to the rest of his team in Washington.

Agent Tony DiNozzo grinned cockily, launching into the information he had so far gleaned, about one Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill.

"His file has so many classified areas, it's unbelievable. The Deputy Director attempted to get more info, but was informed that the President himself had sealed most of the file.One thing for sure, this guy was deep covert operations." DiNozzo said, clearly impressed.

"His file, lists Special Forces operations from the Southeast, to Iraq, over more than twenty-five years of service. He was a P.O.W. in the Gulf, Gibbs." He said with sympathy.

"Spent four months in an Iraqi hell hole. Most of what he endured is classified, but it's clear he was tortured."

Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard, Medical Examiner, interrupted.

"I remember the case of a chap who endured the same. I examined the remains, once they'd got him home. The things those Bloody barbarians did to the poor fellow, made even me squeamish. I had a look at the medical portion of the Colonel's file Jethro; he was pretty much a basket case, when they finally shipped him stateside."

"But?" Gibbs asked intrigued, although he'd never show it.

"He recovered, to continue his classified service. That is, until his young son accidentally died.."

"That's in our copy of the file Ducky." Gibbs said, a tad impatiently.

Unruffled, Ducky continued.

"Yes, well as you know he retired and by all accounts was suicidal. Until, a General West, apparently a distasteful fellow, called him back for another classified mission..."

"A one way mission, Gibbs." Tony DiNozzo interjected, cockily.

"But, he came back." Gibbs added.

"Yes, only to retire again. Spent a year stargazing on his roof."

Tony read, his eyes on his own computer screen.

"Until, General Hammond called on him, to be the Second in Command of the SGC, seven years ago. A top secret base dedicated to the research of deep space telemetry." Tony said, with obvious disbelief.

Kate Todd interrupted.

"Some of that would explain a few of the things, I was able to ferret out about the Colonel. The Nursing staff is very protective of him. We won't get much information from them, Gibbs. They have closed ranks. In fact, all the women of this base seem to have a general attraction, to the man."

"However, I've managed to gain the trust of his "assistant" Captain Martin."

"I thought she was a nurse, Kate." Jethro questioned.

"She is, but she is assigned exclusively to the Colonel while he recuperates. She is currently acting as his aide."

She looked pointedly at her boss.

"I think they share much more than a professional relationship."

"That Kate, is strictly against regulations, you know that." Gibbs replied doubtfully.

Kate was adamant.

"I'm telling you, after seeing her with him this morning, it is quite obvious she is in love with him. Even if it is a one way affair, she'll be useful. The Captain voiced her worries O'Neill might poke his nose into something dangerous, or sustain another injury, before he can retire. So, in the interest of protecting her "Hard Candy Colonel-"

Kate rolled her eyes in disgust.

"-the Captain is willing to keep me informed. Which should help us, keep him, out of the way, until we can solve this case."

"Kate, do you really think O'Neill, an ex-special forces veteran, is that dense?" Gibbs stated disgustedly.

"Captain Martin, made it quite clear he was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Frankly, I don't understand why General Hammond tolerates the man. There is something very off here."

Attempting to drive her point home, she tried reason.

"Look Gibbs, he is a desk officer; yet amazingly enough, despite that fact, he is in charge of training the new recruits! Hence, the Colonel has been a guest in the infirmary more times than a combat platoon! From all accounts, he is either mighty clumsy, or just plain dense!"

She was becoming defensive now. Gibbs, however, was one shrewd operator. He doubted the cover story about radar telemetry. Further, he knew O'Neill was not just a desk officer; the whole training thing blew that cover. This was a top-secret military instillation. He expected to be fed misinformation. He accepted that fact up to a point. But, he did not have to like it.

"Look Kate, these people are protecting a very secret agenda. They want to find the perpetrator of this crime, just as much as we do." Gibbs advised her impatiently.

"Just don't expect anyone of them to be helpful, unless it proves useful to their needs."

