The Matchmaker by Cjay

Chapter Four: The Banana Diet

Anton Roget stood transfixed, his eyes riveted on the deceptively easy stance and loose-hipped stride of the delicious alpha male who'd just entered the room. Anton reveled in a sensual thrill of titillation.

Here was a real man, not some cosmopolitan metro-sexual, who dressed the part, but a one hundred percent pure man in every sense of the word. Despite foreknowledge that this object of his passion was not one who would indulge him in flirtation, Anton felt a shiver travel up his spine.

Well aware of the tasty morsels' identity, Anton perused his charms. Oh, la la, at least six feet two inches of lean sinewy muscle, a bit spare perhaps, but very nicely packaged nonetheless. He was casually dressed; wearing a buttery leather jacket over a dark sweater and plain black trousers. The crooked and feral grin he wore added an air of spice, and perhaps, a dash of danger to his countenance. As did the slight limp in his gait, heightening Anton's rush of excitement; not to mention high cheekbones and a set of deep dimples, which life's harsh experience had faded into creases of character, capped by unfathomable brown eyes highlighted with generous lashes. So, this was General Jack O'Neill. Beverly's assessment of the man's assets and charisma were right on the money.

As his close associates and friends were aware, Anton's talents extended far beyond nurturing shrubberies, he was a very astute judge of people - and their hidden emotions.

Thus, as the hunky O'Neill cast a nonchalant gaze over the occupants of the room, Anton caught the fleeting bare look of longing and despair reflected in the obsidian depths of his eyes. Touched, the little man sighed with sympathy. 'Ah my world-weary warrior, soon your friends and I shall ease your solitary existence.'

Squaring his shoulders with resolve, Anton, the Don Quixote of love, sallied forth to do battle once more.

After greeting Teal'c and Beverly, Jack quickly found a cold beer, leaning casually against a wall wishing Cassie could have rearranged her schedule, and attended; at least then, he wouldn't have to fly solo.

Amongst the many guests, Carter and her cop fiancé were deep in conversation in one corner, and for just a moment his unguarded heart ached. Slamming a cast iron lid on his emotions, Jack's eyes continued his perusal of the room. Catching sight of a small man headed his way; he straightened up sharply.

Despite the military's fervent denial, and his own blatant indifference, the general experienced more than a share of unwelcome 'interest' from men such as the effeminate little rooster marching toward him. The guy's fussy attire and determined body language made it abundantly clear that Jack was in for another unwelcome round of attention. 'Crap!'

Wearing an admiring grin, Anton halted two feet from the manly general, offering a hand in greeting. "Ah, you must be General O'Neill. Mr. Teal'c has told me so much about you." Noting the brief flash of wariness in the taller man's eyes, he continued, "I am Anton Roget, perhaps Mr. Teal'c has mentioned me?"

Squelching his unease, Jack shook the offered hand briefly, while searching his memory, Roget, oh yeah, the gardener. "You're the man who grows orchids."

"Why, yes I am." Anton confirmed delightedly. "I grow many of nature's loveliest blossoms; perhaps you'd enjoy a visit to my greenhouse, General. It would give me great pleasure to share my paradise room with you."

It was blatantly obvious to Jack that the little man was interested in more than horticulture. O'Neill wasn't sure what a 'paradise room' was exactly, nor was he willing to find out. Gad! However, since Mr. Rogers here was a friend of T's, he would play nice. Assuming his ever-trusty dull-witted mantle of vacuous disinterest, Jack perused the buffet table and answered absently. "I doubt I'll be able to find the time. I am a very busy man these days."

Sighing audibly, Anton accepted the gentle rejection, fully aware that O'Neill was far more astute then he let on. In his vast experience, only the shrewd allowed themselves to appear obtuse. 'Oh well Anton, you were forewarned, but who could resist trying?'

"I understand, General. It would seem that the study of deep space radar telemetry is most time consuming. I have rarely seen dear Mr. Teal'c, or his Beverly, over the past several months. Perhaps, you are all working too hard?" Anton ventured kindly.

Sensing that Mr. Rogers had gotten the message, Jack relaxed, angling his tall frame alongside the wall once more. "Perhaps." He agreed quietly, taking a lengthy swallow from the long necked bottle in his hand.

Nodding, Anton turned slightly. Leaning against the same wall, he mimicked the rugged man's stance. "Yes, I think it is safe to say you all needed a break. Why, we have been planning this little celebration for months. I swear it has been postponed at least half-a-dozen times. It seemed dear Mr. Teal'c would never have his house warming!"

"Hmm," Jack responded distractedly, his attention straying to the couple in the corner. "Oh ya sure, a party is just what we needed."

Noting the object of O'Neill's focus, Anton wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Such a lovely woman."

Lowering his voice to one of rumination and cocking his head toward Jack, he continued, "Isn't it odd how many exceptional women choose the most mundane of flowers to enhance their beauty, sadly neglecting the more exotic and perhaps more satisfying blooms?"

Stunned, Jack refocused his gaze on the diminutive horticulturalist and stifled a snort of sardonic mirth. Sometimes a man found a kindred spirit in the most outrageous places. "Yep, downright peculiar."

Pleased he had brought the weary soldier beside him a moment of simple joy, Anton laughed lightly, reveling in this newfound simpatico.

Sharing the man's laughter, Jack felt lighter than he had in quite sometime. The mantle of command weighed heavily, even when off duty.

"I see now why Teal'c bestowed the honorary title of 'Master' on you, Anton."

Resisting the urge to preen, Anton demurred. "Mr. Teal'c is too kind. I am a simple gardener, nothing more."

Jack's estimation of the man beside him elevated a notch. Cocking an eyebrow of disbelief, Jack shrugged. "I hear people watching can be quite interesting."

"And, most enlightening, my dear General." Anton agreed softly.

The two new companions lapsed into silence, returning their attentions to the other occupants of the large living room.


Standing in the shadows of the hallway beyond, Daniel Jackson observed the exchange between Jack and Teal'c's unexpected new friend with typical fascination.

He knew Jack would handle the situation appropriately; this would not be the smoldering O'Neill's first encounter with someone enthralled by his charms. It happened again and again on this planet and many others, be they male or female, Jack's unconscious animal magnetism drew them like flies. Moreover, this peculiar fact had long ago become a source of profound mirth for his best friend.

Most of the time Jack feigned ignorance, but as Daniel was well aware, Jack understood exactly what these seekers wanted. Yet, despite his own distaste, he never failed to rebuff those advances gently.

Most folks mistook Jack's irreverent, hard-nosed and smart-ass manner. They rarely guessed that deep inside that crusty veneer was a man of astounding compassion and innate respect for others. Still, Daniel had wondered what Jack would make of Anton.

Having arrived to the party early, offering assistance with last minute preparations, he voiced his concern to Teal'c and been a bit surprised. The big Jaffa merely arched a brow and stated, "I believe that O'Neill will find Master Roget intriguing, Daniel Jackson."

Puzzled, Daniel wrinkled his brow. "Okay..."

Bowing slightly in dismissal, Teal'c returned to his arrangements.

It would appear that Teal'c had been right. After a brief exchange, the odd pair lounged easily behind the drink table, blissfully people watching.

Curious, Daniel moseyed over, intending to join them.


The general appeared unaware of Daniel's unwavering approach, but Anton zeroed in on the athletic and yet bookish man. 'Ah, I wondered how long Dr. Jackson would lurk in the shadows.' He'd been well aware of the younger man's concentration. Having met the earnest scholar on one previous occasion, he'd found the overly curious archeologist amiable enough. However, Anton was convinced that something simmered behind Jackson's benign smile. Yet, the source of this impression eluded him.

"Good evening Dr. Jackson. I trust you are enjoying the party?" Anton queried, dispassionately.

"I am, Mr. Roget." Daniel grabbed a beer and took his position at Jack's side, nodding a greeting to the little gardener. "Hey, Jack."

Jack continued to lounge against the wall, his piercing vision riveted on his best friend. "Daniel."

Despite his best efforts to elude him, Danny boy had been dogging Jack lately, constantly making veiled remarks and casting searching glances his way. His gut told him that he'd forgotten something, something Daniel deemed of important, but for the life of him, Jack had yet to figure out just what it was. He wished Danny would just come right out with it and ask, because until then they'd continue their game of cat and mouse.

"Jack." Daniel volleyed, eyeing his elusive friend.

"Daniel." Jack countered flatly.