Maybe Gibbs was right. But no, she knew the relationship between the Captain and the Colonel, was more than professional, had to be. She had seen this kind of thing before. In fact, she had indulged in a similar relationship herself once. A fact, no doubt that Gibbs, was remembering right about now, damn!

"But, the Captain will keep us informed, I am sure of that. Some women find protecting empty headed macho hunks like O'Neill, just to irresistible."

"Do you Kate?"

Jethro smirked at her. Her red-faced indignation amused him mildly. It also, made him doubt her normally objective analysis of a situation. His memory of her involvement with an officer, not so long ago, was still fresh in his mind.

"Maybe you are a bit prejudiced, eh Kate?"

"Gibbs, you really are a bastard." She whispered.

Hearing her, he sorted.

"Alright, I have a meeting with the man of the hour, in five minutes. We will reconvene afterward."

He severed the Internet link, sitting back thoughtfully. He didn't miss Kate's irritated glance, as she struggled to calm down. Maybe he wasn't such a bastard, after all. Maybe, he had hit more than one nerve with his sarcastic comment. Maybe, Kate did find the macho type extremely irresistible.


Meanwhile, Jack and Kris had stopped off to fill in Janet Frazier, on Operation Inept Colonel. They would need her help, once SG-1 returned from their mission. Janet was not a happy camper. Although, she had reluctantly agreed to O'Neill's role as liaison, she'd had a more limited role in mind, than the Colonel obviously did.

"Colonel, I thought you understood that rest is crucial to your recovery. I've given in to your requests before, to begin therapy, despite my better judgment. Now it seems, I have repeated the mistake all over again. What will it take to make you listen?"

Jack had had enough of her meddling. He was not doing anything strenuous, for crying out loud!

"Doctor Frazier," He said tightly, "as I have repeatedly informed you oh so many times, I am a big boy, and..."

Noting Jack's rising color and rigid stance. Kris stepped in, hoping to defuse the situation, before it got out of hand. It would not help matters if these two could not compromise a bit.

"Dr. Frazier, the Colonel is taking it easy Ma'am."

She now had their full attention, so she continued.

"Trust me Doctor, the Colonel does. He has been following your orders. This matter is important, but not physically strenuous. You have my word. If things do become physically demanding in any way..."

"Come on Janet, Kris knows her job. She has been looking after me. I've been a good boy. Took all my meds. I am eating "correctly". Give me a break will ya?"

Jack was not about to relinquish this opportunity. Janet needed to see reason.

"Look, so far the NCIS hasn't been forthcoming with any of the details, regarding this case. Now, our little plan may just work. In which case, we may find out just who the Rat Bastard is that killed young Smith. So lighten up and give me a hand, alright?"

Noting Janet's closed expression, he decided to appeal to her compassionate side.

"Look Doc, this could very well be my final mission. You of all people should understand that little irony. If my arm does not heal properly and you know that's a possibility, I will have to retire. I'd like to end my career in a positive way if I can. I'd appreciate your support in this, Janet." He added softly.

Janet hadn't realized, that Jack O'Neill had such a handle on his possible future. Usually, he was a glass half full kind of patient, always expecting to fully recover. Now, she was more worried than she had been before. She was sure he was keeping something vital to himself. He was never forthcoming about just how rotten he felt, till it was almost too late.

Janet looked him directly in the eye and asked.

"Are you quite sure there is nothing else you'd like to tell me, Jack?"

"Janet, I promise I am not keeping a thing from you." He replied, returning her intense stare.

"On the contrary, I need your help for my plan to succeed. So, will you please listen to the whole scenario?"

His sincerity told her two important facts. One he needed her help to pull this off and two, no matter what she said, he was not going to back down. She also realized that she was overreacting. It was all so frustrating. She wished he would understand, just how important rest was to his recovery. Oh lord Janet, she told herself, just who are you kidding? This was Jack O'Neill she was trying to pin down. The best she could hope for was that he would at least slow down a bit. Well, as long as Kris was watching over him, she could relax a little.

"Alright Colonel, fill me in. Oh and Kris, if he does not listen to your advice, I want to know STAT. Both of you would do well to remember, that when it comes to medical matters, I am the C.O. of the SGC."

Jack, sensing that any further remarks, would only prolong his suffering at the hands of his own personal little Napoleon, quickly filled her in on her part in his plan. Janet promised to do her part without voicing any further reservations. Relieved, Jack noted the time was 0924. Bidding Janet a quick goodbye, they proceeded to their appointed meeting with Agents Gibbs, and Todd.


Jack, with Kris in tow, arrived at Gibbs's temporary office at 0930 sharp and rapped lightly at the door. Agent Todd opened the portal quickly, ushering them inside with a smile.

Jack moved forward and into the room slowly, with an exaggerated limp. With his arm in a sling, favoring his right knee, he appeared less formidable than he had previously.

Nodding at the silent senior Agent, Jack gingerly took the empty seat at the meeting table, across from Gibbs. Kris assisted him, making a show of being solicitous to his needs. Then she pulled up a chair beside him, opening a folder and laying it out carefully for the Colonel. Jack feigned irritation with her fussing, sending an icy glare her way. She returned his look with a sweet, tolerate smile. Gibbs noted the exchange with interest. He wondered just where Kate had gotten her impression, that this relationship was more than professional.

So far, it appeared the Colonel, just barely tolerated the Captain. Noting that the Colonel was now looking his way with the icy stare, he returned the scrutiny, with similar intensity. After brief contact, the Colonel's gaze faltered and skittered away. Now that was interesting, Gibbs thought. Maybe the man was less formidable then his first impression had allowed. Clearing his throat, he opened the meeting.

"Colonel O'Neill, I understand that you are now the "Liaison" for the SGC in this investigation."

Jack was in full special ops mode. His goal was to appear burnt out and inept. He kept his voice deceptively soft.

"That is correct. And as such, I would appreciate being kept fully informed, Agent Gibbs. So far, you have been less than forthcoming with my C.O. General Hammond. I assure you Agent, I am not such a push over."

Pulling the borrowed eyeglasses from his pocket, he made a show of donning them, pretending to have difficulty focusing on the papers before him.

"According to the minute information you have so far shared, you have few, if any, leads. Seems to me, you should have something to go on, by now."

He peered over his spectacles at Gibbs, raising his left eyebrow sardonically.

Gibbs wondered just where this was going. Keeping his expression carefully blank, he responded flatly.

"No, frankly we do not have to keep the SGC informed. This is strictly NCIS jurisdiction."

"That may be the hard fact, Gibbs. But, one of my Officers was murdered; I take things like that rather personally. I expect to be kept in the loop."

Jack's smile did not reach his eyes.

"Or, I could launch my own investigation."

Gibbs decided to change tactics. Smiling boyishly, he replied, "Well Colonel, just what is it that you think we are keeping from you?"

"You don't mention much in the report I have here. I assume, you questioned the Pharmaceuticals Company representative, who gave the drugs to the SGC and the Academy?"

Noting Gibbs slight nod of confirmation he added, "Well?"

"The normal representative was on sick leave at the time. A Miss Harding, a new and very green rep was handling things. Evidently, the drugs were only meant to go to the SGC. Miss Harding sought to glean favor, by dividing the shipment between the SGC and the Academy."

"So the tainted drugs were meant for the SGC. A fact, you decided to keep from us Agent?" Jack responded without inflection.

"I wonder why, you felt it unnecessary, to inform the General, that a plot may have been perpetrated against the SGC alone? At the very least, Dr. Frazier should have been informed. Other drugs may also be tainted. Are the lives of the personnel of this base of so little consequence to you?"

"On the contrary Colonel, we wanted more concrete evidence of a plot, as you so aptly put it, before alarming anyone here at the SGC." Gibbs responded tightly.

"I find that odd, Agent." Jack said expressionlessly.

"Really, Colonel? I would think as a Commanding Officer, you'd understand the possible panic, that such an unsupported theory could cause."