"Jack." Daniel returned his unwavering stare.

Anton's head bobbled from side to side, taking in the careful blank expressions the two friends wore as they tossed an unspoken question back and forth; he sensed that he was in the way. Excusing himself, the bemused blossom keeper sought Teal'c hoping for an explanation.


As the little man moved away, Jack took another long swallow of beer and eyed Daniel with growing chagrin, his expression resigned. "Look, why don't we step outside and you can tell me just what has been eating at you these past few months?"

Daniel opened his mouth to reply, but a sultry voice cut him off. "Excuse me; would one of you please lend me a hand?"

Both men turned and stared opened mouth at the breathtaking woman standing just inside the doorway.

Wearing a turquoise suit sans heavy makeup and jewelry, she was tall, about five-feet ten and appeared to be in her mid-forties. Her shoulder length strawberry-blonde hair, sporting just a hint of silver, caught the light shimmering as she moved; a look of laughter lit her wide green eyes set in a heart shaped face. The open and radiant smile she offered relayed an air of friendliness and innate warmth.

Jack felt his heart turn over.

Thumping his beer bottle down on the table, he pushed himself away from a transfixed Daniel and toward the incandescent woman, like a moth to a flame. "Jack O'Neill, at your service."

Extending a well-manicured hand, the unknown stunner laughed lightly. "Oh, yes, General Jack O'Neill. We have a mutual friend, Teal'c."

Jack took the soft hand into his own hard-calloused grip and smiled boyishly. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage ma'am."

The clipped sound of heels running and a slightly high-pitched squeal distracted the woman briefly. "Ah, Cara, at last! I thought you'd never arrive!"

"Anton you imp, how you do so love to exaggerate." Releasing Jack's hand with an apologetic smile, the voluptuous creature threw herself into Anton's arms giggling.

"Naughty man, you've interrupted. I was just about to introduce myself to the general."

"Allow me that honor my dear." Anton clasped the woman's hand to his heart and cocked his head with a short bow. "General Jack O'Neill, may I present the inestimable Cara Fairburn." Gazing soulfully at Jack, he continued, "Cara my pet, this is our dear Mr. Teal'c's general."

Feeling like a character in a Gary Cooper western, Jack offered a tilted grin. "Miss Fairburn..."

Tilting her head up slightly, she looked deeply into Jack's eyes and purred. "Please, Jack call me Cara." Unconsciously, her full lips trembled and parted slightly as she released an inaudible sigh of attraction. 'Oh Lord Cara girl, you are in serious trouble. This man is extraordinarily dangerous, but oh so wonderfully irresistible.'

"It's settled then, we shall all be great friends." Clapping his hands with undisguised glee, Anton chortled. "Come dear sir, we must unload Cara's delectable offering to this little gathering."

As Anton, hustled him out the door, Jack's attention remained on the dazzling Cara's tempting pink lips. "Offering?"

"Yes offering. Our sweet Cara is quite a renowned chef you know." Anton minced with pride. "She studied in Paris. Her heavenly confections are highly sought after. Why the way Mr. Teal'c consumes her mouthwatering pastries, I'm very surprised he hasn't gained a good ten pounds!"

Still struggling to clear his muddled senses, Jack, his eyebrows climbing toward his hairline, tried to wrap his mind around that little tidbit. "Teal'c does have quite an appetite."

"Now that, my dear General O'Neill is a vast understatement." Anton intoned with pride. Chuckling fondly, he added, "However, I believe our dear friend needs a great deal of fuel to keep all those enormous muscles of his toned and plump."

Wondering just how he had gotten himself into this conversation, Jack closed his mouth and followed the self-appointed pied piper to a sporty black automobile gleaming in the driveway.

The shiny Lexus convertible's vanity license plate read: 'Creampuff.'

Anton popped the trunk and lifted out two large pink cake boxes. "Would you please grab the other two boxes, General?"

Reaching into the spotless interior, Jack lifted out the remaining cartons. "Just call me, Jack. You are not in the military and...well let's just say it's not necessary, okay?"

Deeply moved by this small admission of acceptance, Anton stopped short. Looking back over his shoulder, he offered a sad, yet satisfied smile. "I am honored, Jack. I hope we shall become fast friends."