Gibbs lowered his voice to drive home his next point.

"Could it be Colonel, that this is not the first time your base has been a target of a plot of this kind? A fact, which you have kept from us?"

Bingo, Jack thought. He swallowed the hook, now lets reel him in. Feigning embarrassment, Jack glanced sidelong at Agent Todd and then leaned towards Gibbs, as if to draw him into a private conversation.

"Look Gibbs, as I am sure you are fully aware, I myself have personally been party to a plot, or two. I am in charge of the base security. By keeping me in the loop, you help me do my job. Help me and I will cooperate with you fully."

Was the Colonel trying to make a deal here, Gibbs wondered and if so why? Was his job on the line? Had Gibbs fallen for a hard ass façade?

Maybe, the Colonel was as inept as Todd inferred. He would not be the first Officer to become a burn out. Perhaps confiding in O'Neill would prove beneficial. The guy might just spill some valuable information. Or be satisfied enough, not to get in the way. "Look Colonel, if we fill you in fully on what we have so far, will that be enough to keep you from interfering in our investigation?"

"It's a start Gibbs." Jack stated flatly. "I will make no promises. But, if I am fully apprised, I foresee no reason to intervene further."

"Good enough for now, Colonel." Gibbs conceded, grudgingly.

He planned to feed O'Neill, just enough information to get him to back down. If the guy were the burn out they suspected, it wouldn't take much, just enough to pacify the General.

"Kate, connect us with DiNozzo in Washington."

Once the connection was made, Gibbs introduced the Colonel to DiNozzo. DiNozzo, had worked with Gibbs long enough to read his unspoken cues. Following a protocol they had set up a long time before; they fed O'Neill partial information.

"Tony, I have filled the Colonel in about Miss Harding. Want to update us on the sick leave taken by the original rep?"

"Sure thing, Boss. Seems the rep, a Donald Dial, was found dead of a drug overdose three days ago. He had just undergone surgery for a broken nose he'd received in a car accident. The same accident, which prompted his sick leave two weeks before. Looks like he took too many pain pills, mixing them with booze."

Noting O'Neill's questioning expression, he added, "I checked Colonel, not the same drug sent to the SGC."

"Did this Dial have any history of drug abuse, or alcoholism?"Jack asked.

"No Sir, Colonel. He was clean, no criminal record either. The Police of Colorado Springs ruled it accidental." DiNozzo responded.

"Anything on the chemists, the Pharmaceuticals Company employed, to produce the formula for the drug?" Captain Martin whispered to the Colonel.

Jack shot her an inscrutable look. Then repeated the question louder, so that DiNozzo would hear him. A little tidbit, Gibbs did not fail to take in.

"Yes well, he checks out clean too, Colonel. But, he did have a temporary assistant, who has since disappeared. The company has no record of the man. They have since fired the chemist, for allowing an unknown into the lab to help, without properly verifying his credentials."

"Any description of the "assistant"?" Jack questioned.

"Yes Sir, Colonel, I am faxing it right now. Nothing in the data base so far. He is not on the wanted list. We did get a partial print off a test tube. Abbey is still working on it."

"Abbey?" Jack raised an eyebrow as a dark haired young woman, whose tattoos indicated an obvious affinity for Gothic style, came into view.

"Abbey is our forensics specialist." Gibbs introduced the Colonel and Captain, all the while discreetly using sign language, to communicate with Abbey.

Jack did not fail to notice the silent dialogue going on. He chose to pretend he was unable to understand it. But, not wanting to appear totally dense and thus, over play his hand, he asked, "Is she deaf, Gibbs?"

Gibbs shook his head to the contrary.

"Then, what is the signing about?"

"They do that all the time Colonel; drives me crazy too. I've learned to ignore it. They are just practicing. I don't think they are even aware they do it anymore." Kate interjected, hoping the Colonel would buy it.

Jack, sticking to the dumb Colonel routine, merely nodded his acceptance of the hasty explanation. Further validating, Todd's estimation of his lack of intellect and reinforcing Gibbs's own renewed estimation of O'Neill. Abbey meanwhile, had launched into her spiel about just what techniques she was using, to try and determine whose partial print they had. Jack allowed his eyes to glaze over. A technique he had used numerous times on the scientific members of his own team; prodding them to get to the point. Gibbs noticed the Colonel's vacuous expression and signed Abbey to make her point.

"So it will take a little time as yet, Gibbs."

Abbey then proceeded to recount her own analysis of the tainted drugs. Adding her theory, on just how the chemical may have been added to the formula.

The faxed composite drawing of the missing "lab assistant" finally spewed out. Kate Todd handed the paper over to Kris, who set it before Jack.

Jack gave the image a cursory perusal, hiding any reaction behind a carefully bored expression. While Gibbs, Todd and DiNozzo, reviewed other bits of information. All of which, O'Neill had previously read in the file he received from General Hammond.

One hour later, Gibbs noted that the Colonel appeared satisfied. Vowing not to interfere as long as he was kept informed, O'Neill and the Captain left. Leaving Gibbs to wonder if he'd made the right choice. Still unsure if the Colonel was truly as dense as he had appeared.


Jack was ecstatic. Kris had proven herself not only to be a consummate actress, but also a natural born manipulator. She had handled herself in the meeting with the NCIS like a pro.

"That little display, of feeding questions to the inept superior officer, was perfect kiddo!" He praised her, once they returned to his office.

"Me, Sir? I think you are the one who missed his calling. Do you think they all bought it?" She asked him.

"Todd is totally taken in. But, is Gibbs? No, Gibbs is still keeping his options open. The man is no push over. The General is right. Gibbs must have a history in Special Forces, he is just too cool about all this." He responded, sinking wearily into his chair.

"Can't tell about the others yet."

"Doesn't help that Gibbs, was so damn busy, making sure none of them revealed too much information." Kris added archly.

"Noticed that did ya? Guess it's lucky for us Kris that I read sign language." He informed her with a wry smile.

"The tattooed lady, is still running the partial fingerprint, with no luck as yet."

"You never cease to amaze me, Sir. What other talents are you hiding?" She said, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Are you going to share?"

"Naturally, just promise me one thing." Noting her nod of consent, he continued.

"You'll keep my additional talents to yourself. Danny likes to think he is smarter than me. I'd hate to disappoint him." He cautioned her, winking.

Pushing the faxed composite image over to her, he asked, "Does this guy look familiar to you at all?"

The long faced man appeared to be in his early twenties. Other than that, he had one of those bland, non-descript faces, which would blend easily into a crowd. Yet something nagged at her.

"I am not sure, Sir." She looked questioningly at Jack. "But, something tells me I've seen him somewhere before. I just have no idea as to where."

From Jack's carefully bored response in the meeting, when she had first placed the paper in front of him, she suspected that the Colonel did have an idea as to where.

Jack smiled at Kriss.

"Ya know Captain, I'm thinking you'd have made one hell of a special forces operative."

His expression quickly shifted into a cold icy stare as he added. "I have a very good idea as to just where I've seen this character before. Things just got a little less murky."

Once the Colonel had filled her in completely, he made a quick call to the General's office, updating George Hammond.

After ending his call with the General, Jack sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his right thumb and forefinger. Kris, noting his pallor and obvious fatigue, insisted Jack call it a day.

"Don't make me make it an order, Sir." She pleaded, with a playful grin.

He'd been absently rubbing his injured arm, throughout their conversation.

"I promised Dr. Frazier you would not over do it.It looks to me like you are in need of something for pain and a nap."

"A nap Captain?"

He snorted with contempt.

"Are you going to tuck me in too?"

"If I have too Colonel."

To emphasize her point she moved toward the phone.

"I did promise to fill the Doc in, should you resist advice."

"Benedict Arnold!"

He reproached her with a glare.