Continuing on his way, the little florist continued, "I think you and Cara will get on famously. Teal'c and Beverly are mad for her company, as am I my dear fellow. I just know we shall all get on swimmingly, just like a great big eclectic family."

"Sweet..." Rolling his eyes with a grimace, Jack trudged along behind, muttering to himself. 'For crying out loud! That's just what you need O'Neill -- another eclectic family!?'


Cara eyed the young man before her inquiringly. From what little she had overheard, both he and the attractive O'Neill had been engaged in some sort of verbal battle; one she'd deliberately interrupted. "Hello."

Daniel gazed after Jack both irritated and bemused. Apparently, Jack was far more aware of his understated attempts to probe his memory than Daniel suspected. Now that Jack had decided to confront the situation head on, Daniel wasn't sure he was prepared.

The gentle hello alerted the usually polite Jackson that he was behaving rudely. Extending his hand, he grasped Cara's cordially. "Oops, sorry, I'm Daniel Jackson."

"Oh yes, Teal'c has told me a great deal about you, Dr. Jackson." Cara returned the handshake with a smile of recognition. "I am a closet historian myself you know."

"Oh?" Daniel replied inanely, still thinking about his pending encounter with Jack.

Well aware that Jackson's mind was elsewhere, Cara's own perverse sense of humor took over. "Don't worry Daniel; Anton won't abduct your companion."

Flushing furiously over the implied innuendo, Daniel sputtered. "What? Oh, of course not...Jack and I are just friends...that is, I mean..."

Realizing she'd made him uncomfortable, Cara was instantly contrite. "Forgive me, Dr. Jackson. That was a poor jest. Anton constantly bemoans my twisted sense of humor, I meant no offense."

'Great, just what I need, a female Jack O'Neill.' Self-conscious, Daniel changed the subject. "So, you're a friend of Teal'c's?"

"Yes. Our puckish little Anton introduced us some weeks ago." Cara replied with a kind smile. "He claimed that a much deprived Teal'c was suffering from 'poor cuisine' and brought both he and Beverly by my restaurant, Mia Cara, to 'restore their piteously abused palates.'"

Noting that Jackson's body language seemed more relaxed, she continued, "I swear the man has an infinite capacity for the consumption of fine food. He is especially fond of my teacakes."

The image of the big Jaffa, his pinkie finger extended, sipping tea and nibbling cakes, was hysterical. "Teacakes? Now that is a picture." 'Who knew?' Daniel responded with a laugh.

"Indeed. Cara Fairburn's cakes are most delectable, Daniel Jackson." Teal'c greeted the lovely chef with a dignified bow.

"Cake?" Jack questioned. "Did someone mention cake?"

Placing their burdens on the buffet table, the two unlikely compatriots joined the trio's conversation.

"Evidently, Teal'c has a fondness for Cara's teacakes." Daniel responded hiding a smile.

"Teacakes? I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a good teacake." Jack quipped. "Been holding out on me T?"

"I have O'Neill." Teal'c confirmed with a smirk.

Feigning a blow to his heart, Jack smirked back.

Delighted with this turn of conversation, Cara flipped open a pink box and pulling out one of the enticing confections, offered it to Jack with a modest smile. "Here, pop this in your mouth and tell me if it meets with your approval, General O'Neill."

"It's, Jack." Tantalized by both the woman and her icing covered cake, Jack opened his mouth obediently. As the small treat melted on his tongue, he resisted a sudden urge to pull the alluring Cara into his arms. "Yumm..."

Carefully dabbing at his satisfied lips with a napkin, Cara accepted his sigh of appreciation. "I'm looking forward to introducing you to all of my culinary secrets, Jack." She whispered huskily, her body leaning into his.

"Now our feast is complete!" Anton crowed. Sharing a conspiratorial look with the big Jaffa, he popped one of the mouthwatering cakes into his greedy mouth. 'Ah, our little ploy is shaping up nicely!' Chewing indelicately, he looked pointedly at Daniel and gestured to the box.

Teal'c needed no prodding. Happy that Cara and O'Neill seemed comfortable with each other, he regally chose one of the confections and devoured it gracefully.

Daniel followed suit, becoming another gastronomic captive.

Jack meanwhile, continued to allow the sensual Cara to press her hip against him as she fed him cake. She was audacious, her innuendo blatant, he found her nearness arousing; and yet, strangely comforting.