"Fine, we order lunch, then go back to my place. I'll rest, but no nap!"

"You'll take something for the pain?"

Noting his irritated nod she continued.

"I don't like playing the heavy, Jack. Try to cooperate, will ya? How about a game of chess?" She added, in her most cajoling voice.

"Sweet." He said brightening.

Sometimes he was such a big kid.

"Loser pays for the take out for the next two days."

'Some kid,' she thought, realizing she had been had.

Noting his fake smile of innocence, Kris muttered, "Why do I get the feeling I have just been played, Colonel?"

Crap, Kris thought, Janet will kill me if she finds out. "No pizza! You promised the Doc."

"She never said anything about Chinese." He informed her triumphantly. "Nor did she forbid me a burrito or two. In fact, the only things she did forbid food wise, was pizza. That leaves oh so many possibilities..."

He continued his long list of junk food, as they made their way up and out of the mountain. Making Kris laugh, despite her resolve to be firm.


Mike Forrester was frustrated. He had spent the night, personally meeting the entire night cleaning crew of the SGC. When that failed to reveal the man in the fax, he'd started in on the files of the off duty members. Finally just after dawn, he found the file he needed. Only to discover from the chief SF, that the guy was AWOL and had been for the past 24 hours.

He was so not looking forward to informing the Colonel. He hated to disappoint his hero. Worse, he hoped he was not the unlucky Airman, who would have to tell General Hammond.

The General was usually the most patient of men. But, the recent events had made him a bit short tempered. Picking up the phone, he sighed with resignation, stealing himself for the upcoming conversation before dialing the Colonel's cell number.


As they burst through the wormhole at 1000, Sg-1 was surprised to find, Dr. Janet Frazier and General George Hammond, waiting for them at the bottom of the ramp. The stern no nonsense look in the General's eye, brought Major Sam Carter up short. Wondering just what could be wrong, her first reaction was to worry that something had happened to Colonel O'Neill.

Daniel and Teal'c were alarmed as well. But, before they could utter a sound, the General ordered them to "report to the infirmary STAT!" Just doesn't seem right, George thought irritably, SG-1 without Jack O'Neill. He sighed, well I might just have to get used to it.

A serious Janet Frazier motioned for SG-1 to say nothing, as she led the trio to her domain. Once there, she dismissed her usual medical team. With a vague reference to possible contamination, she herded them into an isolation room and closed the door.

Soon after, the SGC grapevine was a buzz, with the rumor that SG-1 was on stand down and isolated till further notice.


Jack eased his way into the isolation suite at 1500. He'd used his considerable special ops expertise, to make his way there undetected. If his team was surprised to see him, they did not let on. Janet had already filled them in on the events of the past several days.

She had also made it very clear, just how displeased she was, that none of SG-1 had informed the Colonel they'd be going off world without him.

Stunned by Janet's obvious displeasure and the unhappy news, that Jack's injury was far more serious then they all had first believed. Daniel was feeling guilty. His excitement over the mission to PX8678 had blinded him, he realized now. He should have made sure Jack was kept in the loop, even if he was supposed to be recuperating. Daniel knew Jack would hate it, that they were off world without him to watch their sixes. Somehow he'd have to find a way to communicate his regret to Jack. But, from the look on Jack's face, now was not the time.

Sam was also feeling guilty. She had hoped they'd be back from the relatively simple mission, before the Colonel missed them. But, a slight glitch with the DHD, had delayed their return.

Now that they were back, military bravado would forever mask the Colonel's true feelings on the subject, and her own military armor would further prevent any discussion of the subject. They'd grown apart somewhat in recent months. Ever since that fiasco of a mission involving that rat Maybourne, she had felt awkward expressing herself on any personal level with the Colonel. She missed the camaraderie they'd used to share.These days, she had difficulty reading him and today was no exception. If he was as hurt as Janet indicated, it did not show in his demeanor now; he was all business.

Teal'c felt regret, that he had not been there to support his warrior brother. But, he had every confidence O'Neill would triumph over adversity once again. Teal'c would endeavor to make it so.

"So guys, Janet fill you all in?" Jack asked with studied nonchalance.

"She has indeed, O'Neill." Teal'c bowed his head slightly in respect for his leader.

"But, I am confident that the good Doctor is not fully aware of your plans. She made it quite clear, that you are to rest as much as possible."

"Just how bad is it Jack?" Daniel couldn't resist asking.

"What Daniel? The situation with the NCIS?" Jack replied, deliberately misunderstanding Daniel's question.

"That's why I have had you isolated. Tonight, you'll all be removed to the Academy Hospital for treatment. Seems you've all contracted scarlet fever."

"Scarlet fever, Sir?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Why the Academy?"

"Oh you'll never actually arrive at the Academy, Carter. All three of you are booked on a fight to Washington at 2400." He informed them, using his no nonsense command persona.

"Carter, you have an 0900 meeting at NID headquarters with an Agent Malcolm Barrett."

He gave her shocked hiss, a knowing smile.

"T', you and Danny boy, have some undercover investigating I need you to perform."

"Why do I get the feeling you are not going to be getting the rest Janet intends, Jack?" Daniel inquired with a knowing grin.

Choosing to ignore Daniel's outburst, Jack continued.

"While you all were off on PX whatever, Captain Martin and I, have been running interference with the NCIS. I think the whole tainted drug incident, was a direct assault on the SGC. Seems the drug rep was new. The regular guy died under questionable circumstances. She split a single shipment, which was intended only for our infirmary, with the Academy. On top of that, the lab assistant who helped prepare that shipment has gone missing."

"So someone here at the SGC was the intended victim." Teal'c summarized.

"Perhaps the entire SGC was the target, O'Neill."

"But, it seems a pretty poorly thought out scheme." Carter interjected.

"They would have no way of knowing just who would be treated with the tainted drugs, or when."

"Unless, someone here at the SGC is involved and leaking that kind of information." Daniel added, remembering the last time they'd had a mole here at the SGC.

"The NID would be the first and most likely suspect. But, I thought we'd rounded up all the bad apples, Jack."

Jack nodded, looking him directly in the eye.

"I think we have another suspect Danny."

Seeing Daniel's dawning recognition. Jack grimaced with distaste, confirming his suspicion.


"But, why would Senator Kinsey risk involving himself in such a poorly planned venture?" Carter wondered out loud.

"Well Carter, which team spends the most time as guests of Dr. Frazier in the infirmary?" Jack asked her smugly.

"But Sir, despite the fact we do spend an inordinate amount of time in the infirmary, he'd have no way of knowing when that would be likely."

"Unless, as O'Neill suspects, we have a rodent here in the SGC." Teal'c advised sagely.

"That's a mole Teal'c." Daniel corrected him smiling.

"Indeed." Teal'c smiled, raising his eyebrow with unrestrained humor.

"Is that not a rodent Daniel Jackson?"

"He's got ya there, Danny boy." Jack teased him, laughing lightly.

"Looks like we are going to need a rather large mouse trap."

"I still don't buy it, Sir." Carter argued.

"After he used you to his advantage in his bid for the White House, why go after us?"

"I'll give you one clue Carter. He is grayish brown and has enormous eyes."Jack stated smugly.

"Not to mention, a definite affection for Colonel Jack O'Neill," Daniel added.

"Thor made his preference for Jack and SG-1, quite clear to the Senator, as well as to the Chinese, French and the British delegates, at the summit last year."

"Hence, not only securing control of the SGC by Hammond, but making an ass out of Kinsey." Carter agreed.

"With SG-1 out of the picture, or more accurately Jack, he would have a much easier time of usurping the General's position." Daniel continued, crossing his arms around himself with chagrin.

"Aren't politics grand kids?" Jack stated archly.

"Indeed." Teal'c concurred.

"Just exactly where are Teal'c and I, doing all this undercover investigating Jack?" Daniel asked, hoping his suspicions were wrong.