Cara watched Jack's hooded eyes dilate with desire. His body fairly thrummed with interest and she realized sadly, longing. Beverly's assessment of the general's loneliness was all too apt. What he needed was a good healthy dose of love and admiration.

Cara decided right then that her expert attention was just the tonic he needed for his ailing soul.


Beverly watched Cara make her move on the general from a perch on the sofa next to Sam. They'd been having a lovely conversation about Teal'c's chosen décor.

"I'd love a tour Bev." Sam requested enthusiastically.

"I think I'll let Teal'c give you the grand tour, Sam. He is quite proud of the place and I'd hate to rob him of ..."

Anton's raised voice drew the two women's attention to the crowd around the buffet table.

While Beverly was delighted with the events unfolding before them, Sam's discomfort was palpable.

"Ah well, it sounds to me as if Teal'c is a bit busy. Maybe later." Sam informed Beverly tightly. Her body stiffened and she studiously avoided direct eye contact with anyone in the group across the room. As Cara entwined herself so intimately around the receptive O'Neill, she dispatched the clueless Pete to the buffet for another beer.

Watching Sam surreptitiously, Beverly couldn't help but feel a small thrill of triumph.

When Teal'c informed her that Sam was engaged to the bland Pete, her first response was, "How dare Sam Carter toss Jack O'Neill aside like so much refuse?" When it came to love, the brilliant woman was a complete idiot. Well, now she was getting her comeuppance.

Still, Beverly couldn't help feeling sorry for the colonel; Sam's priorities were so very skewed!

Pulling Sam up gently, Beverly insisted. "Come on; let me show you the bedroom. It looks like something out of an old movie!"

Sam stumbled along behind, stifling her tears. It was her own fault, she'd moved along, left him behind and now the man she secretly loved above all others was moving on too. "An old movie? Sounds like my life." She whispered.


Jack glanced up catching Sam's retreat. He felt a brief twinge of guilt. Remembering her recent engagement, he quickly pushed those feelings aside and returned his full concentration to the captivating creature pressed against him.

It was time he moved on.


Teal'c, perceptive as ever, noted O'Neill's brief distraction, understanding his thoughts. It would appear his role as Banebje'det would prove to be a successful one. At last, the grateful Jaffa would return the great favor his brother of the soul had done for him. Surprisingly, this role of matchmaker had come easily; he found he liked it.

When Master Roget introduced him to the stylish Cara, Teal'c knew immediately that she would be a balm for O'Neill's disillusioned spirit. Despite her professional air of sophistication, she exuded an uncomplicated earthiness and simple grace. Moreover, she possessed a sense of humor and style not unlike O'Neill's own.

Beverly was skeptical at first, but over the course of a few days, she too became convinced that Cara Fairburn was the other half of O'Neill's soul.

Satisfied that he had made the correct choice, Teal'c reveled in his triumph. Perhaps, he should now look to Daniel Jackson's needs as well.

Placing a massive hand on Daniel shoulder, Teal'c sought his attention. "Come, Daniel Jackson."

Puzzled and intrigued, Daniel followed Teal'c out onto the balcony, sipping his beer. "What's up Teal'c?"

Teal'c stood silently for a moment collecting his thoughts. "How goes your pursuit of the woman, Sarah?"

Stunned, Daniel inhaled a small portion of beer.

Coughing, comprehension flooded his oxygen-deprived brain. "You fixed Jack up!"

Arching a brow, Teal'c smiled slightly. "I did indeed."

Craning his neck to look back at the couple still engaged in an intimate conversation, Daniel had to admit Teal'c had done very well by Jack. "Okay, well... job well done. As Jack would say, Cara is a peach, but I wonder what he'll say when he realizes what you've done."

"I believe O'Neill will be brief as ever in his praise; he is often succinct." Teal'c told him calmly.

"T..." Daniel began concerned. Jack O'Neill hated meddling; he was taciturn at his best and surly most of the time.

"You worry over nothing, Daniel Jackson." Teal'c continued, "I merely returned the favor O'Neill did me. Without his efforts as Banebje'det I would not have met my Beverly."

'Teal'c as matchmaker?' Mystified, Daniel bit back his response.

"I offer you my services as your Banebje'det Daniel Jackson." Teal'c told him gravely.

Jack's sarcastic voice preceded his presence as he moved out onto the balcony with his two closest friends. "Trying to convince Daniel here to try your banana diet T'man?"

"Indeed, O'Neill. I am.'' Teal'c confirmed.

Cocking his head to one side, Jack squinted his eyes and looked Daniel over thoughtfully. "Be good for you Danny boy, you need a woman."

Daniel resisted the urge to squirm. Even after all they'd been through together, Jack still made him feel like a geek on occasion.

Enjoying Danny's obvious indignation, Jack continued, "Maybe then you'll stop pestering me with all those veiled looks and vague references." Jack suggested wagging his eyebrows.

Daniel grasped the opportunity to confront Jack once and for all. "Ah Jack, I think your covert machinations were enough for this spurned troglodyte, thanks."

"What?" Jack barked confused. 'Spurned what?'

"Jack, how much of your memory have you misplaced?" Daniel asked with genuine sincerity.

"Huh?" Jack deflected, searching his vocabulary for the word troglodyte. "Get to the point Daniel."

Taking a deep breath, Daniel crossed his arms and held on tight. "My point is, Jack, we, that is Teal'c, Sam and I, are very much aware of the fact that since the events in Antarctica your memory is a's a tad..."

"Dr. Jackson, there is nothing wrong with my memory." Jack denied firmly.

"Really." Daniel clearly did not believe that to be the truth. "Then what am I talking about Jack?"

Jack's still recovering mind finally seized the definition of the odd troglodyte: hermit. Rapid images flooded his brain. Oh, crap! Now he understood all the pointed looks and the whole ham sandwich affair, not to mention Daniel's constant recent fascination with bananas.

Refusing to admit anything, the wily tactician sought to turn the table on his friend. "Well space monkey, I guess you'd be referring to the lovelorn correspondence of one Dr. H. Mercury Ham. How's that working out for you?"

Stunned and yet relieved that he'd been off the mark, Daniel played along. "Good. Got, oh, over a thousand responses, some of them are quite attractive too."

"Nice to know." Jack rocked back on his heels, his hands jammed in his pockets.

"I wonder why you did me that honor Jack?" Daniel asked, peering over his glasses at his friend.

"Well Danny boy, I was merely responding to your e-mail request for companionship." Jack replied smugly.

"E-mail?" Daniel queried innocently.

"Yes, Daniel the e-mail addressed to the agent of the lovelorn on yahell." Jack answered patiently.

"Daniel Jackson did not send that missive O'Neill." Teal'c informed him baldy.

Jack searched the pair's expressions, was this a joke? "Then who?" He asked with dread.

"I believe it was Colonel Carter's intention to tease you O'Neill." Teal'c told him quietly.

"I see." Jack said slowly.

He did see, quite clearly in fact. Crap! Another opportunity lost. 'O'Neill you are one sorry son of a bitch. Well, spilt milk.' Carter's engagement made it very clear his attentions were no longer wanted or needed.

Catching the abject look of compassion on Daniel's open face, Jack bristled and shrugged it off. "So now that we have that cleared up, I expect you'll spare me the veiled looks from now on, Daniel. And, I hope in the future you'll just come straight to the point and stop tormenting this beat up old man."

Smiling wryly, Daniel rebutted him. "I don't think Cara sees you that way Jack."

"Ah yes, speaking of the lady, I'll be taking my leave of you both. It was a great party T." Jack's expression lightened. "Cara wants to show me her restaurant."

"Don't you mean etchings Jack?" Daniel teased. "I think you may be in for a long night."

"Excellent." Jack sighed heartily. "Boys..."

Turning on his heel, a suddenly optimistic general made his way back to Cara's side and the two quickly departed.

Watching them leave, Daniel felt a surge of satisfaction.

Jack was going to be okay. He'd survived another dark hurdle with his usual aplomb. "You know Teal'c, Jack's ability to bounce back never ceases to amaze me."

Bowing his regal head, Teal'c agreed. "Indeed, Daniel Jackson. O'Neill is an inspiration."

Placing a heavy hand on Daniel's shoulder once more, the newly successful Banebje'det turned his unwavering resolve to his other needy friend.


That's all folks... I hope you enjoyed this little fiction. Thanks. Cjay

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