"Danny, you are just going to love this!" Jack crowed sarcastically.

"Somehow, I doubt it Jack." Daniel said, with equal sarcasm.

"NCIS headquarters Washington D.C." Jack informed them with a twinkle in his eye.

"Ah, I wish I could tag along boys. But, I've got to stay right here and continue to run interference."

Teal'c raised his eyebrow with irony.

"We shall indeed miss you, O'Neill."

He had no qualms about the mission. If O'Neill was confident, then so was he. Noting that Teal'c was now in full Jaffa combat mode, Jack slapped him playfully on the back. Then he proceeded to fill his team in fully, on the roles assigned them in Operation Inept Colonel.

Carter's wry smile and Daniel's snort, when he'd informed them of his plan's code name, had warmed his heart.

"Dr. Frazier, the General, Captain Martin and I, will be covering your tracks."

If this was to be their last mission together, the least he could do, was watch their six.


At 1800 SG-1, minus their Colonel, were carried out to awaiting ambulances for the transfer to the Academy Hospital. They were each encased in isolation transport containers for the journey. A very concerned Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Martin and Dr. Frazier, walked alongside the orderlies entrusted with the delicate transport.

Jack noting the additional curious presence of Agent Gibbs, at the exit to the mountain, stopped to have a word.

"Agent Gibbs, what brings you out here?"Jack kept his voice weary and disheartened.

"The health of my team, factors in your investigation how exactly?"

Gibbs was just covering all the bases. He was still not fully convinced, that O'Neill was the burn out he seemed.

"Just curious Colonel. Heard they contracted scarlet fever, seems odd they'd need to be isolated in this manner for a childhood ailment."

"My peoples health concerns are far from your business Agent Gibbs."

Janet Frazier played the irate, overbearing Doctor, part to the hilt, Jack noted with hidden pride.

"I suggest you stick to the investigation our esteemed President assigned you to."

Pushing past the stunned Gibbs, she climbed into one of the waiting ambulances.

"Lets get this show on the road Sergeant!" she ordered, slamming the door.

"She just loves to take charge. Has lots of really big needles, she relishes poking us all with." Jack informed him, with an exaggerated grimace.

"I'd stay out of her way, Gibbs. She is little, but very feisty." Jack added with a shudder.

Gibbs glanced at O'Neill, taking in the grimace and shudder. So, the little Doc intimidated the tough hard ass Colonel. How far the mighty are fallen. Gibbs returned to the mountain in disgust, without comment.

Kris Martin watched him go stifling a smile. Jack really should have been an actor. Realizing Gibbs was still within earshot, she chided Jack.

"Now Colonel, we really must get you home and into bed. It has been quite a long day for you. Dr. Frazier cautioned you not to overdo it." Taking his right arm, she led him toward the parking lot.

Jack let her lead him along exaggerating his limp, guarding the left arm, still in it's sling.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jack noted that Gibbs had stopped to watch them go, a look of undisguised contempt on his face. Deciding to really play it up for the Agent, he responded with a whine.

"Between you and that Napoleonic power monger, one would think I was an inept ninny!"

Taking her cue from Jack, Kris added, "Now Sir, no one thinks any such thing.We are just concerned, that's all..."

Kris continued the platitudes all the way to the car. Once they were safely ensconced within the vehicle, she burst out laughing.

"This could be addicting, it's so much fun!"

Jack made sure Gibbs was no longer in view and then gave vent to his own humor.

"Ya sure you betcha snookums!" he chortled.


The ambulances stopped halfway down the mountain, discreetly releasing SG-1 from the suffocating isolation containers. Then, they quickly sped on toward the Academy, lights flashing, just in case they were being followed. Teal'c, Sam and Daniel, found the transportation, which Jack had arranged for them, parked in the dense woods.All the windows, of the late model black sedan, were darkly tinted.Inside they discovered, three small carry on bags containing civilian clothing, identification, money, side arms and ammunition, for each of them.The mission was a go.

Now On to Part III